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6上 Unit1 The king’s new clothes 第一课时 教学内容 Story time 1. 能听懂、会读、会说: king, clothes, was, were, magic, clever, foolish, walk through, people, shout, beautiful, wear, point at, laugh. 2. 能听懂、会读、会说句型: Clever people can see the clothes. Foolish people 教学目标 can’t see them. The king isn’t wearing any clothes. 3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话。 4. 让学生体验故事表演的快乐,明白为人要诚实,待人要真诚。 课前分析 及准备 预习:通过阅读课文,了解故事大意。 图片、光盘 教 学 预 设 Step1. Warm-up Free talk Step2. Pre-reading 1. Talk about our clothes and learn “clothes” T: What is it ? 出示各种衣服图片 What are they? 引出clothes 2. Know about the king (learn “king”)出示国王图片 T:Who is he? How do you know? Are his clothes beautiful? Step3.While-reading 1. Watch the cartoon and guess the name of the story. 1)the time: When did the story happen? 备 注 T: Welcome to school. Nice to see you again. We have a happy summer holiday. What do you often do on Sundays? What did you do in the summer holiday? Ss: I played football. I … 授课时间 9.1 备课人 杨霞 2. Fast reading. Read the story individually and try to find (Learn: long long ago, was, were) out: 3. Learn Paragraph 1. 1)Listen and answer: Why did the two men visit the king? What did they say? 2) Read it together. 2) the main characters: Who are in the story? 1)read and complete the following sentence: According to the two men, the king’s Pay attention to the pronunciation of the words: liked, new clothes are . visited. 4. Learn Paragraph 2. 5.Paragraph 3 and 4: read in pairs/groups and act. 1) The king walked through the city in his new clothes. Learn: walk through. 2) What did the people say? Try to act and say. 3) What did the boy say? Try to act and say 4) Learn the new words: shout, point at, laugh. Because foolish) 2) Listen and repeat. 3) Try to act the two men. 1)Read and do the exercise. .(learn: magic, clever, And pay attention to the pronunciation of the words: 2)Check. looked, shouted, pointed, laughing 5) What do you think of the boy and the people in the street? Why? 6. Read and finish the exercise. Step4.Post-reading Step5.Homework 1. Read the story time and try to recite it. 2. 《课课练》 教 学 反 思 在小学的英语教学的过程中,教师有时往往为了培养学生对英语学习的兴趣,经常会利用游戏,因为游戏受到学生的喜爱。课堂上唱唱跳跳,说说演演,形式花哨,十分热闹,使学生在快乐中接受教师预设的价值取向。但时间一久,我们不难发现:很多学生原有的最初的学习热情急剧下降,原始的兴趣正逐渐地不复存在,他们会因为有些游戏的重复,而显得无精打采。

3)Read the whole story together. 1. Act the story in groups. 2. Try to retell.

