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Layout of Business letter Exercises

I. Arrange the following in proper form as they should be set out in a letter: 1. Sender’s name: China Fujian Chemical Imp.& Exp. Corp. 2. Sender’s address: 128 WuyiRoad , Fuzhou, China 3. Sender’s Fax: 0591-7533426

4. Sender’s telephone number: 0591-7533526 5. Date: March 23, 2003

6. Receiver’s name H.G Wilkinson Company Limited

7. Receiver’s address: 245 Lombart Street, Lagos, Nigeria 8. Subject-matter: Sewing Machines 9. The message:

We thank you for your letter of March 16 enquiring for the captioned goods.

The enclosed booklet contains details of all our Sewing Machines and will enable you to make a suitable selection.

We look forward to receiving your specific enquiry with keen interest. II. Address an envelope for the above letter Key to the Exercises

I. Arrange the following in proper form as they should be set out in a letter: : China Fujian Chemical Imp. & Exp. Corp. 128 WuyiRoad , Fuzhou, China

Fax: 0591-7533426 Tel: 0591-7533526 March 23, 2003

H.G Wilkinson Company Limited

245 Lombart Street, Lagos, Nigeria Dear Sirs,

Re: Sewing Machines

We thank you for your letter of March 16 enquiring for the captioned goods.

The enclosed booklet contains details of all our Sewing Machines and will enable you to make a suitable selection.

We look forward to receiving your specific enquiry with keen interest. Yours faithfully,

II. Address an envelope for the above letter: China Fujian Chemical (Stamp) Imp. & Exp. Corp. 128 Wuyi Road Fuzhou, China H.G Wilkinson Company Limited 245 Lombart Street, Lagos, Nigeria (Registered)


Chapter II

Establishing Business Relations

Lesson One Exercises

I. Translate the following expressions:

? cotton piece goods6. 另函

? state-operated corporation 7. 供你方参考 ? import and export8. 商务参赞处 ? business lines9. 盼望

? establish business relations10. 最新的商品目录 II. Translating the following into English:

? We are informed that _______________________________________(你公司是经营化


? We shall let you know our comments_________________________________(一俟收到


? We are ______________________________________(专门从事中国工艺品出口). ? We hope to _______________________________________________(与你们建立贸易


? ________________________________(兹航寄) three sample books.

? ______________________________________________(我们已经和世界上一百多个

国家的商号建立了关系) on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods.

III. Translate the following sentences into Chinese:

o We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you as a state corporation

specializing in the export business of canned goods, and express our desire to enter into business relations you.

o Our company is one of the import and export corporations in Shanghai

commercial circle authorized by the Ministry for Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation. We have enjoyed a good reputation in the world market for a long time.

o We are one of the leading exporters of first class cotton and rayon goods and are

enjoying an excellent reputation through fifty years’ business experience. o Through the courtesy of the Chamber of Commerce in Tokyo, we have learned

that you have been supplying the best quality foods all over the world. o We are desirous of enlarging our trade in various agricultural products, but

unfortunately have had no good connections in the southern part of Russia. Therefore we shall be obliged if you kindly introduce us to some of the most capable and reliable importers.

IV. Translate the following sentences into English :

1.承蒙外国商会介绍得知你公司的名称地址。 2.我们将会航空邮寄样品一份。 3.我们对你方样本里的彩笔很感兴趣,请寄报价单来

4.现借此机会向贵公司介绍,我们是国营公司,专门经营工艺品。 5.我们是中国轻工产品的主要出口商之一,愿与你公司建立业务关系。



Key to Lesson One

I. Translate the following expressions into Chinese: 1. 棉布业务6.under separate cover 2. 国营公司7.for your reference

3 进出口8. commercial counselor’s office 4 业务范围9. look forward to

5 建立业务关系10. latest catalogue

II. Translating the following into English:

1. ?you are a state-owned corporation dealing in chemicals. 2. ?upon receipt of your quotation 3. ?specializing in arts and crafts.

4. ?establish business relations with you. 5. We are airmailing you?

6. We have established business relations with the firms of more than 100 countries in the world?

III. Translate the following sentences into Chinese:

1. 我们很乐意向你自我介绍, 我们是一家国营公司专门经营罐头食品出口业务,我们渴望和


2. 我们是国家对外贸易经济合作部批准成立的上海商业系统的进出口公司。我们在世界上一直享有很高的声誉。

3. 我们是一流棉布与人造丝业务的主要出口商之一,由于有五十年的业务经验使我们享有极佳的声誉。

4. 承蒙东京商会介绍,我们了解贵公司在世界各地供应高品质的食品。 5.我们渴望扩大各种各样的农产品范围,但遗憾的是我们在俄罗斯南部没有顾客,因此若能介绍该地区的一些最可靠的进口商将不胜感激。

IV. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. We owe your name and address to the chambers of commerce abroad. 2. We will send you a copy of sample book by airmail.

3. We are interested in the colorful pens in your sample. Please kindly send your quotations to us.

4. We avail ourselves of this opportunity to introduce you as a state-operated corporation specializing in arts and crafts. 5. We are one of the leading exporters of Chinese industrial products and are desirous of entering into business relations you.

6. We will let you know upon receipt of new supplies.


Lesson Two Exercises

I. Translate the following expressions:

? fall within the scope of our business activities6. 销售代表 ? sister corporation7. 信汇 ? open an account8. 轻工产品 ? business background9. 客观资料 ? refer to10.商品交易会

II. Complete the following sentences in English:

? We are interested in ___________(各种中国自行车). Please send us your pricelist for the


? ____________________________(现随函寄去关于…的出口清单)of our chemicals. ? _____________________________(欢迎你方对…的询盘) for cotton piece goods. ? Your letter may addressed to our liaison office in Alexander

________________________(已转交我们办复). ? To acquaint you with the sewing machines we export

now,____________________________ (我们寄两本目录册).

III.Choose the best answer: () 1. We shall be glad to send you our lowest quotation _____ receipt of your detailed requirements.

a. onb. withc. ind. as soon as

() 2. We are a corporation,________ both the import and export of textiles. a. handling inb. tradingc specializingd. dealing in

() 3. If your price is reasonable, we shall _____ an order _______ you. a. place/withb. make/fromc. have/withd. take/for () 4. Your letter of September10_______ to Fujian foreign trade corp. has been passed on to us for attention and reply.

a. addressesb. addressingc. addressedd. being addressed

() 5. We have been importers _______ foodstuffs for many years. a. tob. ofc. ford. on

() 6. One of our clients __________ Chinese black tea. a. in the market forb. are in the market for c. is in the market ford. be in the market for () 7. Please refer______ the pricelist enclosed. a. tob. withc. ford. on

() 8. Please let us have a copy of your pricelist so that we may acquaint ourselves _________ your products. a. tob. withc. ford. in

IV. Fill in the blanks in their proper form with the following words and phrases: be interested inlook forward tobe connected withbe engaged insend be favorablerefer to Dear Sirs, 4

Through the courtesy of your embassy in China, we learn that your firm ______________ establishing business relations with a Chinese firm to sell various light industrial products of your country to China.

We ______________import business for many years and _____________ all the major dealers here. We therefore, feel sure that we can sell large quantities if your offers _________. We would like you to _________ us a catalogue and pricelist, and possibly some samples of the goods that you are principally interested in selling, so that we can study the sales possibility in our market. As to our standing , please _____________ Bank of China, Beijing.

We _________ the pleasure of hearing from you. Yours faithfully,

IV. Translate the following sentences into English : 1.我们盼望在交易会上再次见到你方代表。 2.希望能和贵方开启交易关系。 3.我们有把握销售你方的产品。


5.你方10月5日致我总公司的信已转交我公司办理答复,因你所要的货属于我们经营范围. 6.至于我们的信用情况,请向中国银行上海分行咨询。

Key to Lesson Two

I. Translate the following expressions into Chinese: 1.属于我们的经营范围6. sales representative 2.兄弟公司7. T/T

3.开启账户8. light industrial products 4.业务背景9.objective information 5.查询、提交10.commodity fair

II. Complete the following sentences in English: 1.various kinds of Chinese bicycles 2.We are enclosing our export list 3.We welcome your enquiries

4.has been passed on to us for attention and reply 5.We are sending two catalogues III. Choose the best answer: 1.a2. d3. a4. c5. b6 . c7. a8. b

IV. Fill in the blanks with the following words and phrases.

is interested in,are engaged in,are connected with,are favorable,send,refer to, look forward to

V. Translate the following sentences into English :

1.We are looking forward to meeting your representative again at the fair. 2.We are in the hope of opening an account with you. 3.We have confidence in selling your product.

4.As our goods are both excellent in quality and very reasonable in price, they meet a warm reception in the world market.

5.Your letter of October 5 addressed to our head office has been passed on to us for attention and reply as the article you need is within our business scope.


1) 由于进口许可证的缘故,信用证展期是不可能的。


3)由于港口拥挤,请将341号信用证的装运期展至6月1日,议付有效期展至6月15日。 4)和平轮定于本月25日启航开往欧洲。因为你们的信用证修改书至今未到,我们恐怕赶不及将货物装该轮。


IV. Write a reply to the text rejecting the exporter’s request for L/C extension.

Lesson Sixteen


I. Translate the following expressions into Chinese or vice verse:

1. applicant

2. documentary L/C 3. bona fide holder 4. blank endorsed

5. European Main Ports 6. 受益人 7. 改证 8. 保险单 9. 海运提单 10. 运费预付

II. Fill in the blanks with proper words:

1) Your L/C No. 105 is established the amount of US$1,000. 2) Owing to there no direct steamer to your port this month, you are requiredto amend the L/C allowing _.

3) Please Items 1, 2, 3, 4 and replace them by those in your S/C.

4) The buyers insist that an irrevocable L/C is to be within ten days as the goods are ready for.

5) We have on you at sight a for 100% of the value, which please honor upon . III. Choose the best answer to complete the following statements. 1) On perusal of your L/C No. 234, we found the Art No. 102 does not what is contracted, which should be amended Art. No. 703. a. agree to,tob. agree for, to read

c. agree on, readingd. agree with, to read

2) We note with regret that your L/C 125 was opened UDS$50,000 only. Please have it amended our S/C SF52, adding “5% tolerance allowed” the items of quantity and amount.

a. for, on, forb. for, against, under c. in, to, underd. for, for, to

3) All the banking charges outside China should be the buyer’s account.. a. withb. forc. ofd. to


4) It is entirely our control that we have to cancel the remaining 2,000 dozen of your Order 95. Kindly have the L/C accordingly. a. beyond, extendedb. for, amended c. beyond, amendedd. on, extended

5) Will you please remit the extra charges to the Citybank New York our credit? a. byb. forc. acrossd. over

IV. Translate the following sentences

1)我们遗憾地发现有些条款与合同中的条款不符。 2) 请删除你信用证中“禁止在香港转船”的条款。

3) 关于信用证6523号,请通知银行将佣金改为5%,不胜感激。

4) 受益人应为“太平洋贸易公司”,而不是“东方贸易有限公司”。 5) 请将上述信用证做如下修改:“由青岛装运”改为“由大连装运”。 6) 请注意做到在下月初开出信用证并准许转船和分批转运。

7) 由于往你港的直达轮很少且间隔时间很长,我们只好经香港转船。

Key to Lesson Sixteen

I. Translate the following expressions into Chinese or vice verse 1. 申请开证人6. beneficiary

2. 跟单信用证7. amendment to L/C 3. 善意持有人8. insurance policy 4. 空白背书9. ocean bill of lading 5. 欧洲主要口岸10 freight prepaid

II. Fill in the blanks with proper words:

1) short, to2) being, transshipment3) delete, stipulated

4) established, shipment5) drawn, draft, invoice, presentation III. Choose the best answer to complete the following statements. d, b, b, c, b

IV. Translate the following sentences

1) We regret to find that some stipulations in the L/C are not in accordance with those of the S/C.

2) Please delete the clause “Transshipment in Hong Kong is prohibited”.

3) Regarding L/C No. 6523, we shall appreciate it if you would inform your bank to amend the commission to 5%.”

4) The beneficiary should be “Pacific Trading Co., Ltd.” instead of “The East Trading Company

5) Please amend the above-mentioned L/C as follows: “from Qingdao” instead of “from Dalian”. 6) Please note that the L/C should be opened by the beginning of next month, allowing transshipment and partial shipments.

7) We will have to transship via Hong Kong as the direct steamers to your port are far and few between.

Key to Lesson Fifteen

I. Translate the following expressions into Chinese or vice verse: 1. 规定,条款5.under such circumstances 2. 弥补,配齐6. extension of L/C


3. 旺盛需求7. negotiating bank 4. 由于8. respectively

II. Filling the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1) for, for, by2) from, to, within, of, for, of3) to, of, of, of, to 4) for, on, before, within5) Under, for, by, of, of III. Put the following sentences into English.

1) It is impossible to extend the L/C owing to the problem of Import License. 2) As the time of shipment and validity in your L/C are the same, please extend the validity of the

L/C for 15 days according to practices.

3) Owing to the congestion of the port, please extend the date of shipment and the validity in L/C No. 341 to June 1 and June 15 respectively.

4) The S.S. “Peace” is scheduled to sail for Europe on the 20th this month. We are afraid we shall not be able to catch the steamer because your L/C amendment has not yet arrived.

5) The amendment to L/C No. 3325has not yet arrived. Please have it amended by telex so that we can arrange early shipment.

IV. Write a reply to the text rejecting the exporter’s request for L/C extension. Dear Sirs,

L/C No. TUH4782

We have received your letter of April 30 and regret to say that we are unable to extend the subject L/C.

As we told you before, the goods are intended for the coming exhibition. Shipment in June would be too late, which will inevitably cause us heavy losses.

You are requested to do your utmost to fulfill the order as contracted. Please act promptly and let us have your reply soonest possible. Yours faithfully,

Lesson Seventeen


I. Translate the following expressions into Chinese or vice verse 1. to order 2. applicant 3. authorize 4. 不符点 5. 商业发票 6. 信用证到期日

II. Fill in the blanks with prepositions:

1) We invite your attention the fact that the L/C covering your Order No. 809 has not reach us spite our repeated request.

2) view these discrepancies we had to refuse to accept the draft and now hold the documents your disposal.

3) In compliance the request in your letter under reply,L/C No. 9502 has been opened


your favor by telex to be valid November 30.

4) We suggest payment bill of exchange drawn us at 20 day’s sight. 5) The establishment your L/C is overdue and we have to sell our stock other clients. III. Choose the best answer for the following statements. 1) We think that our L/C may have your letter reply.

a. met, inb. crossed, underc. missed, underd. crossed, in

2) Under the circumstances, we are sorry that we cannot do but the shipment of your order the covering L/C arrives.

a. stop, afterb. effect, untilc. hold, untild. postpone, when

3) Our shipment advice was airmailed to you a week ago and you no doubt it by now. a. will receiveb. have hadc. will have receivedd. must receive

4) We have received your letter of April 3, in which you stated that through an oversight on your part that the L/C had not been opened before the agreed time limit. a. /b. it was becausec. it wasd. because

5) Failure to observe general terms and conditions of the sales contract would . a. result from financial lossesb. give rise to disputes

c. need to amend the sales confirmationd. give rise to amend the L/C

IV. Fill in the blanks with the missing words and then translate the letter into Chinese. Dear Sirs,

Your L/C No. 11522 1,000 Dozen Bath Towels

The above L/C calls for direct shipment and allows no tr. It would be quite in o. Were it not for the fact that dsare at present fand f_____between. The only near opportunity is the S.S. “Calches”, on which, unfortunately, no tonnage is available dto congestion of goods. Under the circumstances, it is necessary for us to request you to athe L/C to a____t, failing which the delivery of the above-mentioned goods would forcible be delayed beyond the contracted date.

A cable to this ewas sent to you today and it will be much aif you will telegraph the modification as requested.

Skill Training for Establishment, Extension of and Amendment to L/C

I. Write a letter in English asking for amendments to the following letter of credit by checking it with the given contract terms. COMMERCIAL BANK OF THATTOWN DOCUMENTARY LETTER OF CREDIT IRREVOCABLE

No. BOC 92/10/05

Date: October 5, 1992

To: China National Cereals, Oils & Foodstuffs Corporation Beijing, China

Advised through Bank of China, Beijing Dear Sirs,


Your are authorized to draw on Hong Kong Food Company, Vancouver for a sum not exceeding CAN$ 120,000 (SAY CANADIAN DOLLARS ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY THOUSAND ONLY) available by draft drawn on them at sight accompanied by the following documents: --Full set of Clean on Board Bills of Lading made out to order and blank endorsed, marked “freight to collect” dated not later than November 30, 1992 and notify accountee.

--Signed Commercial Invoice in quintuplicate. --Canadian Customs Invoice in quintuplicate. --Insurance Policies ( or Certificates ) in duplicate covering Marine and War Risks. Evidencing shipment from China port to Montreal, Canada of the following goods: 50, 000 tins of 430 grams of Great Wall Brand Strawberry Jam, at CAN$ 2.50 per tin CFRC3% Vancouver, details as per your S/C No. 92/8712. Partial shipments are allowed. Transshipment is allowed.

This credit expires on November 30, 1992 for negotiation in China. ?? 合同条款

卖方:中国粮油食品公司(China National Cereals, Oils & Foodstuffs Corporation) 买方:温哥华香港食品公司(Hong Kong Food Company, Vancouver) 商品名称:长城牌草莓酱(Great Wall Brand Strawberry Jam) 规格:340克听装 数量:50, 000听

单价:CFR温哥华每听2.50加元,含佣3% 总值:125, 000加元



合同号码:92/8712 II. Write a letter in English asking for amendments to the following letter of credit by checking it with the given contract terms. 相关信用证: Overseas Bank

Documentary Letter of Credit May 7, 1997

To: China Export Corporation Beijing, China

Advised through Bank of China, Beijing No. LOC5797 Dear Sirs,

Your are authorized to draw on Liverpool Trading Co. for a sum not exceeding RMB¥477, 500(Say Renminbi One Hundred Seventy-Seven Thousand Five Hundred Only) by draft drawn on them at sight accompanied by the following documents: --Signed Commercial Invoice in triplicate. --Customs Invoice in duplicate.


