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一、Quantum系列指示灯 1、 CPU模块指示灯
Color Ready Green RUN Green Modbus 1 Green Modbus 2 Green Modbus+ Green Mem Prt Amber LEDs Bat1 Low Error
Red Red Indication when On The CPU has passed powerup diagnostics. The CPU has been started and is solving logic. Communications are active on the Modbus port 1. Communications are active on the Modbus port 2. Communications are active on the Modbus Plus port. Memory is write protected (the memory protect switch is on). The battery needs replacing. Indicates an communications error on the Modbus Plus port. 2、 电源模块(Power Supply Modules)指示灯
Pwr ok:绿色,亮说明电源模块能够向底板总线提供电源。 3、热备模块(Hot Standby Module)140CHS11000指示灯:
Indicator Reday Color Green Message If steady, power is being supplied to the module and it has passed initial internal diagnostic tests.If blinking, module is trying to recover from an interface error. If steady, CHS 110 modules are communicating. If blinking, an error has been detected. Module is supporting primary controller. Module is retrying communications or communications failure has been detected. If steady, module is supporting standby controller, which is ready to assume primary role if needed. If blinking, program update is in progress. Com Act Primary Com Err Standby Green Green Red Amber 4、 SOE模块140ERT85410指示灯 LEDs R Active F 1…32 Color Green Green Red Green Function Ready. The power on selftest (POS) was successful. The firmware is running correctly and the module is ready for service. Communication with the TSX Quantum CPU is active. Composite Fault. Lights for all occurances of the configured faults. Input signals. Lights for process input ”1” signal. 5、 以太网模块NOE
Premium系列PLC CPU指示灯根据不同处理器有4个或5个,各指示灯说明如下:
① RUN (green) : application status (on : normal operation; flashing : PLC stopped or software blocking fault; off : PLC not configured, application missing, invalid or incompatible with the type of processor, PLC error, processor or system fault)
② ERR (red) : processor or memory card or PCMCIA communication card fault (on : PLC fault, processor or system fault; flashing : PLC not configured, application missing, invalid or incompatible with the type of processor, PLC software blocking fault, memory card battery fault, Bus X fault ; off : normal operation)
③ I/O (red) : I/O faults (on : I/O fault, (module, channel or configuration), flashing : Bus X fault ; off : normal operation)
④ TER (yellow) : this indicates activity on the terminal port (flashing :
exchange taking place on the terminal port).(该端口可用于下载应用程序) ⑤ FIP (yellow) : only on TSX/TPMX P57 i52 processors, it indicates activity on the FIPIO bus (flashing : exchanges taking place on the FIPIO bus).
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