剑桥国际英语interchange2-unit 11 - 图文
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1 Snapshot
Famous landmarks
The Statue of LibertyMac Picchu
The Eiffel Tower
The Colosseum in Rome
2.PESPECTIVES The Empire State Building
A How much do you know about the Empire State Building?Check (√) the sentences you think are true.
B Now listen and check your answers. What information is the most surprising?
Passive with by (simple past)
The passive changes the focus of a sentence.
For the simple past, use the past of be + past particpleActive
The president opened the building in 1931.An American artitect designed the building.Pssive
It was opened by the president in 1931.It was designed by an American architect.
A . Match the phrases in column A from B
1. The Kiss
2.Thesong\3.The film Schindler's List
4. The novel Pride and Prejudice5.The opera CarmenB
a. was composed by Georges Bizet.b. was painted by Gustav Klimt.c. was written by Jane Austen.
d. was directed by Steven Spielberg.e.was recorded by the Beatles
B. Pair work Chang these sentences into passive
?????1 Frederic Bartholdi designed the Statue of Liberty in 1884.2 Marie Curie discovered radium in 1898.
3 Gabriel Garcia Marquea wrote One Hundred Years of Solitude in 1971.4 Woo Paik produced the first digital HDTV(high-definition television) in 1991.
5 Salma Hayek played Frida Kahlo in the movie Frida in 2002.
A Listen and practice. Notice how the letter o is pronounced in the
following words.
B How is the letter o pronounced in these words? write them in the correct column in part A. Then listen and check your answers.
come done lock own shot soon who wrote
6 Listening :Ancient monuments
1. The Pyramids 2. Machu PicchuEgyptian an ancient Inca cityNile in the jungleCairo['ka??r??] tourist attraction
burial place ruin:something are the parts of it that
remain after it has been severely mummy
damaged or weakened.
preserve[pr??z?:v]: keep
belonging 3. The Great Wall
man-made structureprotect the borderstretch
7 WORD POWER Where is it from?
A Complete the chart. Then add one more to each category.cars cattle chickens coffee corn lobsters
microchips oysters rice sheep shrimp televisionsFarmed:Grown:
B Group work Talk about things that are found in your country.\
8 CONVERSATION I need some information.
Kelly: Hello?
John: Oh,hello. I need some information. What currency is used in the European Union?
Kelly: Where?
John: The European Union.
Kelly: I think the euro is used in most of the EU.John: Oh, right. And is English spoken much there?Kelly: I really have no diea.
John: Huh? Well, what about credit cards? Are they acceped everywhere?Kelly: How would I konw?
John: Well, you are a travel agent, aren't you?
Kelly: What?This is a hair salon. You halve the wrong number.
Passive without by (simple present)
For the simple present, use the present of be+ past particleActive
They use the euro in most of the European Union.They speak English in many European countries.They manufature a lot of cars in Europe.Passive
The euro is used in most of the EU.
English is spoken in many European countires.A lot of cars are manufatured in Europe.
A Complete the sentences. Use the simple present passive form.
Many crops_____(grow) in Taiwan. Some crops_____(consume) locally, but others _________(export). Tea_____(grow) in cooler parts of the island and rice_____(cultivate)in warmer parts. Fishing is also an important industry. A wide variety of seafood_____(catch). Many people ______(employ) in the electrinics and textile industries.B Complete the sentence. Use the passive of these verbs.grow make up manufacture raise speak use1. French and English ______ in Canada,2. A lot of rice ____ in Vietnam.3. The U.S_____ of 50 states.
4. A lot of sheep ____ in New Zealand.
5, Cars and computer_____ in South Korea.6. The U.S dollar ____ in Ecuador.
10 LISTENING Colombia
A Listen to a short talk about Colombia. Complete the chart.?Facts about Colombia?Location?Population?Language?Industries
?Agricultural products
B Listen again. Check(√)the things the speakers mentions about Colombia.
□beaches □lakes
□rivers □snow-capped mpountains□volcanoes □hot lowland plains
11 SPEAKING True or false?
A Pair work Choose a country. Then answer these questions. Include one false statement.
Where is it located? What currency is used?What cities are found there? What labguages are spoken? What famous tourist attraction is found there?What products are exported?
B Class activity Give a short talk like the one in Excercise 10 about the country you choose. Can the class identify the false statement?
12 WRITING A guidebook introduction
A Make an information chart like the one in Excercise 10 about a country you know. Then write an introduction for a guidebook about the country.For example: Vietnam is located in Southeast Asia. It has a population of over 80 million people. Vietnamese is the official language. The country has many beautiful beaches, high mountains, and busy cities. Rice is grown in...
B Group work Exchange papers. Is any important information missing? Do you want to visit the country?
A Guide To Unusual Museums
1 Do you like museums? Have you been to the Louvre in Paris, the
museum of Anthropology in Mexio City, or any of those other \musems? Well,, now it's time to go off the beaten path.The Kimchi Museum Seoul, South Korea
2 If you don't kow about kimchi, a trip to the Kimchi Museum is an eye-opening experience. The museum was founded in 1986 to highlight South Korea's rich kimchi culture. The exhibit includes displays of cooking utensils and materials related to making, storing, and eating the famous pickled vegetables. The museum also provides details about the history and
nutritional benefits of South Korea's most beloved side dish. Fianlly, stop by the souvenir shop to try various types of kimchi.
The Museum of Gold Bogota, Colombia
3 If you want to see beautiful objects, the Museum of Gold is the place. It holds one of South America's most stunning cillections. Because the
exhibits sparkle so brightly, you can actually take photographs without using a flash on your camera! Not everything is made of gold, though. Among the exhibits are ancient pre-Columbian items. Many of them are made from a mixture of gold and copper. kown as tumbaga.The Chocolate Museum Cologne ,Germany
4 Thed Chocolate Museum will teach you everything about chocolate-from cocoa bean to candy bars. You'll learn about chocolate‘s 3000-year history and discover how it was once used as money in South Ameica. A real chocolate factory shpows you how chocolate is made. After you've
finished the tour, you can sample a complimentary drink of richl, gooey pure chocolate-perfect for those with a sweet tooth.
The Museum of Gold Bogota, Colombia
3 If you want to see beautiful objects, the Museum of Gold is the place. It holds one of South America's most stunning cillections. Because the
exhibits sparkle so brightly, you can actually take photographs without using a flash on your camera! Not everything is made of gold, though. Among the exhibits are ancient pre-Columbian items. Many of them are made from a mixture of gold and copper. kown as tumbaga.The Chocolate Museum Cologne ,Germany
4 Thed Chocolate Museum will teach you everything about chocolate-from cocoa bean to candy bars. You'll learn about chocolate‘s 3000-year history and discover how it was once used as money in South Ameica. A real chocolate factory shpows you how chocolate is made. After you've
finished the tour, you can sample a complimentary drink of richl, gooey pure chocolate-perfect for those with a sweet tooth.
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