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The hospital is carrying ____ tests to find out what's wrong with her. 选择一项: a. over b. out 正确 c. off d. away
正确答案是:out 题目22
Speed limits should lead ____ fewer deaths on the roads. 选择一项: a. to 正确 b. off c. on d. in
正确答案是:to 题目23 a. result in b. results in c. results from d. result from
正确答案是:results from 题目24
He's hoping for ___ as a doctor. 选择一项:
a. job b. a work c. labour d. a career
正确答案是:a career 题目25
Cycling is a good exercise. ____, it doesn’t pollute the air. 选择一项: a. Therefore b. Moreover c. But d. However
正确答案是:Moreover 题目26
He is ____ at doing this kind of job. 选择一项: a. imefficient b. nonefficient c. unefficient d. inefficient
正确答案是:inefficient 题目27
Heat causes the ____ of gas. 选择一项: a. growth b. increase c. expansion d. extension
正确答案是:expansion 题目28
Several languages are likely to die ____. 选择一项: a. out b. down c. off d. of
正确答案是:out 题目29
He is trying to find a new way to __ a living. Which of the following is not correct? 选择一项: a. get b. earn c. take d. make
正确答案是:take 题目30
I spent most of my money in the first week and ____ had very little for food at the end of the holiday. 选择一项: a. since b. however c. moreover d. consequently
正确答案是:consequently 题目1
正确答案是:which house 题目2
正确答案是:which is increasing 题目3
正确答案是:which adds
正确答案是:which brings 题目5
正确答案是:which causes 题目6
正确答案是:which leads 题目7
正确答案是:which drives 题目8
正确答案是:It’s one of the driest summers we have ever known. 题目9
正确答案是:It’s the coldest winter we’ve ever had. 题目10
正确答案是:It’s the wettest day I’ve ever experienced. 题目11
正确答案是:It’s one of the hottest weekends I’ve ever known. 题目12
正确答案是:It’s the warmest autumn we’ve ever had. 题目13
正确答案是:It’s one of the most beautiful summers we’ve ever had. 题目14
正确答案是:It’s one of the coolest springs we’ve ever known. 题目15
正确答案是:It’s one of the coolest springs we’ve ever known. 题目16
Sixty million people who ____________ in rural areas are moving to cities every year. 选择一项: a. lived b. lives c. living
d. live
正确答案是:live 题目17
This growth, ____________________ mainly in Southeast Asia and Africa, has dramatic consequences. 选择一项: a. happens
b. which is happening c. which happening d. which happened
正确答案是:which is happening 题目18
Civil war or regional conflicts also cause disruption, __________ people out of rural areas. 选择一项: a. drives b. drove c. driving d. driven
正确答案是:driving 题目19
There are many cities _________________ very fast. 选择一项: a. expanding b. expands c. expanded d. expand
正确答案是:expanding 题目20
Such changes can alter the social structure, _________ people to move.
a. with b. to 正确 c. for d. on
be unfriendly to sb“对某人不友好”。因此,此题选句意为:他对新来的人不是很友好。 正确答案是:to 题目24 正确
We can ____ wait to hear the news. 选择一项: a. rarely b. hardly 正确 c. nearly d. seldom
B,to 最合适,rarely “很少地”;hardly “几乎不”;nearly “几乎”;seldom“很少”。因此,此题选B, hardly 最合适,句意为:我们迫不及待地想听到这个消息。 正确答案是:hardly 题目25 正确
He expressed his great ___ for the girl he loved. 选择一项: a. passion 正确 b. feeling c. sense d. feelings
passion “激情”,great passion “强烈的情感”;feeling “感觉”;sense “感觉”;feelings“感情”。因此,此题选A,passion 最合适,句意为:他表达了对她所爱的女孩的强烈的情感。 正确答案是:passion 题目26
In order to log ____ the system you have to type in your password. 选择一项: a. in b. on c. in to 正确 d. off to
log in to ?“进入”因此,此题选C, in to 最合适,句意为:为了进入该系统,你必须输入你的密码。 正确答案是:in to 题目27 正确
For more information, visit our ____ at www.cambridge.org. 选择一项: a. net
b. website 正确 c. internet d. network
net “网”;website “网站”;internet “因特网”;network“网络”。因此,此题选B,website 最合适,句意为:想了解更多信息,请访问我们的网站www.cambridge org。 正确答案是:website 题目28 正确
He tried to hack ____ the banking system. 选择一项: a. to b. on c. into 正确 d. for
hack into “非法进入”。因此,此题选C,into 最合适,句意为:他试图非法进入该银行系统。 正确答案是:into 题目29 正确
What’s the ___ difference between the two parties? 选择一项: a. essential 正确 b. necessary c. dominant d. great
essential “本质的,基本的”;necessary “必要的”;dominant “占优势的”;great“大的”。因此,此题选A, essential 最合适,句意为:两党的本质区别是什么? 正确答案是:essential 题目30
Are you interested in __ sport? 选择一项: a. over-road b. on-road c. away-road d. off-road 正确
off-road “越野的”。因此,此题选你对越野运动感兴趣吗? 正确答案是:off-road 题目16 完成 未评分 标记题目 题干
D,off-road 最合适,句意为:There are often advertisements _________________ to other websites on the Internet. 选择一项: a. lead b. led c. leading d. to lead
正确答案是:leading 题目17 完成 未评分 标记题目 题干
Just over 70% of people ______________ for the survey said the net had become essential. 选择一项: a. questioning
b. questioned c. question d. to question
正确答案是:questioned 题目18 完成 未评分 标记题目 题干
There are many cities __________________ very fast. 选择一项: a. expand b. which expand c. which expanding d. to expand
正确答案是:which expand 题目19
完成 未评分 标记题目 题干
50% of the people _________________ for the survey were female. 选择一项: a. were questioned b. who questioned c. who were questioned d. question
正确答案是:who were questioned 题目20 完成 未评分 标记题目 题干
Could you tell me ____________________________? 选择一项:
a. how can I get to the post office b. how I can get to the post office c. how have I got to the post office d. how I have got to the post office
正确答案是:how I can get to the post office 题目21 完成 未评分 标记题目 题干
Would you mind _______________ us how old you are? 选择一项: a. tell b. to tell c. telling
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