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一、引言:语言的意义寓于社会互动交际中,其表达及使用遵循一定原则及规则。会话研究主要从剖析话语结构和解释话语连贾I生两个方面进行H J。多数会话在形式上都有一定结构特征(如问候、致谢、课堂提问一回答等),并在语义上表现出明显的连贯性。但是,人们在日常会话中为了礼貌或修辞等需要并不总是使用直接言语而是使用间接言语来表达自己的意图,这使话语呈现字面意义不连贯、但言外之意连贯的特点。


美国哲学家格赖斯( G f ice )于1 9 6 7年, 在哈佛大学的William James讲座上提出了语用学面的一种新理论,即会话含义理论。这一理论指出,谈话是受一定的条件制约的。人们的交谈之所以不至于 成为一连串互不连贯的话语,是因为交际双方都必须遵守一些基本原则,而使交际活动能顺利进行。他把这种共同遵守的原则称为“合作原则”( Coop—erative principle ) 。如果在交际中,说话人的话语在表面上违反了合作原则,那么,他可能是故意这样做的,这时听话人就要根据当时的语境推断出说话人违反合作原则的目的,即了解他违反合作原则的隐含意义。格赖斯把这种在言语交际中使用的隐含意义称作“会话含义”( Conversational Implicature)。

三、合作原则 格莱斯在“Logic and Conversation” (1975)一文中认为人们在谈话中遵守的合作原则包括四个范畴,每个范畴又包括一条准则和一些次准则,格 赖斯的合作原则包含四大准则( maxims ) 即:

(一)量的准则( quantity maxim ):1、所说的话应包含当前交谈的目的所需要的信息。2、所说的话不应包含超出需要的信息。

(二)质的准则( quality maxim ): 1、 不要说自知是虚假的话。2、 不要说缺乏证据的话。

(三)关系准则 ( relation maxim ) :说话要上下文关联。

方式准则 ( manner maxim ) :1、 避免晦涩难懂的表达方式。2 、避免歧义。 3 、简练。4 、井井有条。



(1)A:Y0u are a如l!

B听到这句话之后可能会问A:B:矾at does口知Z mean?但C听到之后却问A:

C:珊lat do you m锄by n加f?显然,B仅仅问A关于‰1这个单词的意义,即说话人使用的词语本身的意义;而C问的却是A说这句话的意图,亦即问他意图通过说人家是‰l来表达一个什么样的真正意义。又如,说英语的人在给同伴拍照时喜欢说的一句话是:

(2)Say C既E s E!显然,说话人并非要求大家只按他所说的字面意义去理解这句话,即用英语说出C me ESE这个英语单词来;他这样说的意图是要大家在照相时咧开嘴巴发[t位]的音,好露出微笑来。再如,为配合做学术报告,报告人可能要利用电影或幻灯进行



㈡在 L t 常生活中,经常会有父母在跟孩子说话时问:“你喜欢爸爸还是妈妈?”孩子在很小的时候,有的回答“喜欢爸爸”,有的则“喜欢妈妈”。但当 孩子越来越大,他们的回答渐趋一致“爸爸和妈妈我都喜欢”。那么,父母的这种提问是否正确?孩子不同年龄的不同回答是否是说谎呢? 首先,在该语境中,父母的提问不合适,违反了“量的准则”中“所说的话不应超出交际所需的信息量”。其实,父母只要问“你喜欢爸爸和 妈妈吗? ”就够了,但这里父母因为自己的“目的”的提问,使孩子进入两难境地,但孩子们不知道如何回答,还是按照“合作原则”,凭平时父母跟自己的亲近程度作答。其次,在该语境中孩子年龄大些时回答“爸爸妈妈我都喜欢”,虽然违反了“质的准则”,但并非实际意 义的“说谎”,而是他们在面对这个提问时,发现里面有问题,明白提问中父母的“目的”,所以不想因为自己的回 答影响与父亲或母亲的关系,于是故意违反“质的准则”。 ㈢上海曾经颁布过一项“城市道路交通条例”,该“条例”规定,一旦发生道路交通事故,如果是行人违章汽车是正常行驶,即使行人伤亡 ,驾驶员也毫无责任,一切损失都由行人自己承担。假设:甲乙两人在探讨一个问题如果某人正在驾驶一辆汽车急 速而 行 , 突然发现 右前方有人违章闯到快车道上,而左前方又出现了一条并未违章的名贵小狗。撞狗,肯定要赔很多钱;撞人 ,无责任但毕竟是人命关天。甲问:“这时他是撞人还是撞小狗?” 乙该如何回答? 答案无论是 “撞狗”或“撞人”,都不对,答案是“什么都不撞,立刻刹车”。问题出在哪呢? 就出在甲的提问是不合适的。那么,为什么说这一提问不合适?什么样的提问才是合适的, 说话者如何避免不合适的提问, 听话者如何应对不合适的提问? 首先,这个提问违反了“质的准则”中“不要说自知是虚假的话”。实际上,提问者甲就“交通条例”字面意思给回答者乙设置了一个“陷阱”。其

次,如果回答者乙因为未用“合作原则”分析问题或他根本不知道“合作原则”,所以客观上履行“合作原则”按“陷阱”的要求进行回答,那么答案肯定是错的。如果提问者甲只问“这时候, 驾驶员应该怎么办?那么回答者乙 一定会从实际 情况和经验回答 “立刻刹车” 。


格赖斯会话含义理论旨在说明言语交际中说话人如何能够传递比 其话语真 值条件内容更加丰富的意思。这一理论的提出,对于哲学和语用学研究都具有里程碑式的意义。它试图将人类活动能力纳入形式逻辑的框架,从哲学上讨论推在言语交际中的作用 ,并理清在语境中意义的产生、语用和理解。 这一理论的提出打破了哲学中关于语义真值研究的长久桎梏,为语言学划出了一块新的天地。 作为一新生事物,格赖斯合作原则和会话含义理论具有无比的生命力,但他同时也有自身的不足和不完善。

㈠按蔗性质的不同,这些问题分为微观和宏观两类。1 .微观问题是在介绍合作原则及其准则过程中出现的问题,包括:忽视合作原则的哲学背景;省略合作原则总则的内 容;混淆“原则”和“准则”这两个概念。这些问题在一定程度上影响了有关介绍的质量,而且容易误导读者。2 .宏观问题主要就研究特点而言,和西方学术界的同类研究相比,我国有关合作原则的研究存在着理论建构能力弱、缺乏创新意识、研究方法单一等问题。这类问题的存在则制约了研究的深度和广度。

㈡造成上述问题的因素主要有:1 .没有充分阅读原著。一些作者在介绍合作原则时主要依靠二手资料,或是没有吃透原文便把自己的意思强加进去,这样势必会出现介绍不到位的问题。2 .缺乏批判性思维。前面提到的理论建构能力差、缺乏创新意识、研究方法单一等问题归根结底是缺乏批判性思维的问题。长期以来形成的不会质疑、不敢挑战权威,只是被动接受的治学态度难以使“创新”落到实处。

为此,如何重视原文阅 读,如何培养批判性思维能力,以及如何有中国特色地接受与发展西方语言学理论是将我国语言学研究推向深入所需解决的问题。合作原则与会话含义在语用学上的重要地位以及它们给会话研究带来的深远影响会让后来的研究者们更努力地去探寻语言的真谛。


格耐斯的会话含义理论的实际运用表现在生活的很多方面,他的合作原则 无疑研究语言的本质,很大程度上是为了语言能更好地服务于人们日常生活的学习、交际。我们在学习某一种语言学理论时, 首先需要强调其语用目的, 即: 完善知识结构;提高表达能力;提高理解能力;提高对交际效果的控制能力。


【1】 何自然.语言学与英语学【M】.上海:上海外语教育出版社:1998.

【2】 Grice ,H .P .Logic and Conversation[ M] .New York :Academic


【3】 顾日国.John Searle的言语行为理论:批判与借鉴[J].国外


【4】 艾为珍 .近十年国内话语分析研究评述[ J ] .沙洋师范高等专科学校学报,2007 ,(1).




姓名 刘洛君

学号 08

班级 114110101

专业 对外汉语

浅谈语言和方言 摘要



第一语言 第二语言 地域方言 社会方言



可以说语言是人类的创造,只有人类有真正的语言。许多动物也能够发出声音来表示自己的感情或者在群体中传递信息,但这都只是一些固定的程式, 不能随机变化。只有人类才会把无意义的语音按照各种方式组合起来,成为有意义的语素,再把为数众多的语素按照各种方式组合成话语,用无穷变化的形式来表示变化无穷的意义。
















语言和方言就其作为某一社会群体的交际工具而言并无二致,就其结构系统而言也都是自足的,因此作为纯语言学的研究对象可以说没有任何差别。但它却又是存在一定差异的,这种差别事实上只在于社会政治身份的不同。语言是和民族联系在一起的,方言是从属于民族语言的,和方言联系在一起的只是有关民族的某个地区或者说是某个领域。在实际操作中,个别语言之所以为“方言”,通常是由于以下的原因:缺少适当的书面语,语言未达到准确描述的程度;语言使用者没有属于自己的国家; 同一民族(或国家)拥有多个语言系统。









Analysis of English Ambiguity


Ambiguity existing in all nature languages which refers to lots of aspects in language is a very common phenomenon in language communication. And the causes of it are pretty complicated. It is also a very vital issue in semantics. Ambiguity in English sometimes could hinder people from making effective communication. This thesis will be carried out in three aspects: phonological, pragmatics, and lexical to analyze types of ambiguity phenomenon and caused reasons detailedly.

Key words: phonological ambiguity, pragmatics ambiguity, lexical ambiguity.

Chapter 1Introduction

1.1 A brief introduce the definition of ambiguity in English.

English as a tool of communication exists ambiguity phenomena like any other languages. We may usually meet situations that according to different environments, the same sentence could be explained into various meanings. That is what ambiguity is. The definition of ambiguity in Webster’s Third international Dictionary (许素波 Types of Ambiguity in English, 1999-04) is “ the condition of admitting of two or more meaning, of being understood in more than one way , or of referring to two or more things at the same time” . Compared with other western languages, English has a large quantity of vocabulary especially the amount of homonym, flexible sentence structures and other distinctive features, which afford great possibility for ambiguity. From a linguistic view, we think, phonological, pragmatics, and lexical are main three factors in English ambiguity. That is the reasons why we choose these three aspects for discussion.

1.2 The importance of studying ambiguity

As we referred before, ambiguity exists in all natural languages and it could reduce the efficiency in people’s communication. But we always desire to purchase “preciseness, conciseness and lifelikeness” no matter in speaking or writing. Although some ambiguity phenomena are caused by defects in language itself, most of it is

made because of carelessness and unconsciousness. Studying ambiguity could teach us how to choose words, structures and others to express our ideas and attitudes in a very clearly way, avoiding other’s misunderstanding.

2. The phonological ambiguity

The phonological ambiguity, usually occurs on spoken language, refers to the ambiguity that caused by the identity or similarity of the words in pronunciation. This phenomenon mainly caused by homonyms. Besides, homonymous words and phrases, stress, different phonetic pause and incorrect pronunciation may also cause the phonological ambiguity.

2.1 The ambiguity caused by homophones

In the vocabulary of modern English vocabulary, there are a large number of homophones which provide ambiguity with a great deal of originality materials. Homophones refer to two words that are identical in sound but different in spelling and meaning. The frequency of the homophones is considerably high both in our daily communications and studies. Such as“dear-deer”、“meat-meet-mete”、“there-their”, “rain-reign”; All of these words are homophones which can easily cause the ambiguity of our understanding. For example the sound of “sewing “and “sowing” is just the same, it is thus hard for the hearer to tell them from the other just by hearing the sound ['s????].

In the meanwhile, there are also some perfect homophones which refer to the words that are identical in sound and spelling but different in meaning, such as “ear”, “bank”, “fan”, “bear “and so on. Actually when we encountered such words, we can infer the speaker’s intension by analyzing the language environment

2.2 The ambiguity caused by stress and phonetic pause

Stress is an important component of Pronunciation and Intonation, the different position of the stressed syllable can also cause the Ambiguity. Such as “blackboard” and “black board”, “greenhouse” and “green house”.

In the meanwhile, the different position of pause may also lead to ambiguity. For example, “peter is a short story writer.” in this sentence, with the different position of

pause, we can either translate it into “peter’s body length is short “and “the story that written by peter is short.”

2.3 The ambiguity caused by Connected Speech

According to the pronunciation rule, when one word ends with a consonant and the next word begins with a vowel sound, the sound of the final consonant and the following vowel should be linked, which made syllables between these words not clear. For example, it is hard for the hearers to tell “I saw them meat” from “I saw the meat”, or tell “he is eating an ice cake.” from “he is eating a nice cake.”

2.4 The ambiguity caused by intonation

As we all know, English is an Intonation language, so a different in tone changes the meaning of a group of words. (胡壮麟;语言学教程[M];北京;北京大学出版社;1988)For example, when we hear this sentence, “I beg your pardon.” If it is said in a rising tone, it means “please say it again.” While when it is said in a falling tone, it means “I’m sorry, please forgive.” So when we hear a word in right intonation, we can generally get the meaning of it, while if the word is said in Ambiguous tone, it is hard for the hearer to understand the real meaning of it.

3 Pragmatic Ambiguity

When coming to the ambiguities in English, the pragmatic ambiguity should not be neglected. From the aspect of pragmatics, there are three factors that cause the ambiguity in English, namely, pronouns, different contexts, and the application of euphemism and metaphor, all together leading to ambiguities in English.

3.1 Pronominal ambiguity

The first factor of these three that are to be analyzed in this paper is the pronoun. If a pronoun doesn’t denote something clearly, then it may result in ambiguity. Taking this sentence for example, “What can we do to this problem, Jack?” which is ambiguous

because the pronoun “we” can denote two different connotation, one including Jack, the other excluding Jack, and in this case the pronoun “we” brings about ambiguity. One more example, Lily cut her hair and Amy cut her hair, too.” also has two different meanings, because of the pronoun “her” which can refer to “Lily”, but it can also be deemed as “Amy”. By this token, it’s not difficult to coming to the fact that pronouns can cause ambiguity.

3.2 Contextual ambiguity

Context makes a difference in defining the meaning of a discourse. According to Hu Zhuanglin, what the pragmatics study is exactly that how different contexts decide or influence the meaning of utterances. Obviously, in diverse contexts, the same sentence can be comprehended differently. For instance, “We can go to the bank.” can be ambiguous, because it can mean “we” go to the bank of a river, but it can also refer to banking house. However, if it’s in a context, they meaning will be clarified. First, if “and then we can go swimming there.” is added to the former sentence, then a context will come into being, which means that “we” go to the bank of a river and swim in the river. Nevertheless, if another sentence, “so we can draw some money.” is added to the former sentence, then the sentence will indicate that “we” go to the bank building and draw some money in this context. Thus, it’s not easy to arrive at a conclusion that in different contexts the discourses can have different meanings and can cause ambiguity.

3.3 Ambiguity in euphemism and metaphor

It’s well known that almost in every culture there exists something that people always try to avoid taking about. Under these circumstances, other words are used to substitute the things which are avoided when the things indeed need saying out. Such sort of words used to substitute is euphemisms. However, sometimes, the application of euphemism may give rise to ambiguity. For example, “Her old grandmother went to sleep.” (王新,1999) doesn’t mean that her old grandmother fell asleep, whereas it means that her old grandmother died. The phrase “went to sleep” is a euphemism indicating that her old grandmother died, but the sentence didn’t use the verb “die” to

directly state the fact. This sentence is also ambiguous to some extent, for we it can be comprehended that her old grandmother fell asleep; yet it can still be understood that her grandmother died, and therefore it’s ambiguous. What’s more, sometimes the usage of metaphor can lead to ambiguity as well. Taking this sentence for example, “A:You remind me of the ocean. B:Wild, romantic and restless. A: No, you just make me sick.”, in these dialogues the word “sea” is used as a metaphor which is used usually to describe someone is “broad-minded”, a commendatory word, so B misunderstood A’s meaning. Yet, A used the word “sea” to imply B made him think of the sailing of the sea, which made him sick, so is B. As thus, since the word “sea” can be comprehended in different way, then the ambiguity emerges. Therefore, the application of euphemism and metaphor can also bring about ambiguity in English.

4. Lexical ambiguity

Lexical ambiguity belongs to one of the ambiguity. Lexical ambiguity refers to different understanding of one word in a whole sentence. In terms of lexical ambiguity, it specifically relates to the ambiguity caused by the polysemy, homonymy, and the differences between British English and American English, as well as comprehending deviation of some idioms. The linguistic ambiguity caused by lexical ambiguity gives expression to distinct understanding in exact expression. Following are the analyses of lexical ambiguity through specific example.

4.1The polysemy refers to the same word has diversified meanings that lexicalize the same entry in a dictionary. For instance, “bachelor” can refer to a man who is single, as well as scholar. “Mad” means lost mind or get angry. Homonym relates to words that have same spelling and pronounce, but different meaning. The origin of this kind of words is different and make label in dictionary so as to be different entry. Such as, “ball” can mean dance hall or sphere in sports, and bank has the meaning of riverfront or organization to manage money.

At times, it is difficult to distinguish polysemy from homonym. For example, the priest, is going to merry Jane at the church. In this sentence, “merry” refers to polysemy and it has two explains. One is becoming couple with others. In that explain,

