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The British EducationWang Jinba jinba888@2014-1-21 The British Education


The British Education

Focal Points: Two Educational Beliefs Regional Features Compulsory Education

Homeschooling Higher Education


The British Education

2 Beliefs in British Education “the

best way to ensure good results is to vest responsibility for a task in an individual body and then allow it to go in its own way, intervening only if it is manifestly not performing its job properly.


The British Education


school is not only a place for learning but also a society, free to plan and conduct its corporate life as seems best to it, provided that it keeps this life within the accepted framework laid down by social convention and the national policy for education.” How to interpret the two beliefs above?


The British Education

The Purpose Not

just about teaching the three R’s—reading, writing and arithmetic To provide children with literacy and other basic skills they will need to become active members of society


The British Education


to socialize children

At school, children should learn the rule and

values they need to become good citizens, to participate in the community, and to contribute to the economic prosperity of an advanced industrial economy ( apart from practical skills). School is a community in which so many kids live together. One must know how to get along with each other and how to be on good terms with teachers and school authorities.2014-1-21 The British Education

General Remarks British

education has a strong reputation, especially for the quality of the teaching standards. There is a strong tradition to integrate teaching and research at all levels of study at university level.


The British Education

All British universities (with the exception of one private university) are State institutions and each academic department is subject to an external review to prove that they are maintaining minimum standards in teaching, research and university management; the results of these assessments are published. British qualifications are internationally recognized, due to these rigorous assessments. Many countries are now adopting this model of assessment. 2014-1-21 The British Education

Regional Features

In England Education in England may differ from the

system used elsewhere in the United Kingdom . Basically, there are two systems: one covering England, Wales and Northern Ireland and one covering Scotland. The two education systems have different emphases. Traditionally the English, Welsh and Northern Irish system has emphasized depth of education whereas the Scottish system has emphasized breadth.


The British Education

Thus English, Welsh and Northern Irish

students tend to sit a small number of more advanced examinations and Scottish students tend t

o sit a larger number of less advanced examinations. It should be noted that local English practice

can vary from this general picture although Scottish practice is well nigh universal.


The British Education

Education in WalesEducation in Wales differs slightly from the system used in England. The statutory national key stage tests in Wales were, until 2000, the same as in England and were managed by the School Curriculum and Assessment Authority (SCAA). In 2000, the National Assembly for Wales took responsibility for these tests in Wales, at which point they were developed by test agencies on behalf of the Awdurdod Cymwysterau, Cwricwlwm ac Asesu Cymru (ACCAC), whilst the tests in England were developed for the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA). 2014-1-21 The British Education

The School Years in England and Wales

In general, the cut-off point for ages is the end of August, so all children must be of a particular age on the 1st of September in order to begin class that month. Primary Education Infant School or Primary School Reception, age 4 to 5 Year 1, age 5 to 6 Year 2, age 6 to 7 (KS1 National Curriculum Tests - England only)

Junior School or Primary School Year 3, age 7 to 8 Year 4, age 8 to 9

Year 5, age 9 to 10 Year 6, age 10 to 11 (Eleven plus exams in some areas of England,

Key Stage 2 National Curriculum Tests)2014-1-21 The British Education

Secondary Education Middle School, High School or Secondary School Year 7, old First Form, age 11 to 12 Year 8, old Second Form, age 12 to 13 Year 9, old Third Form, age 13 to 14 (Key Stage 3 National Curriculum Tests, known as SATs (Standard Assessment Tests)) Upper School or Secondary School Year 10, old Fourth Form, age 14 to 15 Year 11, old Fifth Form, age 15 to 16 (old O Level examinations, modern GCSE examinations) Upper School, Secondary School, or Sixth Form

College Year 12 or Lower Sixth, age 16 to 17 (AS-level examinations) Year 13 or Upper Sixth, age 17 to 18 (A2-level examinations.

Both AS-levels and A2-levels count towards A-levels .)2014-1-21 The British Education

Variety of Educational OrientationIn some regions of England, pupils attend a Lower (Primary) School before going to, a Middle School between 8 and 12 or, more commonly 9 and 13, and then a High School or Upper School. Other, more vocational qualifications are offered such as GNVQs (General National Vocational Qualifications) and BTECs (Business & Technology Education Council). Tertiary education Academic route Vocational route


The British Education

Education in Scotland Education

in Scotland differs from the system used elsewhere in the United Kingdom. Basically, there are two systems: one covering England, Wales , or Northern Ireland and one covering Scotland. The two education systems have different emphases.


The British Educa



the English, Welsh and Northern Irish system has emphasized depth of education whereas the Scottish system has emphasized breadth. Thus English, Welsh and Northern Irish students tend to sit a small number of more advanced examinations and Scottish students tend to sit a larger number of less advanced examinations.


The British Education

The School Years in Scotland

In general, the cut-off point for ages is the end of August, so all children must be of a particular age on the 1st of September in order to begin class that month. Nursery School Year 1, age 3 - 5.

Primary School Primary 1, age range 4 - 6. Primary 2, age range 5 - 7. Primary 3, age range 6 - 8. Primary 4, age range 7 - 9. Primary 5, age range 8 - 10. Primary 6, age range 9 - 11. Primary 7, age range 10 - 12.


The British Education



First year, age range 11 - 13. Second year, age range 12 - 14. Third year, age range 13 - 15.

Fourth year, age range 14 - 16. Fifth year, age range 15 - 17. Sixth year, age range 16 - 18.


The British Education

National Examinations in Scotland

2 sets The first set, the Standard Grade examinations,

take place in the Fourth year of secondary school and show basic education level. The second set, the Higher examinations take place in the Fifth and Sixth years. A third level, Advanced Higher, is sometimes taken by students intending to study at an English university, or those wishing to pass straight into second year at a Scottish university, and covers the gap between the Scottish "Higher" level and the English "Advanced" level courses, although there is not always a one-toone mapping.2014-1-21 The British Education

Education in Northern Ireland The

Northern Irish system emphasizes a greater depth of education compared to the English and Welsh systems. The majority of examinations sat, and education plans followed, in Northern Irish schools are set by the Council for Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment ( CCEA ).


The British Education

