牛津上海版七年级英语下册教案:Unit 1 Writing a travel guide

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Unit 1 Writing a travel guide


Teaching Aims:

Language objectives: to enable students

to read and spell some new words correctly

to talk about places of interest in Shanghai

Ability objectives: To help students enlarge their vocabulary

Emotional objectives: To love our city –Shanghai


There are 38 students in our class. Most of them are interested in learning English. They live in Shanghai for many years ,and they love Shanghai, but we live in the suburbs , so many of the students don't often go to travel in Shanghai. They are not familiar with the famous places in Shanghai. On the other hand, they are too shy to express their feelings. So Iwant to try my best to help them speak out and believe in themselves, and hope they will be proud of being a Shanghai student, and introduce our beautiful city to others in English in the future.


Language focus: 1. New words and phrases (especially the names of places of interest ) Difficulties : too many new words ; Read the map of Shanghai




Language objectives: to enable students

to learn some new words

to talk about places of interest in Shanghai

to ask Wh-questions to find out specific information: Where can tourists go in Shanghai? to use modal verbs to make suggestions: They can go to People’s Square.

Ability objectives: To help students enlarge their vocabulary and learn ask and give suggestions Emotional objectives: To love our city –Shanghai


Language focus: 1. New words and phrases (especially the names of places of interest )

2.Ask and answer questions

3.Read the map of Shanghai


Difficulties : too many new words ;Read the map of Shanghai


活动1【导入】I. Pre-task preparation

1. Think and say

Show Chinese meanings of phrases and as ss to tell us the English names.

2. Look, point and learn

Look at the pictures, and review some more places in Shanghai.

活动2【讲授】Ⅱ. While-task procedure

1. Look and say

Look at the picture and guess what they are doing now.

Kitty and her classmates have just been to Shanghai. They have decided to take part in a


1) Give students some time to listen to the dialogue and write down the reasons:

2) Ask and answer some questions after it.

Q1:Where can tourists go in Shanghai?

Q2: What can they do there?

3)Ask students to listen to the dialogue again, and ask students to repeat it one by one.

4) Give students some time to practice reading the dialogue.

5) Ask them to have a role-play.

2. Look at the pictures and learn “sightseeing”

1) Look at the picture, what does the woman in the photos like to do?

She likes to go sightseeing.

2)Think: Where can tourists go for sightseeing/ shopping/ eating in Shanghai?

Talk in pairs. Suggest some places tourists can visit in Shanghai.

S1: Where can tourists go in Shanghai?

S2: They can go to _____.

S1: Where is _____?

S2: It’s in the centre/ south/ of Shanghai.

on Chongming Island.

S!: What can they do there?

S2: They can see/ eat/ buy/ visit/ .

3. Practice the dialogue on P 3 in groups.

活动3【练习】Ⅲ. Post-task activities

1. Listen, choose and write

Listen to a dialogue and take some notes c/a/d/b

2. Read the new words on the blackboard.

活动4【作业】V. Assignment

copy the phrases on page 2 twice and recite it, prepare for the dictation next day.

recite Listen and say

preview the next two pages.

