2016英语专八听力Section One - Models for Arguments

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Models for Arguments

Three models for arguments

the first model for arguing is called (1) __________; ?arguments are treated as war ? there is much winning and losing ? it is a (2) ________ model for arguing

the second model for arguing is arguments as proofs: ? (3) warranted ___________ ? valid inferences and conclusions

?no (4) _________ in the adversarial sense ? the third model for arguing is (5) ________ ? the audience is (6) ________ in the argument ? arguments must (7) _______ the audience

Traits of the argument as war

very dominant: it can shape (8) _________ strong arguments are needed negative effects include:

? (9) __________ are emphasized ? winning is the only purpose

? this type of arguments prevents (10) ________ ? the worst thing is (11) __________

implication from arguments as war: (12) __________

? e.g., one providing reasons and the other raising (13) __________ ? the other one is finally persuaded

Suggestions on new ways to (14) ________ of arguments

? think of new kinds of arguments ? change roles in arguments ? (15) _________

