2019届二轮复习 短文改错类型10篇训练之二(6页word版)

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2019届二轮复习 短文改错类型10篇训练之二


Zhou Yan is the Senior Three student.Last week,he goes to see a doctor because of his arms and fingers hurt.The doctor told him the fact that had a “mobile phone disease”.Zhou sent messages for his friends with his mobile phone all the time,even in bed.Zhou started to do badly in all the exam because he spent so many time on his mobile phone.He didn't stop use the mobile phone until his arms hurt.Yang Ling,which is an expert from a health center,said students should try to use their mobile phones less,especial at school.

Zhou Yan is


Senior Three student.Last week,he to see a doctor because awent

his arms and fingers hurt.The doctor told him the fact that he had a “mobile phone for

his friends with his mobile phone all the time,even in to


bed.Zhou started to do badly in all the because he spent so time on his mobile



phone.He didn't stop the mobile phone until his arms hurt.Yang Ling, is an


expert from a health center,said students should try to use their mobile phones less,especial

at school.



I usually go to school by bike.And this morning I went on foot.On the way to school,I disease”.Zhou sent messages

happen to witness an accident.A middle-aged woman was knocked down by a car while crosses the street.Seeing that was happening on the scene,I made rush for the woman to help.One passer-by got out of his cellphone and called the police.I helped to carry the woman to safe and dress her wound.Around ten minutes late,an ambulance arrived and took him to hospital.I continued my way to school,feeling happily that I could offer some help in time.

I usually go to school by bike.


this morning I went on foot.On the way to school,I But


to witness an accident.A middle-aged woman was knocked down by a car while


the street.Seeing was happening on the scene,I made a rush for the

crossingwhatwoman to help.One passer-by got out

his cellphone and called the police.I helped to


and dress her wound.Around ten minutes ,an ambulance safetylaterhimhappily

arrived and took to hospital.I continued my way to school,feeling that I could


offer some help in time.


I have met many teachers since I begin my schooling.Of all my teachers,Mrs. Green is the carry the woman to

one who impresses me most.Though she is 50,she looks very young at her age.Comparing with other teachers,Mrs. Green pays more attention to her way of teaching.She tries various ways to make her class lively and interestingly.In her opinion,we will not only know “what” but also understand “why”.So instead of giving us answer immediately,she encourages us to think carefully every time when she puts forward questions.With her help,we have learned how to analyze and settled problems.What the amazing world of “why” she leads us!She is such a learned person that we all admire him very much.


I have met many teachers since I my schooling.Of all my teachers,Mrs. Green is



the one who impresses me most.Though she is 50,she looks very young her


Comparingage. with other teachers,Mrs. Green pays more attention to her way of



teaching.She tries various ways to make her class lively and .In her opinion,we



will not only know “what” but also understand “why”.So instead of giving us

answersimmediately,she encourages us to think carefully every time

she puts forward


questions.With her help,we have learned how to analyze and problems.What


amazing world of “why” she leads us to!She is such a learned person that we all admire him

very much. her


One day,I was cooking in the kitchen when the telephone rings.I went to answer it immediately.She was my close friend,Lisa.When we were talking on phone,the fire alarm sounded.I ran back to the kitchen only to find the room full of smoke and the beef bad burnt.I quickly turned off the gas,opening all the windows,but then went out of the house.In my surprise,two fire engine were outside my house.I was quite worry.I told the firemen that it was my careless cooking that it caused the heavy smoke.


.I went to answer it rang


immediately. was my close friend,Lisa.When we were talking on the phone,the fire


One day,I was cooking in the kitchen when the telephone

