考研英语阅读unit-2 - 图文

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Unit 2

Custom makes all things easy. 有个好习惯,事事皆不难。 学习内容 Part A Text 1 Text 2 Text 3 Text 4 Part B Part C 题 材 词 数 科普知识 394 商业经济 396 社会生活 439 科普知识 401 生态环境 612 文化教育 473 建议时间 得分统计 做题备忘 /10 /10 /10 /10 /10 /10

Part A

Directions:Read the following texts. Answer the questions blow each text by choosing [A],[B],[C] or [D].

Text 1

In 1967, in response to widespread public concern aroused by medical reports of asbestos-related deaths, the National Medical Research Council organized committee of inquiry to investigate the health threats associated with the use of asbestos in the building industry.

After examining evidence provided by medical researchers and building workers and management, the Council published a report which included advice for dealing with asbestos. The report confirmed the findings of similar research in the United States and Canada. Exposure to relatively small quantities of asbestos fibers, they concluded, was directly responsible for the development of cancers, asbestosis and related diseases. Taking into account evidence provided by economists and building industry management, however, the report assumed that despite the availability of other materials, asbestos would continue to play a major role in the British building industry for many years to come because of its availability and low cost.

As a result, the council gave a series of recommendations which were intended to reduce the risks to those who might be exposed to asbestos in working environments. They recommended that, where possible, asbestos free materials should be employed. In cases where asbestos was employed, it was recommended that it should be used in such a way that loose fibers were less likely to enter the air.

The report recommended that special care should be taken during work in environments which contain asbestos. Workers should wear protective equipment and take special care to remove dust from the environment and clothing with the use of vacuum cleaner.

The report identified five factors which determine the level of risk involved. The state and type of asbestos is critical to determining the risk factors. In addition, dust formation was found to be limited where asbestos was used when wet rather than dry.

The choice of tools was also found to affect the quantities of asbestos particles that enter the air. Machine tools produce greater quantities of dust than hand tools and, where possible, the use of the latter was recommended.

A critical factor takes place in risk reduction in the adequate ventilation of the working environment. When work takes place in an enclosed space, more asbestos particles circulate and it was therefore recommended that natural or machine ventilation should be used. By closely

following these words of advice, it was claimed that exposure can be reduced to a reasonably practical minimum.

1. Exposure to asbestos fibers can cause cancer [A] only when asbestos is used in building industry. [B] only when it is used in large quantities. [C] even if it is used in small quantities. [D] if it is used when wet rather than dry.

2. Exposure to asbestos fibers is harmful to people?s health [A] so the use of asbestos is limited.

[B] but asbestos will continue to be used for a long time. [C] so other new kinds of materials are under development. [D] but they will not be so when ventilation devices are used.

3. Evidence from the economists and the building industries shows that [A] exposure to asbestos fibers is cancer-causing. [B] asbestos is in extensive use in building industry. [C] use of asbestos is being reduced gradually.

[D] exposure to asbestos fibers can be reduced significantly. 4. According to the text, which of the following is true?

[A] Choice of tools can not affect the quantities of asbestos particles that enter the air. [B] State and type of asbestos is meaningless to determining the risk factors. [C] Quantity of asbestos has no relation to the risk factors.

[D] Ventilation plays an important role in reducing the harm brought by asbestos. 5. It can be inferred from the text that the real danger comes from [A] the asbestos dust that people take in.

[B] the contact of the worker?s skin with asbestos particles. [C] the inferior quality of the asbestos itself.

[D] the excessive use of man-made asbestos material.

Text 2

It?s a brand new world — a world built around brands. Hard charging, noise making, culture shaping brands are everywhere. They?re on supermarket shelves, of course, but also in business plans for dotcom startups and in the names of sports complexes. Brands are infiltrating(渗透)people?s everyday lives — by sticking their logos on clothes, in concert programs, on subway station walls, even in elementary school classrooms.

We live in an age in which CBS newscasters wear Nike jackets on the air, in which Burger King and McDonald?s open kiosks in elementary-school lunchrooms, in which schools like Stanford University are endowed with a Yahoo! Founders Chair. But as brands reach (and then overreach) into every aspect of our lives, the companies behind them invite more questions, deeper scrutiny — and an inevitable backlash by consumers.

“Our intellectual lives and our public spaces are being taken over by marketing — and that has real implications for citizenship,” says author and activist Naomi Klein. “It?s important for any healthy culture to have public space — a place where people are treated as citizens instead of as consumers. We?ve completely lost that space.”

Since the mid-1980s, as more and more companies have shifted from being about products to being about ideas — Starbucks isn?t selling coffee; it?s selling community! — those companies have poured more and more resources into marketing campaigns.

To pay for those campaigns, those same companies figured out ways to cut costs else where — for example, by using contract labor at home and low-wage labor in developing countries. Contract laborers are hired on a temporary, per-assignment basis, and employers have no obligation to provide any benefits (such as health insurance) or long-term job security. This saves companies money but obviously puts workers in vulnerable situations. In the United States, contract labor has given rise to so-called McJobs, which employers and workers alike pretend are temporary — even though these jobs are usually held by adults who are trying to support families.

The massive expansion of marketing campaigns in the 1980s coincided with the reduction of government spending for schools and for museums. This made those institutions much too willing, even eager, to partner with private companies. But companies took advantage of the needs of those institutions, reaching too far, and overwhelming the civic space with their marketing agendas. 6. The text intends to tell us

[A] the problems with current corporate practices.

[B] the nature of current marketing campaigns and strategies. [C] the importance of brands in American culture.

[D] the excessive presence of brands and marketing in people?s lives.

7. Which of the following does the author state as a factor in the increasing presence of brands in peoples? lives?

[A] The aggressive nature of corporate marketing.

[B] The willingness of schools and museums to cooperate with private companies. [C] The lack of government regulations of marketing methods. [D] The marketing campaigns take up public spaces.

8. Naomi Klein?s attitude towards the infiltration of brands into public spaces is one of [A] concern. [B] ambivalence. [C] outrage. [D] acceptance. 9. The text suggests that most contract laborers in the U.S. [A] pretend to be temporary workers.

[B] may have trouble supporting their families financially.

[C] have work conditions comparable to those of low-wage workers overseas. [D] are likely to receive health benefits from their employers. 10. We may infer from the last paragraph that

[A] inadequate federal funding facilitated the privatization of schools and museums.

[B] government reduced spending for schools and museums for their cooperation with companies. [C] public institutions were too quick to accept corporate marketing as a source of funding. [D] by the 1980s, very few public institutions were not being funded by corporations.

Text 3

The Manchruian Candidate, Frank Sinatra, unable to fathom the depth and extent of the evil that had been done to the mind of a man programmed to become a killer cries, “Hell, hell!” People may say the same thing after last week?s school shooting of a six-year-old girl by a six-year-old

boy. On Tuesday the boy brought a pistol to an elementary school in Mount Morris Township, near Flint, Mich., and shot a classmate, Kavla Rolland, to death. He is too young to be charged with anything, but the county prosecutor has charged the man who left the loaded gun lying around with involuntary manslaughter, contributing to the delinquency of a minor and gross neglect each of which has a wider application. The story may be too unusual for the drawing of larger lessons, but one reason it is so troubling is that it touches the worst of America?s social ills, including the shaping of a boy who became a loaded gun himself.

Who killed Kayla Rolland? A six-year-old classmate did it. On Tuesday morning, he went to the Theo J. Buell Elementary School carrying both a concealed Davis 32 semiautomatic handgun, advertised as “the original pocket pistol”, and a knife. Another kid reported the knife to a teacher and it was taken away. The boy held on to the gun shortly before 10 a.m.. Chris Boaz, a seven-year-old boy, witnessed the following scene. The children were changing classrooms, from a small reading group to a computer training class. This is contrary to the police report that the crime occurred inside a classroom. The kids were on the first level heading to the second when the boy pulled out his pistol. Kayla was walking ahead of him up the school stairs. He called out, “I don?t like you.” She had her back to him, then turned and asked as a challenge, “So?” The boy, who had first pointed the gun at another classmate, swung around and fired a single bullet that entered Kayla?s right arm and traveled through her vital organs. Boaz says he saw blood on both sides of Kavla?s stomach. She grabbed her stomach then her neck, gasping for air.

The shooter ran to the bathroom to hide and tossed the gun into the trash, Kayla was treated by paramedics at the school and was taken to Hurley Medical Center where she was pronounced dead at 10:29 a.m.. Immediate after the shooting, the principal made all students stay in classrooms, and locked classroom doors in the school. The boy, who did not attempt to run away, was taken to the principal?s office where he was questioned. 11. The shooting is disturbing in that

[A] it happens in an elementary school. [B] many people don?t pay enough attention to it.

[C].it reveals one of America?s social problems. [D] it turns a little boy into a loaded gun.

12. In the first paragraph, the author is mainly concerned with [A] showing that children are not free from crimes.

[B] indicating that society should draw lessons from the case. [C] implying that handguns can be fatal.

[D] informing us that better weapons will lead to more victims.

13. According to the text, a “paramedic” (Line1, Para 3) is probably [A] a surgeon who has operations.

[B] a physician who majored in stomach diseases. [C] a medical worker who treats minor illnesses. [D] a dentist who helps his patients with their teeth. 14. According to the passage, we can learn that

[A] The boy shooter will be accused of his delinquency sooner or later. [B] The shooting disclosed one of the worst evils of the U.S. school. [C] The police reported immediately and exactly what had happened. [D] Had Kayla not challenged the boy, she might not have been shot.

15. The best title for this text is

[A] Child Killer. [B] A Catastrophe.

[C] An Evil of the U.S. [D] Child Delinquency.

Text 4

The economic effects are easy to see. Since 1978, some 43 billion jobs have been lost, largely to forms of technology — either to robotics directly or to computers that are doing what they are supposed to be doing, being labor-saving device. Today, there is no such thing as a lifetime job; there is no such thing as a career for most people anymore. The jobs that are not done away with are being deskilled, or they are disposable jobs. Even for those jobs that many of you may feel secure with, there are people who are working on what are called ?expert systems? to be able to take jobs away from doctors and judges and lawyers. The machine is capable of shredding these jobs as well.

But it?s not just the jobs. The economy of jobs and services is trivial compared to the “Nintendo capitalism” that now operates in the world. Four trillion dollars a day is shuffled around the earth as wealth created there. The inevitable result of a Nintendo economy — pulling itself apart, losing jobs, insecure — is the shriveling of the society in which it exists. What we have is an apartheid society, with growing gaps between the rich and poor, and the rich spending a lot of time cocooning themselves from the effects of the poor.

A further result of information technology — something that nobody seems to wish to pay much attention to — is the shredding everywhere of the natural world. Forget about the amount of toxins that go into producing these computers, and the resources that go into producing them, such that 40,000 pounds of resources are necessary for a four-pound laptop. That?s trivial compared to the direct effect that computers and the industrial system as a result have on the atmosphere and climate, the pollution of air and water.

The development in technology does not always bring human beings goods; there is bad news too. But most people are ignorant of the drawback of the new technology at first. In this century, however, the development in science and technology really aroused people?s attention of the weak points. But the technology has an even darker effect, because it is enabling us to conquer nature. Industrial society is waging a war of the techno-sphere against the biosphere. That is the Third World War. The bad news is that we are winning that war. 16. According to the text, information technology affects [A] human society and natural environment. [B] natural environment and economy. [C] domestic economy and human society. [D] society,economy and environment. 17. What does “Nintendo capitalism” mean? [A] A capitalism that is prosperous. [B] A capitalism that is dooming. [C] A worship of capitalism. [D] A worship of technology. 18. The term “the Third World War” refers to [A] Human?s conquering of the bio-system. [B] Technology?s destruction of nature. [C] Industrial society?s control over man. [D] Technology?s conquering of man.

19. The author?s attitude towards information technology is [A] fear. [B] criticism. [C] skepticism. [D] optimism.

20. Which of the following is the best title of the text? [A] The Influence of Nintendo Capitalism. [B] The Cause of the “Third World War”.

[C] The Drawbacks of Information Technology.

[D] The War of Techno-sphere against the Biosphere.

Part B

Directions: You are going to read a list of headings and a text about Humankind and the Earth.

Choose the most suitable heading from the list [A]-[F] for each numbered paragraph (21-25). The first and last paragraphs of the text are not numbered. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use.

[A] The urgency to see the utterly change of human relationship to the earth [B] Startling change of population explosion in a historical context [C] The ultimate resolution of human relation to the earth

[D] The outrageous consequence of scientific and technological revolution [E] The accelerating ongoing of scientific and technological revolution

[F] The cautious recognition and reconsideration of human relation to the earth

This century has witnessed dramatic changes in two key factors that define the physical reality of our relationship to the earth: a sudden and startling surge in human population, and a sudden acceleration of the scientific and technological revolution, which has allowed an almost unimaginable magnification of our power to affect the world around us by burning, cutting, digging, moving, and transforming the physical matter that makes up the earth.

21. From the emergence of modern humans 200,000 years ago until Julius Caesar’s time, fewer than 250 million people walked on the face of the earth. When Christopher Columbus set sail for the New World 1,500 years later, there were approximately 500 million people on earth. By the time Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence in 1776, the number had doubled again, to 1 billion. By midway through this century, at the end of World War II, the number had risen to just above 2 billion people.

22. It is now an axiom in many fields of science that more new and important discoveries have taken place in the last ten years than in the entire previous history of science. While no single discovery has had the kind of effect on our relationship to the earth that nuclear weapons have had on our relationship to warfare, it is nevertheless true that taken together, they have completely transformed our cumulative ability to exploit the earth for sustenance — making the result of unrestrained exploitation every bit as unthinkable as the result of unrestrained nuclear war.

23. It is necessary for us to promptly recognize that the startling images of environmental destruction now occurring all over the world have much more, in common than their ability to shock and awaken us. They are symptoms of an underlying problem broader in scope and more serious than any we have ever faced. Global warming, ozone depletion, the loss of living species, deforestation — they all have a common cause: the new relationship between human civilization

and the earth’s natural balance.

24. There are actually two aspects to this problem. The first is to realize that our power to harm the earth can indeed have global and even permanent effects. The second is to realize that the only way to understand our new role as a co-architect of nature is to see ourselves as part of this complex system.

The problem is not effect on the environment so much as our relationship with the environment. As a result, any solution to the problem will require a careful assessment of that relationship as well as the complex interrelationship among factors within civilization and between them and the major natural components of the earth’s ecological system.

25. Some argue that a new ultimate technology, whether nuclear power or genetic engineering, will solve the problem. Others hold that only a drastic reduction of our reliance on technology can improve the conditions of life. But the real solution will be found in reinventing and finally healing the relationship between civilization and the earth. This can only be accomplished by undertaking a careful reassessment of all the factors that led to the relatively recent dramatic change in the relationship. The transformation of the way we relate to the earth will, of course, involve new technologies, but the key changes will involve new ways of thinking about the relationship itself. Part C

Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese.

What is it that brings about such an intimate connection between language and thinking? Is there no thinking without the use of language?

26)We might be inclined to attribute to the act of thinking complete independence from language if the individual formed or were able to form his concepts without the verbal guidance of his environment. Yet most likely the mental shape of an individual, growing up under such conditions, would be very poor. Thus we may conclude that the mental development of the individual and his way of forming concepts depend to a high degree upon language. This makes us realize to what extent the same language means the same mentality. In this sense thinking and language are linked together.

What distinguishes the language of science from languages as we ordinarily understand the word? How is it that scientific language is international? 27)What science strives for is an utmost acuteness and clarity of concepts as regards their mutual relation and their correspondence to sensory data. As an illustration, let us take the language of Euclidean geometry and Algebra. They manipulate with a small number of independently introduced concepts, respectively symbols, such as the integral number, the straight line, the point, as well as with signs which designate the fundamental concepts. This is the basis for the construction, respectively definition of all other statements and concepts.

28)The super-national character of scientific concepts and scientific language is due to the fact that they have been set up by the best brains of all countries and all times. In solitude and yet in cooperative effort as regards the final effect they created the spiritual tools for the technical revolutions which have transformed the life of mankind in the last centuries. Their system of concepts has served as a guide in the bewildering chaos of perceptions so that we learned to grasp

general truths from particular observations.

What hopes and fears does the scientific method imply for mankind? I do not think that this is the right way to put the question. Whatever this tool in the hand of man will produce depends entirely on the nature of the goals alive in this mankind. Once these goals exist, the scientific method furnishes means to realize them. Yet it cannot furnish the every goals. 29)The scientific method itself would not have led anywhere, it would not even have been born without a passionate striving for clear understanding. Perfection of means and confusion of goals seem—in my opinion—to characterize our age. 30)If we desire sincerely and passionately the safety, the welfare and the free development of the talents of all men, we shall not be in want of the means to approach such a state. Even if only a small part of mankind strives for such goals, their superiority will prove itself in the long run.


Part A

Text 1 语境词汇

1. inquiry n. 质询;调查 2. asbestos n. 石绒;石棉

3. responsible adj. 有责任的,责任重大的,负责的 4. asbestosis n. 石棉沉滞病

5. recommend v. 推荐,劝告,介绍;推荐;提出建议 6. formation n. 构造,形成,编队 7. particle n. 粒子,极小量,点

8. ventilate v. 使空气流通,宣布,使通风 9. enclose v. 围绕,装入,放入封套

10. practical adj. 实际的,实用性的,现实的 难句突破

1. [In 1967], [in response to widespread public concern aroused by medical reports of asbestos-related deaths], the National Medical Research Council organized committee of inquiry [to investigate the health threats associated with the use of asbestos in the building industry].

【分析】本句是长单句。句子开头是时间状语和目的状语,其中aroused by…分词短语作concern的定语;to investigate…是目的状语。


2. [When work takes place in an enclosed space], more asbestos particles circulate and it was therefore recommended that natural or machine ventilation should be used.

【分析】本句是并列复合句。开头是when引导的状语从句;主句又是并列句,其中and后的分句中又包含一个主语从句,it是形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句。 【译文】在封闭的工作环境中,会有更多的石棉颗粒在空气中循环流动,所以,人工通风是必要的。


“石棉死亡”进行调查这一事实;第二段作者详细阐述了报告内容;接下来的几段,作者叙述的重点放在了报告里所提出的预防石棉危害的几种方法。 答案解析 1.【题眼】观点总结处设题 【解析】选[C]。事实细节题。文章第二段第二句总结了委员会的调查结果,由Exposure to relatively small quantities of asbestos fibers ... was directly responsible for the development of cancers, asbestosis and related diseases.一句话,我们可以断定[C]正确,“即使少量使用石棉也会导致癌症的产生”。[A]、[B]都使用了绝对化的词only,而原文中并没有使用,所以肯定不正确。原文倒数第三段只是说石棉在湿润状态下使用会减少灰尘的产生,并没有提到这是致癌的条件,因此[D]不正确。 2.【题眼】转折处设题 【解析】选[B]。题干中结论体现为第二段委员会的报告结果,第二段前半部分报告指出很多疾病的形成于跟石棉的接触,接着最后一句however…又转而指出石棉将继续在英国的建筑行业扮演主要角色,即[B]正确。[A]与原文的说法相抵触;[C]在原文中与题干是一种让步关系,而不是题干带来的结果,因为原文中说是“despite the availability of other new materials”;文章最后一段提到适当通风只是能够减少风险,而不会消除石棉的危害,因此[D]不正确。 3.【题眼】转折处设题 【解析】选[B]。事实细节题。第二段尾句转折指出经济学家和建筑业管理部门提供的证据得出的结论是,石棉仍将在建筑业中发挥主要作用,而这正是选项[B]表达的意思。[A]本身正确,但却不是根据经济学家和建筑业管理部门的证据得出的结论,而是全国医疗调查委员会在报告中证实的事实;根据经济学家和建筑业管理部门提供的证据,不能得出[C]和[D]两个结论 4.【解析】选[D]。文章倒数第二段描述与[A]相反,所以[A]错误。[B]的内容在文章倒数第三段提到,注意原文中的is critical to“至关重要的”与[B]中的meaningless相反;[C]文中未提及;[D]与文章尾段首句表述意思相同,因此选[D]。 5.【题眼】段尾句设题 【解析】选[A]。推理判断题。文章提到的一些关于减少石棉危害的建议都涉及如何减少和消除进入空气中的石棉微粒和纤维,因此我们可以断定石棉主要通过进入呼吸系统对人体造成危害,故[A]正确,其他三个选项在原文中都没有根据。 全文翻译 1967年,作为对由“石棉死亡”医学报告所引起的公众广泛关注的回应,国家医学研究委员会组织了调查团,来研究建筑行业使用石棉对健康的威胁。 经过对医学研究者、建筑工人及管理者所提供证据的检测,委员会发布了包含对石棉处理意见的报告。报告确认了在美国和加拿大也又类似的调查结果。他们称:[1]癌症、石棉沉滞症以及其他相关疾病的形成与跟石棉的接触,哪怕是少量的,有直接关系。但是,考虑到经济学家和建筑行业的管理者所提供的证据,报告称,[3]在未来很长的时间内,[2]尽管其他材料也可以获得,但石棉将继续在英国的建筑行业扮演主要角色,这主要是因为它的可获得性及廉价的成本。 最后,委员会给出了一系列的建议,以减少在工作环境中可能与石棉接触带来的风险。他们建议: 如果可能的话,应该使用非石棉材料。在使用石棉的情况,应该使用松散纤维的石棉,这样进入空气的可能性会减小。 报告建议,在包含石棉的工作环境中,应该采取特别的防护措施。[5]工人应该佩戴防护设备,并且应特别小心地去除工作环境中和衣服上的尘埃,建议使用真空吸尘器。 报告确认了五种决定风险等级的因素。石棉的状态和类型是至关重要的。另外,在潮湿的环境中,粉尘状态的石棉会比在干燥环境中有限。 工具的选择,也影响进入空气的石棉颗粒的数量。[5]机械工具比手工工具产生的石棉粉尘可以要多得多。如果可能,建议使用手工工具。 [4]通风的工作环境,是降低风险的一个重要的因素。在封闭的工作环境中,会有更多的石棉颗粒在空气中循环流动,所以,人工通风是必要的。报告称,只要严格按照以上要求进行工作,那么与石棉接触的风险就会降低到合理的、现实的、最小数量。 Text 2 语境词汇

1. brand n. 商标;烙印;牌子

2. infiltrate v. 使透过, 渗入;使渗透;透入, 渗透 3. kiosk n. 亭, 报摊, 凉亭 4. endow v. 捐赠, 赋予, 捐助 5. scrutiny n.细看,细查,监视

6. backlash n. 反冲, 反撞; 强烈反对; 强烈反应

7. vulnerable adj. 易受伤害的, 易受攻击的, 有弱点的

8. Mcjob n. 低工资、低社会地位、仅仅要求少量技能及提供非常少晋升机会的工作 9. assive adj. 大而重的, 宏伟的, 宽大的 10. overwhelm v. 战胜; 压倒; 征服; 覆盖 难句突破

1. We live in an age (in which CBS newscasters wear Nike jackets on the air), (in which Burger King and McDonald?s open kiosks in elementary-school lunchrooms), (in which schools like Stanford University are endowed with a Yahoo! Founders Chair.)

【分析】本句为复合句。包含三个由which引导的并列定语从句。三个从句均修饰限定an age。主句框架为:we live in an age….即:我们生活在一个…样…样…样的时代。

【译文】我们生活在这样的一个时代:哥伦比亚广播公司的新闻评论员穿着耐克夹克做节目; 汉堡王和麦当劳出现在小学的午餐室里; 像斯坦福之类的大学也被赋予的雅虎创始人的称号;

2. The massive expansion (of marketing campaigns in the 1980s) coincided with the reduction (of government spending for schools and for museums.)

【分析】单句。句子框架为:the massive expansion …coincided with…。


本文是一篇现象解释型文章。文章开头先说明一种社会现象:充满商标的社会。第二、三进一步举例描述这一现象的普遍性及人们的反应。第四段举例介绍了这一现象出现的时间,紧接着第五段描述了这一现象带来的后果,最后一段解释了这一现象产生的原因及影响。 答案解析 6. 【题眼】首段,段首句设题 【解析】选[D]。主旨大意题。本题主要考查考生对文章大意的把握。文章开篇就点明主题:这是一个“world built around brands”;第二段通过对各类事实的列举(新闻主播穿着耐克牌夹克、麦当劳的餐点进入学校等)说明一些公司过火的市场营销,之后各段围绕此问题展开讨论,总结全文可知应选[D]。[A]“目前公司的做法存在的问题”片面;文中提到一些公司的营销活动和营销策略,但没提到其本质,所以[B]“目前营销活动和营销策略的本质”错;文中提到一些美国的商品全文翻译 这是一个新的商标世界 — [6]一个被商标包围的世界。个性十足的商标,制造噪音的商标,以及塑造文化的商标到处可见。当然,他们不仅出现在超市的货架上,在互联网启动的商业计划上和各种体育运动的名称中也可以见到。[6]商标正在渗透进人们的生活各个方面 — 商标标识被贴在人们的衣服上; 出现在音乐会的节目中; 出现在地铁站的墙壁上, 甚至连小学的教室里面也有。 我们生活在这样的一个时代:哥伦比

品牌,但主要说的是其泛滥,而非重要性,所以[C]“美国文化中品牌的重要性”错。 7. 【题眼】段首句,破折号处设题 【解析】选[A]。事实细节题。从文中前三段的描述及最后一段第一句话的前半部分“The massive expansion of marketing campaigns …”可知选项[A]是使品牌充斥人们生活的一个原因,所以选[A];选项[B]是表结果而非原因,所以排除;而选项[C]“政府对营销方法缺乏调控”文中未提及,所以错误。选项[D]也是过分营销的结果,而非原因。 8. 【题眼】人物引言处设题 【解析】选[A]。观点态度题。本题就第三段内容提问。作家及行动主义者Naomi Klein 认为我们的公共空间已被市场营销所取代,而公共空间对于一个健康的文化是很重要的,由此可看出,他对该问题很关注,即选项[A]正确。[B]“矛盾心理”、[C]“愤怒”、[D]“接受”均不正确。 9. 【题眼】特殊符号处设题 【解析】选[B]。推理判断题。答题关键在于理解第五段的最后一句。文章就破折号后的内容提问。破折号后的内容意思为“尽管打这类工的人都是要设法养家糊口的人”,暗含的意思就是这些人养家糊口可能是有困难的,所以[B]正确。 which引导的定语从句正是选项[A]直接提到的内容,而非文章暗示出的含义,所以排除[A];文中只提到一些公司雇佣国外的廉价劳动力,而并未就国内外工人的工作环境进行比较,所以[C]错;第五段第二句与[D]内容相反,所以可排除。 10.【题眼】尾段,段首句设题 【解析】选[C]。推理判断题。首句指出了在大规模营销活动扩大的同时,政府为学校和博物馆提供的资金减少了,后文接着提到这样导致了这些机构与私企的合作,而私人公司也利用了这一点,可见[C]正确,而[A]中的privatization属过度推断,文中并没有这些机构私有化的证据,所有[A]错误;政府为学校和博物馆提供的资金减少与这些机构与私企的合作不存在因果关系,[B]显然错误;[D]则更是首句的错误推论。

Text 3 语境词汇

1.fathom vt.了解,明白,理解?的真意

亚广播公司的新闻评论员穿着耐克夹克做节目; 汉堡王和麦当劳出现在小学的午餐室里; 像斯坦福之类的大学也被赋予的雅虎创始人的称号; 但是, 在商标渗入(过分渗入)人们生活的同时, 商标背后的公司也招致了更多的问题,更深的检查, 以及来自消费者的不可避免的强烈反应。 [7][8]行动主义者及作家 Naomi Klein 说:“我们的智力生活以及我们的公共空间正在被市场营销所取代 — 这真的影响到了我们的公民权。对于任何一种健康的文化来说,拥有公共空间都是很重要的 — 一个能把人们当作市民被而不是消费者的空间。我们已经完全失去了这种空间” 从20世纪80年代起,越来越多的公司把重点从商品上转移到了观念上 — 星巴克不是在卖咖啡了,他们是在卖团体 — 这些公司把资源越来越多地用到了市场营销活动上。 为了支付那些活动的开支,这些公司想出了其他办法来降低成本 — 比如, 通过在国内雇用合同工以及在发展中国家雇用低工资劳动力。合同工就是那些根据工作而雇用过来的临时工,雇主们没有义务提供福利(如健康保险)以及长期就业保障。这样当然为公司节省了成本,但很明显把员工放在了很脆弱的处境。[9]在美国,合同工引起了所谓的“麦工作”,雇主和员工都装作是临时的,尽管打这类工的人都是要设法养家糊口的人。 [7]市场营销活动的大规模爆发与20世纪80年代[10]政府削减对学校和博物馆的投资正好相吻合。这就使这些机构愿意,甚至是急切渴望与那些私营公司合作。但是这些公司利用那些机构的需求而做的太过火了,用他们的营销日程侵蚀了公民空间。 2.prosecutor n.公诉人;原告;检举人 3.involuntary a.无意识做出的,非故意的 4.manslaughter n.过失杀人罪;误杀

5.delinquency n.不法行为,少年犯罪;罪过 6.conceal vt.隐藏,隐瞒;遮住

7.original a.独创的;原版的;起初的

8.witness vt.目击;作证;表示n.目击者;证词;证据 9.paramedic n.护理人员;伞兵军医

难句突破 1.He is too young [to be charged with anything], but the county prosecutor has charged the man (who left the loaded gun lying around) with involuntary manslaughter, contributing to the delinquency of a minor and gross neglect (each of which has a wider application). 【分析】并列复合句。本句的结构较复杂,but连接两个并列分句。第一个分句为简单句,不定式短语作该句的状语;第二个分句为复合句,句中who 引导定语从句,修饰the man, with短语作补语,其中的“each of which”是定语从句,修饰with的三个宾语:involuntary manslaughter, contributing…和gross neglect。 【译文】他因为不到刑事责任年龄而无法被起诉,但是该县的公诉人已经以三项罪名控告了随意乱放那把上了膛的枪支的人:过失杀人、促使未成年人犯罪和重大疏忽,任何一项罪名的适用范围都很广。

2.The story may be too unusual [for the drawing of larger lessons], but one reason (it is so troubling) is that it touches the worst of America?s social ills, including the shaping of a boy (who became a loaded gun himself). 【分析】并列复合句。but连接两个并列句,前一个分句是简单句,后一个分句是复合句,其中that引导了一个表语从句; who 引导定语从句,修饰boy;“it is so troubling”是省略了连接词why的定语从句,修饰主语one reason。


本篇是一篇“信息传播型”新闻通讯报道。主要报道了一起发生在学校的小学生枪击伤人事件。第一段作者发表了对该事件引发的思考;第二段和第三段中详细描述了事情的经过,从而引起读者的思考和共鸣。 答案解析 11.【题眼】因果关系处设题 【解析】选[C],事实细节题。根据题干关键词“disturbing”(与“troubling”同义)定位于第一段最后一句。文章明确说明了原因“one reason it is so troubling is…故选项[C]符合题意;选项[A]、[B] 、[D]都不是文章提到的直接原因。 12.【题眼】首段设题 【解析】选[B]。推理判断题。作者在第一段中简单叙述了与校园枪击案有全文翻译 富兰克·辛那特拉,这位曼彻鲁的候选人,无论如何也不能理解,邪恶要有怎样的魔力才能将一个普通人变成杀人凶手啊!他大呼道“罪恶啊,罪恶”。上个星期发生在学校的枪击事件也会让人们发出同样的感慨,一位六岁的小男孩枪杀了一位同龄的小女孩。星期二,小男孩携带一把手枪来到了位于密歇根州福林特附近的蒙特莫里斯镇的一所小学里,并用它杀死了他的一位同学卡夫拉·罗兰德。他因为不到刑事责任年龄而无法被起诉,但是该县的公诉人已经以三项罪名控告了随意乱放那把上了膛的枪支的人:过失杀人、促使未成年人犯罪和重关的背景和情况,并指出了其社会影响,不难看出作者的目的是让社会认真反思,吸取教训。其他三个选项都过于表面化,没能表达出作者的意图。 13.【题眼】复杂句设题 【解析】选[C]。语义理解题。根据文章最后一段第二句提到的相关信息:Kayla 在学校经过“paramedics”的治疗后,又被送入大医院?,可以判断出paramedics指的是“处理小病的护理人员”,故选[C]。 14.【解析】选[D]。事实细节题。第一段第三句谈到由于小男孩还太小,不能判罪,文章并未谈到他“迟早会被指控”的问题,所以不选[A];[B]中的“school”与第一段最后一句中的“society”不相符;文章第二段第七句谈到,当时的情景与警察报道的相反,且文章并没有提到是否及时地报道了枪击案,故[C]排除。第二段倒数第三句说,小男孩最初将枪口对准别人,后受卡夫拉的挑衅,才将枪口转向她,故[D]正确。 15.【解析】选[A]。主旨大意题。本文主要叙述了在一个小学发生的小学生枪击杀人案,选项[A]最能概括这一内容,故为本题答案。[B]“一个灾难”太过含糊;[C]、[D]又过于笼统,因此都不适合做文章的标题。 大疏忽,任何一项罪名的适用范围都很广。[12]该事件似乎太罕见,以至于并不能让人们吸取更大的教训,[11]但是此事之所以这么令人担忧是由于他触及到美国社会的顽症,包括使一个小男孩自己变成了一把上膛的手枪。 究竟是谁杀死了卡夫拉·罗兰德?是一个六岁的同班同学干的。星期二的早上,他来到了布尔小学,随身藏着一把手枪和一把小刀。手枪是一把大卫斯32式半自动手枪,它被广告商标榜为“新型的口袋手枪”。另一小男孩发现了小刀并报告了老师,小刀被没收了。但在将近上午十点时,小男孩握紧了手枪。一个七岁的小男孩克里斯·波艾兹亲眼目睹了接着发生的一幕:学生们正在从一个小的阅读小组教室挪到计算机培训室,这和警察所称的枪击事件发生在一间教室内完全相反。当小男孩将枪拔出来的时候,孩子们正在从一楼走向二楼的教室。卡夫拉正在他的前面朝楼上走,他大喊:“我不喜欢你”。[14]她本来是背对着他的,这时她转过身来,挑衅地回敬道:“那又怎么样?”这位小男孩,将原先指向别的同学的手枪旋转一圈,射出了一发子弹,子弹打到了女孩的右胳膊并穿过了她的致命部位。波艾兹说,他看到了卡夫拉的肚子两边的血喷涌而出,她先是痛苦地捂住了肚子,然后抓着脖子,急促地呼吸。 开枪者跑到了洗手间藏了起来,把枪丢到了垃圾堆里,[13]学校的医务人员对卡夫拉进行了简单的救治并马上把她送到了赫利医疗中心,10:29分,她被宣布死亡。枪击事件后不久,校长让所有的学生呆在教室里,并且锁上了学校里所有的教室门。那位并没有企图逃走的小男孩被带到校长的办公室接受审讯。 Text 4 语境词汇

1. disposable a.可自由支配的;一次性的

2. shred vt.减少,撕碎;n.些许,少量;碎片 3. trivial a.琐碎的,没有价值的 4. shuffle vt.重新安排;重新组合. 5. inevitable a.不可避免的;惯常的 6. shrivel vt.使无能为力 7. apartheid n.种族隔离

8. cocooning n.作茧,包藏,保护措施 9. toxins n.毒素

10. wage vt.开始进行(战争、运动等)


1. [Even for those jobs (that many of you may feel secure with)], there are people (who are working on what are called ?expert systems? [to be able to take jobs away from doctors and judges and lawyers]).

【分析】复合句。句子主干为there are people;even引导让步状语从句,该从句中又包含一个先行词为jobs,由that引导的定语从句;主句中的who也引导定语从句,修饰people。后面由what 引导的从句作work on的宾语;to…作目的状语。


2. Forget about the amount of toxins( that go into producing these computers), and the resources( that go into producing them), such (that 40,000 pounds of resources are necessary for a four-pound laptop.) 【分析】复合句。本句主干为一个祈使句,句子有三个宾语:the amount of toxins;the resources;such。每个宾语又被各自后面由that引导的定语从句修饰。



答案解析 16.【题眼】段首句、段尾句设题 【解析】选[D]。事实细节题。仔细阅读每段段首句和段尾句,我们不难发现作者认为信息技术对于社会、自然及经济等各方面都带来了危害。第一段探讨了对经济的影响;第二段是对社会的影响;第三段是对自然环境的影响;第四段为综述;因此,只有选项[D]比较全面地概括了全文所讨论的内容,其他三个选项都不全面。 17.【题眼】特殊标点处设题 【解析】选[B]。语义理解题。虽然许多人并不太熟悉第二段引号中的“Nintendo capitalism”(任天堂),但是通过本段第四句中的:“The inevitable result of a Nintendo Economy — pulling itself apart,losing jobs,insecure — is the shriveling of the society in which it exists”,我们至少可以确定作者赋予这个词的涵义是负面的,仅凭这一点,我们就可以选出正确答案为[B]。 全文翻译 [16]我们很容易就能看到经济的影响力。自1978年以来,人们已经丧失掉430亿份工作。这在很大程度上是由于应用了科学技术 — 直接原因是机器人的使用,还有就是计算机。作为一种节约劳动资源的手段,它们正在做它们可能做的工作。今天,终生性的工作根本就不存在;对大多数人来说也不存在终生职业这一说。没有被废除掉的工作已经通过使用机器降低了对熟练程度的要求,或者说这些工作都成了任何人都可以做的工作。甚至那些许多人认为很保险的职业也不例外,现在一些人正在开发“专家系统”,它们将可能夺走医生、法官和律师的饭碗。机器当然也具备减少这些工作的能力。 但不只是工作如此。[17]相较于当今世界的“任天堂资本主义”,工作和服务经济的状况实在是微不足道的。每天有四万亿美元在全球流通运转,以财富创造出来。18.【题眼】尾段设题 【解析】选[B]。事实细节题。就最后一段信息提问。该段中心是技术革新对于自然界的破坏性后果。且倒数第二句说到:“Industrial society is waging a war of the techno-sphere against the biosphere.”,然后说这就是第三次世界大战,由此推断所提到的第三次世界大战指的是techno-sphere a和 biosphere之间的战争,故[B]正确。其他三个选均与本文的主旨不符合。 19.【题眼】尾段设题 【解析】选[A]。观点态度题。文章最后一段最能反映作者的态度。作者指出“But the technology has an even darker effect”,“Industrial society is waging a war …. ”,“That is the Third World War.”,由此可见作者对于信息技术是心存担忧的,选项[A]正确;尽管作者谈到信息技术的消极后果,但还是承认信息技术能够“bring human beings goods”,所以[B]不准确;作者肯定信息技术的作用,也担心其消极后果,这并不是一种怀疑态度,[C]也不正确;文章通篇都是在讲信息技术的负面影响,故[D]错误。 20.【解析】选[C]。主旨大意题。根据第一题中的分析,作者重在描述信息技术带来的危害,且后面分别从经济、社会、环境方面进行了分别论述,所以选[C];[A]是文章中提到的一个细节;[B]不是本文讨论的重点;[D]失之偏颇。 [17]任天堂经济引起的不可避免的后果 —— 经济体系支离破碎、 失业、无安全感是它所处的社会束手无策的表现。[16]我们身处一个种族隔离的社会,贫富差距日渐加大,富人在花费大量精力设法摆脱穷人带给他们的影响。 [16]信息经济造成的更严重的后果 —— 似乎还没有人愿意对其进行关注 —— 是处处可见的自然世界的破碎。人们忘记了制造计算机产生的大量毒素,生产计算机所需的资源,以至于为了制造一台四磅重的便携式电脑,就需要四万磅的资源,可是,这与计算机和工业系统给环境和气候、空气和水的污染造成的直接影响相比又是太不值一提了。 科学技术的发展并不只是会给人类带来好处,也会有坏的消息。但是一开始很多人会无视新技术的这一缺点。不过,在本世纪,科学技术的发展确实引起了人们对这些弱点的关注。[19]但是,科学技术有它更加不为人知的作用,因为它使我们有征服自然的可能。[18][19]工业社会正在发动一场科技圈对生物圈的战争,那就是第三次世界大战。坏消息是我们将会打赢这场战争。 Part B 语境词汇

1.acceleration n.加速,增速 ;加速(度) 2.utterly adv.全然;完全地;彻底地 3.axiom n.[数]公理

4.cumulative a.渐增的;积累的 5.sustenance n.食物 ;生计 ;(受)支持 6.symptom n.症状;征候,征兆 7.depletion n. 损耗

8.assessment n.估计,估算


1. [While no single discovery has had the kind of effect on our relationship to the earth( that nuclear weapons have had on our relationship to warfare)], it is nevertheless true that [taken together,] they have completely transformed our cumulative ability to exploit the earth for sustenance — making the result of unrestrained exploitation every bit as unthinkable as the result of unrestrained nuclear war.

