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一、 中国保险条款(CIC)


1、 国内船舶保险条款 2、 渔船保险条款 3、 修船责任保险协议书 4、 船舶保险条款

5、 船舶战争、罢工险条款 6、 集装箱保险条款 7、 集装箱战争险条款 8、 渔船保险条款 9、 船舶建造保险条款 (二)货运险条款

1、 国内水路、陆路货物运输保险条款 2、 海洋运输货物保险条款 3、 海洋运输货物战争险条款 4、 海洋运输冷藏货物保险条款 5、 海洋运输散装桐油保险条款 6、 陆上运输货物保险条款 7、 陆上运输货物战争险条款 8、 陆上运输冷藏货物保险条款 9、 航空运输货物保险条款 10、 航空运输货物战争险条款 11、 邮包险条款 12、 邮包战争险条款 13、 货物运输罢工险条款 14、 偷窃、提货不着险条款 15、 淡水、雨淋险条款 16、 短量险条款 17、 混杂、沾污险条款 18、 渗漏险条款 19、 碰损、破碎险条款 20、 串味险条款 21、 受潮受热险条款

22、 钩损险条款 23、 包装破裂险条款 24、 锈损险条款 25、 易腐货物条款 26、 交货不到条款 27、 进口关税条款 28、 舱面货物条款 29、 拒收险条款 30、 黄曲霉素险条款

31、 出口货物到香港(包括九龙在内)或澳门存仓火险责任扩展条款 32、 海关检验条款 33、 码头检验条款 34、 卖方利益保险条款

35、 进口集装箱货物运输保险特别条款

36、 海运进口货物国内转运期间保险责任扩展条款 37、 活牲畜、家禽的海上、陆上航空运输保险条款

二、 协会条款(IC)

1、 Additional Deductible Adaptation (For use whenever the Institute Machinery

Damage Additional Deductible Clause and the Institute Additional Perils Clauses 1/10/83 (For use only with the American Institute Hull Clauses) are included in the same insurance)

2、 Additional Deductible Adaptation (For use whenever the Institute Machinery

Damage Additional Deductible Clause and the Institute Additional Perils Clause 1/10/83 (For use only with the Institute Time Clauses 1/10/83 are included in the same insurance)

3、 Additional Expenses (Cargo War Risks)

4、 Additional Perils – Hulls (For use only with the American Institute Hull Clauses) 5、 Additional Perils – Hulls (For use only with the Institute Fishing Vessel Clauses


6、 Additional Perils – Hulls (For use only with the Institute Standard Dutch Hull

Form 1/9/84

7、 Additional Perils – Hulls (For use only with the Institute Time Clauses – Hulls


8、 Average Disbursements Clauses (A) 9、 Average Disbursements Clauses (B) 10、 Bridging (Hulls) 11、 Builders’ Risks

12、 Builders’ Risks Deductible

13、 Builders’ Risks Faulty Design 14、 Builders’ Risks (Strikes) 15、 Builders’ Risks (War) 16、 Bulk Oil

17、 Bulk Oil (Strikes) 18、 Cargo (A) 19、 Cargo (B) 20、 Cargo (C)

21、 Cargo (Strikes) 22、 Cargo (War)

23、 Cargo (Air) (excluding sendings by Post) 24、 Cargo (Marine Policy General Provisions) 25、 Cargo “Three Leaders” 26、 Cargo (War Cancellation)

27、 Cargo Contracts (Provisional Value)

28、 Cargo Reinsurance (War, Atomic and Nuclear Exclusion) 29、 Classification 30、 Coal

31、 Coal (Strikes)

32、 Commodity Trades (A) 33、 Commodity Trades (B) 34、 Commodity Trades (C)

35、 Commodity Trades (Strikes) 36、 Commodity Trades (War) 37、 Container Clauses – Time

38、 Container Clauses – Time – Total Loss, General Average, Salvage, Salvage

Charges, Sue and Labour

39、 Container Clauses – Time – War and Strikes 40、 Deductible – Builders’ Risks

41、 Disbursements and Increased Value – Time – Hulls (Total loss only, including

Excess Liabilities) 42、 Dual Valuation

43、 Dutch Hull, Standard

44、 English Jurisdiction Clause

45、 Excess Liabilities – Time – Hulls 46、 Faulty Design – Builders’ Risks 47、 Fishing Vessel

48、 Fishing Vessel – Additional Perils

49、 FOSFA Trades (A) Agreed with the Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fats


50、 FOSFA Trades (B) Agreed with the Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fats


51、 FOSFA Trades (C) Agreed with the Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fats


52、 FOSFA Trades (Strikes) Agreed with the Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fats


53、 FOSFA Trades (War) Agreed with the Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fats


54、 FOSFA Supplementary (1) (For use in conjunction with Institute FOSFA Trade

Clauses (B)

55、 FOSFA Supplementary (2) (For use in conjunction with Institute FOSFA Trade

Clauses (C)

56、 FOSFA Supplementary (3) Ship Navigation & Management (For use in

conjunction with Institute FOSFA Trades Clauses (B) & (C)

57、 FOSFA Supplementary (4) Grade Clause (For use in conjunction with Institute

FOSFA Trades Clauses) 58、 Freight (Time)

59、 Freight (Time – War and Strikes) 60、 Freight (Voyage)

61、 Freight (Voyage – War and Strikes)

62、 Frozen Food (A) (Excluding Frozen Meat) 63、 Frozen Food (C) (Excluding Frozen Meat)

64、 Frozen Food (Excluding Frozen Meat) – Strikes

65、 Frozen Food Extension Clauses (For use only with the Institute Frozen Food

Clauses (A)

66、 Frozen Meat (A) (not suitable for chilled, cooled or fresh meat)

67、 Frozen Meat (A) – 24 Hours Breakdown (not suitable for chilled, cooled or fresh


68、 Frozen Meat (C) and 24 Hours Breakdown (not suitable for chilled, cooled or

fresh Meat)

69、 Frozen Meat – Strikes (not suitable for chilled, cooled or fresh Meat)

70、 Frozen Meat Extension – IMTA (For use only with the Institute Frozen Meat

Clauses (A))

71、 Hull Reinsurance (War, Atomic and Nuclear Exclusion)

72、 IMTA Frozen Meat Extension (For use only with the Institute Frozen Meat

Clauses (A)) 73、 Jute

74、 Jute (Strikes) 75、 Location

76、 Machinery Damage Additional Deductible (For use only with the American

Institute Hull Clauses)

77、 Machinery Damage Additional Deductible (For use only with the Institute

Standard Dutch Hull Form 1/9/84

78、 Machinery Damage Additional Deductible (For use only with the Institute Time

Clauses – Hulls 1/10/93

79、 Machinery Damage Additional Deductible (For use only with the Institute

Voyage Clauses – Hulls 1/10/83

80、 Machinery Damage Extension Clause – Yacht 81、 Malicious Damage

82、 Marine Policy General Provisions (Cargo) 83、 Mortgagees Interest – Hulls

84、 Natural Rubber (excluding Liquid Latex)

85、 Natural Rubber (excluding Liquid Latex) - Strikes

86、 Notice of Cancellation and War Automatic Termination of Cover – Hulls, etc. 87、 Oil (Bulk)

三、 美国协会条款(AIC)

1、Personal Effects – Yacht (For use only with the Institute Yacht Clauses 1/11/85 in

insurances covering Vessels with lockable cabin accommodation) 2、Port Risks – Time – Hulls (20/7/87)

3、Port Risks – Time – Hulls including Limited Navigation (20/7/87) 4、Protection and Indemnity – Hulls – Time 5、Provisional Value for Cargo Contract

6、Racing Risking Extension Clause – Yacht (For use only with the Institute Yacht Clauses)

7、Radioactive Contamination Exclusion Clause

8、Reinsurance – Cargo (War, Atomic and Nuclear Exclusion) 9、Reinsurance Waiver Clause 10、 Reinsurance Waiver Clause 11、 Replacement

12、 Rubber – Natural (excluding Liquid Latex)

13、 Rubber – Natural (excluding Liquid Latex) - Strikes 14、 Rubber Shipments to United Kingdom ONLY 15、 Service of Suit (USA) 16、 Shipowners’ Liability

17、 Speedboat (Special Conditions and Further Excluded Risks) 18、 Standard Conditions for Cargo Contracts 19、 Standard Dutch Hull 20、 Strikes (Air Cargo)

21、 Strikes (Builders’ Risks) 22、 Strikes (Bulk Oil) 23、 Strikes (Cargo) 24、 Strikes (Coat)

25、 Strikes (Commodity Trade) 26、 Strikes (FOSFA)

27、 Strikes (Frozen Food) (Excluding Frozen Meat)

28、 Strikes (Frozen Meat) (not suitable for chilled, cooled or fresh meat) 29、 Strikes (Jute)

30、 Strikes (Natural Rubber) (excluding Liquid Latex) 31、 Strikes (Timber Trade Federation) 32、 Theft, Pilferage and Non-Delivery 33、 Three Leaders (Cargo) 34、 Timber Trade Federation

35、 Timber Trade Federation (Strikes) 36、 Time – Freight 37、 Time – Hulls

38、 Time – Hulls – Disbursements and Increased Value (Total Loss only, including

Excess Liabilities)

39、 Time – Hulls – Excess Liabilities

40、 Time – Hulls – Total Loss, General Average and 3/4 the Collision Liability

(Including Salvage, Salvage Charges and Sue and Labour)

41、 Time – Hulls – Total Loss Only (Including Salvage, Salvage Charges and Sue

and Labour)

42、 Time – Hulls – Port Risks (20/7/87)

43、 Time – Hulls – Port Risks including Limited Navigation (20/7/87) 44、 Voyage – Freight

45、 Voyage – Hulls - Total Loss, General Average and 3/4 the Collision Liability

(Including Salvage, Salvage Charges and Sue and Labour) 46、 War (Air Cargo)

47、 War (Builders’ Risks) 48、 War (Cargo)

49、 War (Commodity Trades) 50、 War (FOSFA)

51、 War (sendings by Post)

52、 War and Strikes (Cargo stored afloat in mechanically self-propelled vessels) 53、 War and Strikes Freight – Time 54、 War and Strikes Freight – Voyage 55、 War and Strikes Hull – Time

56、 War and Strikes Hull – Time – Limited Condition 57、 War and Strikes Hull – Voyage 58、 War and Strikes Yachts

59、 War, Atomic and Nuclear Exclusion (Cargo Reinsurance) 60、 War, Atomic and Nuclear Exclusion (Hull Reinsurance)

61、 War, Automatic Termination of Cover-Hulls, Etc. (Notice of Cancellation &) 62、 War Cancellation (Cargo) 63、 Warranties 64、 Yacht

65、 Yachts (War and Strikes)

66、 Yacht Machinery Damage Extension Clause

67、 Yacht Personal Effects (For use only with the Institute Yacht Clauses 1/11/85 in

insurances covering Vessels with lockable cabin accommodation)

68、 Yacht Racing Risk Extension Clause (For use only with the Institute Yacht

Clauses 1/11/85) 69、 Yacht Transit

