人教版新起点四年级英语上册测试卷5 - 图文

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人教版新起点四年级英语上册测试卷Unit 5



一、Listen and number听录音,给下列图片排序。(1′×10=10′)




二、Listen and choose听录音,把句子补充完整。(1′×10=10′) A、talkingB、runningC、footballD、safeE、waiting F、behind G、children H、ropeI、streetJ、dangerous

There are many people in the . Two boys are. A car is coming from. It is

dangerous!A girl is riding a bike and on the phone. It is not. A young man is for the green light. That is safe.

Many are playing in the park. Some are playing and some are jumping . Some boys are swimming in the lake. That is .

三、Listen and choose听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(1′×5=5′) ()1、A、She often goes running. B、He likes running. ()2、A、I often read books at home. B、I often watch TV at home.

()3、A、What do you usually do on the weekend? B、Where do you often go on the weekend? ()4、A、They want to against the traffic. B、They want to swim in the lake. ()5、A、Don’t play with fire .It’s dangerous.

B、Don’t play football in the street. It’s dangerous. 四、Listen and choose听录音,根据问句选答句。(1′×5=5′) ()1、A、She likes eating apples. B、They have two crayons. ()2、A、Yes,it is. B、No,she isn’t.

()3、A、We are swimming.B、They are swimming. ()4、A、Yes,we do.B、Yes, they do.

()5、A、She goes to work at seven. B、She goes to work by bike. 五、Listen and draw√or×听录音,判断正√误×。(2×5=10′) ()1、A young man is waiting for the green light. ()2、Do you go to work by subway? ()3、Don’t climb the tree. It’s dangerous. ()4、There are many children in the zoo. ()5、The light is red,Don’t go!

六、Listen and number听录音,给下列句子排序。(2′×5=10′) ()1、Mary’s mother is hurt.

()2、Don’t worry .The police can help us. ()3、The light is green. Let’s go. ()4、I am having a bad day.

()5、A girl is riding a bike and talking on the phone.


七、Read and choose选择下列短语的中文(1′×10=10′)

A、等绿灯 B、小心 C、放鞭炮 D、玩火 E、跑下楼梯 F、爬树G、在河里游泳H、走人行道I、在街上踢足球J、爬窗户

be careful climb the window ledge play with fire run down the srairs


climb the tree use the sidewalk play football in the street


light firecrackers wait for the green light swim in the river


八、Read and choose为下列句子选择适当的图片。(1′×5=5′) ()1、Don’t climb the window ledge. A、

()2、Don’t play with fire.It’s dangerous. B、

()3、Don’t run down the stairs. C、

()4、Don’t swim in the lake. D、

()5、Don’t climb the tree. It’s dangerous. E、

九、Read and choose读一读,选出每组中不同类的单词(1′×5=5′) ()1、A、climb B、greenC、red ()2、A、safeB、dangerous C、light ()3、A、threeB、thirdC、first

()4、A、streetB、cross C、playground ()5、A、carefulB、sidewalkC、window

十、Read and judge判断下列行为是否正确。打√或×(1′×10=10′) ()1、Run in the street. ()2、Wait for the green light. ()3.、Use the sidewalk.

()4、Play football on the playground. ()5、Swim in the lake. ()6、Run down the stairs ()7、The light is red,let’s go. ()8、Climb on the window ledge.

()9、Play with fire.

()10、Ride a bike and talk on the phone.

十一、Read and choose读一读,选一选。(2′×5=10′) When you are in England,you must be very careful in the street because the traffic drivers on the left(左边). Before you cross a street,you must look at the right(右边) and the left.

In the morning or in the evening when people go to or come from work,the street are very busy. Traffic is the most dangerous then.

When you go by bus in England,you have to be careful,too. Always (总是)remember (记住)the traffic moves on the left. So you must be careful. Have a look first, or(否则) you will go to the wrong(错误) way.

In many English cities,there are big buses with two floors. You can sit on the second floor. From there you can see the city very well. It’s interesting.

( )1、In English cities the traffic drivers. A.on the leftB.on the right C.inthemiddle

( )2、When you cross the street in England,you must look at . A.the left first B. the right first C. the back first

( )3、In the morning or in the evening,the street are very. A.freeB.safeC.busy

( )4、Before you take a bus in England,you must be careful,or you will go to

the way.

A.rightB.wrongC.front ( )5、“The big buses with two floors”mean in the Chinese.

A.单层公共汽车B.双层公共汽车 C.长途汽车

十二、Read and draw √ or ×阅读判断正误(√或×)(1′×10=10′)

I’m Joy. This is my house. My brother is in the bedroom. He is climbing on the window ledge. Mother says:“Don’t climb the window.”My sister is in the living room. She is going to plug(插插头)in the TV with her wet hands. Father says:“Be careful!Don’t touch it.”Look,what is Andy doing? He is running down the stairs after Binbin. Lily says:“Don’t run down the stairs. It’s dangerous.”Bil is in the kitchen. He is playing with a lighter(打火机).I say to him:“Don’t play with fire. It’s dangerous!”

()1、My brother is in the bedroom. ()2、My sister isn’t in the living room.

()3、Andy is climbing on the window ledge. ()4、Bill is in the bedroom.

()5、Bill is playing with a lighter.

