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In 2016 County Economic workshop Shang of speech comrade are: this county economic workshop of main task is, full implement implementation Central, and provincial, and municipal economic workshop and province party main leaders seminar spirit, recalled summary results, analysis judge situation, arrangements deployment new annual focus work task, mobilization County upper and lower further grasp new normal, implementation new concept, temper new style, show new as, struggled to advance County economic social transformation upgrade science development. Following, told four a aspects of problem: a, and full certainly results, effective firm transformation upgrade of confidence and determination 2015, face macroeconomic down pressure continued increased of severe situation and difficult heavy of reform development task, County upper and lower tight at Central and provinces series major decision deployment, firmly grasp stability in the seeking into total tone, active adapted economic development new normal, focused focus field, full work storming, County economic social development rendering out contrarian to good, and stability in the has into, and more points breakthrough, and Overall a good trend. One is closely linked to the transformation and upgrding of the global, comprehensive economic power significantly. Accurately gauge the macro situation and based on real comprehensive plan, strongly promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Project support capacity increased significantly. Adhere to the inside and outside simultaneously, build, implementation of national and provincial investment of 625 million Yuan, for State one or two, three, four or five specific bond funds and local replacement bond funds of 554 million Yuan, for the starting year of key construction projects has laid a solid foundation. In particular the national circular economy demonstration counties and .two State-level pilot project of ecological demonstration County project platforms settled in jingchuan, Zhu Jia Jian construction of the reservoir began, handicap reservoirs, Liu Lihe reservoir preparat4ion work goes well, take solid steps for comprehensive utilization of water resources; city gas station to speed up implementation of the project, I became the County's first West-East gas pipeline project in the surrounding area benefit from the County, major projects supported increased significantly. Overall well-off society constantly consolidate 254the basis. Battle victory industrial development as the primary task of the well-off, fruit production suitable for full coverage of the target will be realized, vegetable industry development area extending, farming aquaculture changes the momentum of the show, \se + base + farmers\ntroduced measures significantly strengthen standardized management, industry constantly consolidate the basis and enriching. Investment attraction resultcontinue to expand. Adhere to the soft environment of excellence and improve the environment are equallyXXXXX煤业有限公司







In 2016 County Economic workshop Shang of speech comrade are: this county economic workshop of main task is, full implement implementation Central, and provincial, and municipal economic workshop and province party main leaders seminar spirit, recalled summary results, analysis judge situation, arrangements deployment new annual focus work task, mobilization County upper and lower further grasp new normal, implementation new concept, temper new style, show new as, struggled to advance County economic social transformation upgrade science development. Following, told four a aspects of problem: a, and full certainly results, effective firm transformation upgrade of confidence and determination 2015, face macroeconomic down pressure continued increased of severe situation and difficult heavy of reform development task, County upper nd lower tight at Central and provinces series major decision deployment, firmly grasp stability in the seeking into total tone, active adapted economic development new normal, focused focus field, full work storming, County economic social development rendering out contrarian to good, and stability in the has into, and more points breakthrough, and Overall a good trend. One is closely linked to the transformation and upgrading of the global, comprehensive economic power significantly. Accurately gauge the macro situation and based on real comprehensive plan, strongly promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Project support capacity increased significantly. Adhere to the inside and outside simultaneously, build, implementation of national and provincial investment of 625 million Yuan, for State one or two, three, four or five specific bond funds and local replacement bond funds of 554 million Yuan, for the starting year of key construction projects has laid a solid foundation. In particular the national circular economy demonstration counties and .two State-level pilot project of ecological demonstration County project platforms settled in jingchuan, Zhu Jia Jian construction of the reservoir began, handicap reservoirs, Liu Lihe reservoir preparat4ion work goes well, take solid steps for comprehensive utilization of water resources; city gas station to speed up implementation of the project, I became the County's first West-East gas pipeline project in the surrounding area benefit from the County, major projects supported increased significantly. Overall well-off society constantly consolidate 254the basis. Battle victory industrial development as the primary task of the well-off, fruit production suitable for full coverage of the target will be realized, vegetable industry development area extending, farming aquaculture changes the momentum of the show, \markets + enterprise + base + farmers\ntroduced measures significantly strengthen standardized management, industry constantly consolidate the basis and enriching. Investment attraction resultcontinue to expand. Adhere to the soft environment of excellence and improve the environment are equally三、组织领导


组 长:XX 副组长:XX XX




(一)排查主体、内容和范围 1、排查主体:煤矿一线全体工作人员


(1)“一通三防”管理方面; (2)顶板管理方面; (3)防止“三超”方面; (4)机电、运输管理方面; (5)水电防治方面;

(6)自然灾害防治方面; (7)应急救援措施落实方面; (8)安全管理制度落实方面。

3、排查范围:以本人工作场所为主,兼顾矿井的其他区域。 (二)排查处理程序







In 2016 County Economic workshop Shang of speech comrade are: this county economic workshop of main task is, full implement implementation Central, and provincial, and municipal economic workshop and province party main leaders seminar spirit, recalled summary results, analysis judge situation, arrangements deployment new annual focus work task, mobilization County upper and lower further grasp new normal, implementation new concept, temper new style, show new as, struggled to advance County economic social transformation upgrade science development. Following, told four a aspects of problem: a, and full certainly results, effective firm transformation upgrade of confidence and determination 2015, face macroeconomic down pressure continued increased of severe situation and difficult heavy of reform development task, County upper nd lower tight at Central and provinces series major decision deployment, firmly grasp stability in the seeking into total tone, active adapted economic development new normal, focused focus field, full work storming, County economic social development rendering out contrarian to good, and stability in the has into, and more points breakthrough, and Overall a good trend. One is closely linked to the transformation and upgrading of the global, comprehensive economic power significantly. Accurately gauge the macro situation and based on real comprehensive plan, strongly promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Project support capacity increased significantly. Adhere to the inside and outside simultaneously, build, implementation of national and provincial investment of 625 million Yuan, for State one or two, three, four or five specific bond funds and local replacement bond funds of 554 million Yuan, for the starting year of key construction projects has laid a solid foundation. In particular the national circular economy demonstration counties and .two State-level pilot project of ecological demonstration County project platforms settled in jingchuan, Zhu Jia Jian construction of the reservoir began, handicap reservoirs, Liu Lihe reservoir preparat4ion work goes well, take solid steps for comprehensive utilization of water resources; city gas station to speed up implementation of the project, I became the County's first West-East gas pipeline project in the surrounding area benefit from the County, major projects supported increased significantly. Overall well-off society constantly consolidate 254the basis. Battle victory industrial development as the primary task of the well-off, fruit production suitable for full coverage of the target will be realized, vegetable industry development area extending, farming aquaculture changes the momentum of the show, \markets + enterprise + base + farmers\ntroduced measures significantly strengthen standardized management, industry constantly consolidate the basis and enriching. Investment attraction resultcontinue to expand. Adhere to the soft environment of excellence and improve the environment are equally室的负责人参加组成。













XXXX煤业有限公司 20XX年X月X日

七夕,只因有你, 总有一些人牵肠挂肚难以忘记, 总有一些日子温暖甜蜜最为珍惜

In 2016 County Economic workshop Shang of speech comrade are: this county economic workshop of main task is, full implement implementation Central, and provincial, and municipal economic workshop and province party main leaders seminar spirit, recalled summary results, analysis judge situation, arrangements deployment new annual focus work task, mobilization County upper and lower further grasp new normal, implementation new concept, temper new style, show new as, struggled to advance County economic social transformation upgrade science development. Following, told four a aspects of problem: a, and full certainly results, effective firm transformation upgrade of confidence and determination 2015, face macroeconomic down pressure continued increased of severe situation and difficult heavy of reform development task, County upper nd lower tight at Central and provinces series major decision deployment, firmly grasp stability in the seeking into total tone, active adapted economic development new normal, focused focus field, full work storming, County economic social development rendering out contrarian to good, and stability in the has into, and more points breakthrough, and Overall a good trend. One is closely linked to the transformation and upgrading of the global, comprehensive economic power significantly. Accurately gauge the macro situation and based on real comprehensive plan, strongly promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Project support capacity increased significantly. Adhere to the inside and outside simultaneously, build, implementation of national and provincial investment of 625 million Yuan, for State one or two, three, four or five specific bond funds and local replacement bond funds of 554 million Yuan, for the starting year of key construction projects has laid a solid foundation. In particular the national circular economy demonstration counties and .two State-level pilot project of ecological demonstration County project platforms settled in jingchuan, Zhu Jia Jian construction of the reservoir began, handicap reservoirs, Liu Lihe reservoir preparat4ion work goes well, take solid steps for comprehensive utilization of water resources; city gas station to speed up implementation of the project, I became the County's first West-East gas pipeline project in the surrounding area benefit from the County, major projects supported increased significantly. Overall well-off society constantly consolidate 254the basis. Battle victory industrial development as the primary task of the well-off, fruit production suitable for full coverage of the target will be realized, vegetable industry development area extending, farming aquaculture changes the momentum of the show, \markets + enterprise + base + farmers\ntroduced measures significantly strengthen standardized management, industry constantly consolidate the basis and enriching. Investment attraction resultcontinue to expand. Adhere to the soft environment of excellence and improve the environment are equally 从春夏到秋冬,从陌生到熟悉, 虽不能时时联系,却总在特别的日子想起你, 七夕快乐,我的朋友。 七夕,只因有你, 因为有你,再苦生活也不觉得累, 再大的险阻也无所畏, 再大的波折也不担忧, 再痛的经历也会忘记, 因为有你,我就拥有了整个世界, 谢谢你出现在我的生命里。 七夕快乐,我的朋友。 七夕,只因有你, 相识,是最珍贵的缘分, 牵挂,是最真挚的心动, 思念,是最美丽的心情, 问候,是最动听的语言, 在这七夕到来之际,最美的祝福送给你,

七夕快乐,我的朋友。 七夕,只因有你, 雨点轻敲窗,风吹散了梦想, 唯有你的模样依旧在脑海里徜徉, 夜深人静时,你占满了心房, 舍半生轻狂,半世时光, 只为拥有一段和你相处的珍贵情缘, 七夕快乐,我的朋友。 七夕,只因有你, 虽然相距很远,但两颗心却紧紧相连 虽然不常见面,音容笑貌犹如眼前, 悄悄的挟一缕情丝,放飞在炎炎夏日 默默的拽一丝牵挂,悬挂在无垠宇宙 静静的捎一声问候,盛开在七夕佳节 七夕快乐,我的朋友。 七夕,只因有你, 祝福,是一种真实的心意, 是一种甘甜的快乐, 是一种浪漫的味道, 是一种温馨的记忆, 是一种美丽的幸福, 更是我们情谊永远不变的纽带,

In 2016 County Economic workshop Shang of speech comrade are: this county economic workshop of main task is, full implement implementation Central, and provincial, and municipal economic workshop and province party main leaders seminar spirit, recalled summary results, analysis judge situation, arrangements deployment new annual focus work task, mobilization County upper and lower further grasp new normal, implementation new concept, temper new style, show new as, struggled to advance County economic social transformation upgrade science development. Following, told four a aspects of problem: a, and full certainly results, effective firm transformation upgrade of confidence and determination 2015, face macroeconomic down pressure continued increased of severe situation and difficult heavy of reform development task, County upper nd lower tight at Central and provinces series major decision deployment, firmly grasp stability in the seeking into total tone, active adapted economic development new normal, focused focus field, full work storming, County economic social development rendering out contrarian to good, and stability in the has into, and more points breakthrough, and Overall a good trend. One is closely linked to the transformation and upgrading of the global, comprehensive economic power significantly. Accurately gauge the macro situation and based on real comprehensive plan, strongly promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Project support capacity increased significantly. Adhere to the inside and outside simultaneously, build, implementation of national and provincial investment of 625 million Yuan, for State one or two, three, four or five specific bond funds and local replacement bond funds of 554 million Yuan, for the starting year of key construction projects has laid a solid foundation. In particular the national circular economy demonstration counties and .two State-level pilot project of ecological demonstration County project platforms settled in jingchuan, Zhu Jia Jian construction of the reservoir began, handicap reservoirs, Liu Lihe reservoir preparat4ion work goes well, take solid steps for comprehensive utilization of water resources; city gas station to speed up implementation of the project, I became the County's first West-East gas pipeline project in the surrounding area benefit from the County, major projects supported increased significantly. Overall well-off society constantly consolidate 254the basis. Battle victory industrial development as the primary task of the well-off, fruit production suitable for full coverage of the target will be realized, vegetable industry development area extending, farming aquaculture changes the momentum of the show, \markets + enterprise + base + farmers\ntroduced measures significantly strengthen standardized management, industry constantly consolidate the basis and enriching. Investment attraction resultcontinue to expand. Adhere to the soft environment of excellence and improve the environment are equally 七夕快乐,我的朋友。 七夕,只因有你, 爱是种体会,即使心碎也觉得甜蜜, 爱是种感受,即使痛苦也觉得幸福, 爱是种缘分,即使分离也觉得快乐, 七夕到了,最真诚的祝福送给你, 七夕快乐,我的朋友。 七夕,只因有你, 愿天下有情人终成眷属, 愿单身人士找到爱的方向, 愿情侣们找到幸福的天堂, 愿夫妻找到温暖的避风巷, 愿岁月抚平生活的忧伤,愿爱的花瓣轻舞飞扬,

