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$%&quality management solutions 质控管理解决方案

Why is it important for laboratories to use 247?--为什么要使用247?

Importance for laboratories to use 247使用247的重要性1. Improper Quality Control leads to increased costs in the laboratory-质量控制做的不好会导致实验室成本增加– Due to possible repeated tests-可能导致重复检测 – Improper patient treatment because of incorrect test results –因检验结果不准确导致的治疗不当 Could be detected using 247 –可通过247发现问题

Importance for laboratories to use 247使用247的重要性2. Result Validation-结果的确认– Data being entered can be validated using multi rule QC procedures-可通过多规则质控程序保证结果可靠 – The advantages of Multirule QC procedures are that false rejections can be kept low while at the same time maintaining high error detection-使用多规则质控程序的好处在于可降低误拒绝率同时提高错误检出率

Importance for laboratories to use 247使用247的重要性3.Turnaround time for reporting test result to clinicians can be reduced– Through minimising false rejections that requires repeat analysis of controls and re-runs of patient samples– 误拒绝的结果需进行质控和样本的重新检测,通过最小化这种错误拒 绝,可减少向临床报告检验结果的时间

Importance for laboratories to use 247 4.Can be used as a trouble-shooting tool– If there are concerns that the control material is not performing well-如果担心质控物有问题– 247 enables the lab to separate the effects of the method from suspected effects of the control by looking at the effect of the same controls in other labs-可通过247观察其他实验室的数据迅速区分是质控物的问题还是分析系统的问题– Leading to more rapid and effective problem solving –更加快速有效的解决问题

Importance for laboratories to use 2475. 247 provides means and SD’s for the material that are relevant because they reflect current testing conditions among labs 247软件可以提供相关质控物的均值和SD范围,反映实验室间的检测情 况

Importance for laboratories to use 2476. Many managers ‘sign off’ on the results without really investigating if those results are in fact accurate– 247 provides an easy and fast way for laboratory managers to be confident that the results they sign for are correct.– 实验室管理者在检验报告单上签字时往往并没有去考察结果是否可靠。 247提供一个快速有效的途径让管理者可以确保结果的准确。

Why is it important to use the right serum controls?-使用正确的质控血清的重要性

Importance of right control material Some manufacturer’s controls are advertised as “human serum based”-很多质控品上标注是人血清基质的– These are quite different to fully human-人基质和全人基质是有很大区别的 Use of ‘human based’ serum with antibody/antigen methodologies can lead to target values shifting between reagent lots– Extra work needed to re-set targets – Extra time and costs-免疫方法学项目的质控使用人基质血清会导致不同批号的试剂间靶值 浮动,需要花时间去定值,导致时间和成本的浪费

Importance of right control material When used in peer group reporting and EQA this becomes even more important-在同群组报告和EQA中这一点更加重要 Chances are that participants that is comparing to each other are using different reagent batches-很可能参加数据比对者使用的试剂都是不同的,其中的抗体也不一样– Different antibodies in each batch Differences between participants will be greater-不同参加者差异更大 CVs will be higher within Instrument and/or Method groups-同仪器/方法群组中CVs更高

Importance of right control material Therefore all RANDOX controls using immunological / immunoassay methods are 100% fully human-RANDOX质控中涉及到免疫学方法的质控物都是100%全人基质的 For Example: Immunoassay-免疫 Specific Protein-特定蛋白 Lipid-血脂 Cardiac-心肌

Importance of right control material Our aim is to have much more over our control range working with 247 in the future –我们的目标是拥有更广范围的247配套质控物

Range of RANDOX QC Chemistry Controls-生化 Specific Protein Controls-特定蛋 白 Immunoassay Controls-免疫 TDM Controls-治疗药物 Lipid Controls-血脂 Cardiac Control-心肌 Urine Controls-尿液 C.S.F. Controls-脑脊液 Cytokine Controls-细胞因子 Single analyte Controls-单个分析 物 Blood gas Controls-血气 Coagulation Controls-血凝 Maternal Screening Controls-孕妇 筛查 Tumour Marker Controls-肿瘤标 志物 Liquid Cardiac (NT-proBNP & BNP) Controls-液态心肌质控 Urinalysis Controls-尿常规 Urine Toxicology Controls-尿毒理 学质控

New Developments-新发展

New Features in Software-软件的新特点 24/7 software is getting a complete new look Including many new features and functions Upgrades to the 24/7 software will come in 3 Phases Phase 1 almost complete 全新的界面,包含很多新的特点和功能,软件升级将分三阶段进行,第 一阶段已基本完成

Phase 1 New design and colours

Phase 1 It will work differently than before Let’s show you some examples: 几个新界面的例子

First the Instruments are shown

