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Unit1 Hello!

第三课时A Let's sing

1.Ruler, ruler. I have a ruler.

2.Pencil, pencil. I have a pencil.

3.Eraser, eraser. I have an eraser.

4.Crayon, crayon. I have a crayon.

第四课时B Let's talk

1.Hello, I' m Miss White/ Mrs Jones.

2.Hi, I'm Mike / John /Wu Yifan / Zip.

第五课时B Let's learn

1.What' your name?

2.My name's Sarah/ Chen Jie/John/Zoom.


4.Bye, Miss White/ Mrs Jones.

第六课时Start to read & Story time

1.Bag, bag. Show me your bag.

2.Pen, pen. Show me your pen.

3.Pencil box, pencil box. Show me your pencil box.

4.Book, book. Your book.

Unit 2 colours

第一课时A Let's talk


Hello, I'm Mike.--- Hi, I'm Sarah.

What's your name?--- My name's John. Goodbye! --- Bye! / Goodbye!

Let's play!--- Ok! / Great!

Are you Tutu? ---No!

第二课时A Let's learn

Show me your ruler.

Show me your eraser.

Show me your pencil.

Show me your crayon.

I have a bag.

I have a pencil box.

I have a book.

I have a pen.

第三课时A Letters and sounds

A B C song

Aa-Bb-Cc-Dd , Ee-Ff-Gg

Hh-Ii-Jj-Kk, Ll-Mm-Nn

Oo-Pp-Qq, Rr-Ss-Tt

Uu-Vv-Ww, Xx-Yy-Zz

第四课时B Let's talk

Green, green. I see green.

Red, red. I see red.

Yellow, yellow. I see green.

Blue, blue. I see blue.

第五课时B Let's learn

I have a red eraser.

I see your blue crayon.

Show me your green book.

Open your yellow pencil box.

第六课时B Start to read & Story time

Black, black. Colour it black.

White, white. Colour it white.

Orange, orange. Colour it orange.

Brown, brown. Colour it brown.

Unit 3 Look at me!

第一课时A Let's talk

Good morning.--- Good moring.

Good afternoon.--- Good afternoon.

Mrs Jones, This is Miss Green.--- Good morning, Miss Green.

Nice to meet you.

Hello, Miss Green. Nice to meet you.--- Nice to meet you, too. Colour it brown!---Ok!

Let's paint.--- Ok!

第二课时A Let's learn

This is my black pen.

This is my red crayon.

This is my blue bag.

This is my brown crayon.

第三课时A Lett?ers and sounds

Aa-Aa-Aa , /?/- /?/- /?/, ant, ant, apple, apple.

Bb-Bb-Bb, /b/-/b/-/b/, book, book, bag, bag.

Cc-Cc-Cc,/k/-/k/-/k/, cat, cat, crayon, crayon.

Dd-Dd-Dd,/d/-/d/-/d/, dog, dog, duck, duck.

第四课时B Let's talk

Good morning. ---Good morning.

How are you? --- I'm fine, thank you.

Fine, thank you.

Let's go to school! ---Ok!

第五课时B Let's learn

Ear, ear. Look at my ear.

Eye, eye. Look at my eye.

Nose, nose. This is my nose.

Face, face. This is my face.

Mouth, mouth. This is my mouth.

第六课时B Start to read &Story time

Arm, arm, This is the arm.

Hand, hand. This is the hand.

Head, head. This is the head.

Body, body. This is the body.

Leg, leg. This is my leg.

Foot, foot. This is my leg.

Recycle 1


ruler pencil eraser crayon bag pen pencil box book 2.颜色

red green yellow blue black brown white orange 3.身体部位

face ear eye nose mouth arm hand body leg foot 4.打招呼


Goodbye bye!

Good morning.

Good afternoon.

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you, too. How are you?

I'm fine, thank you.

Unit 4 We love animals 第一课时A Let's talk

1. ---Good morning.

---Good morning.

2. ---How are you?

---I am fine, thank you.

---Very well, thanks.

3. ---Let's make a puppet. ---Ok!

第二课时A Let's learn 1. --- What' s this?

--- It's a duck.

2. --- what's this?

--- It's a dog.

3. ---what's this?

s a bear.

'--- It

第三课时A letters and sounds

Ee-Ee-Ee, /e/-/e/-/e/. egg, egg elephant, elephant.

Ff-Ff-Ff, /f/-/f/-/f/. face, face foot, foot

Gg-Gg-Gg, /g/-/g/-/g/. green, green gift,gift

Hh-Hh-Hh, /h/-/h/-/h/. hand, hand hi,hi

Ii-Ii-Ii,a?/-a?/-a?/ ice, ice ice-cream, ice-cream / //第三课时B let's talk

Pig, pig. It's a big pig.

Bear, bear. It's a brown bear.

Cat, cat. It's a fat cat.

Duck, duck. Look at the yellow duck.

Dog, dog. Look at the black dog.

第四课时B Let's learn

1. --- What's that?

---A bear.

---No! It's a panda.

2. ---Look! A funny cat!

--- Cool! I like it.

