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原书德文写就,由Arnold Bender E.W.Dickes译成的英语,再由A.G.Eyre简化和改写,分成两册(《贝尔纳多特元帅夫人德西蕾》和《瑞典皇后德希蕾》),书名改为《德希蕾日记》。由于改写者的匠心,使这部日记语言质朴生动,内容引人入胜,人物栩栩如生;结构严密,情节紧凑,一气呵成,把三十来年间的重大历史事件融为一体。因此又很强的可读性。


Jean-Bapatiste Bendadotte (让.巴蒂斯特.贝尔纳多特)法国陆军部长,元帅,蓬特-科沃亲王;瑞典王储,反法同盟军总司令,瑞挪联邦国王查理十四世。 Desiree Clary (德希蕾.克拉里) 贝尔纳多特之妻,蓬特-科沃公主;瑞典王妃,王后。 Oscar (奥斯卡) 贝尔纳多特之子,瑞典王储,后为瑞挪联邦国王奥斯卡一世。 Napoleon Bonaparte (拿破仑.波拿巴) 法国皇帝拿破仑一世。 Josephine (约瑟芬) 拿破仑的第一个妻子,皇后。

Marie Louise (玛丽.路易丝) 拿破仑的第二个妻子,皇后,罗马王(拿破仑二世)之母

Joseph (约瑟夫) 拿破仑之兄,先后为那不勒斯,西班牙国王

Julie (朱莉) 德希蕾之姐,约瑟夫之妻,先后为那不勒斯,西班牙王后 Lucien (吕西安) 拿破仑大弟,议会议长

Louis (路易) 拿破仑二弟,荷兰国王,拿破仑三世之父 Hortense (奥坦斯) 约瑟芬前夫之女,路易之妻,荷兰王后 Jerome (热罗姆) 拿破仑三弟,维斯特法利亚国王 Letitia (莱蒂奇亚) 拿破仑之母。太后

Eugene (欧仁) 约瑟芬前夫之子,意大利总督,奥斯卡的岳父 Josephine (小约瑟芬) 欧仁之女,奥斯卡之妻 Talleyrand (塔列朗) 外交大臣, 侍从长,本尼凡亲王 Fouche (富歇) 警务大臣,奥特朗托公爵

Lafayette (拉法叶特) 大革命中任巴黎国民自卫军司令,主持《人权宣言》的起草工作

Charles (查理) 瑞典国王查理十三世 Hedvig (黑德维) 查历十三世之妻,瑞典王后 Alexander (亚历山大) 俄国沙皇亚历山大一世

Desiree?s Diary

Book One

Desiree, Wife of Marshal Bernadotte


This book is the dairy of a French girl who lived in the time of Napoleon Bonaparte. She was a real person. So were others who come into her story. Their names appear in the history books of Europe; but there they are dead people ----- and in Desiree?s diary they are alive.

Here we can see, through a woman?s eyes, how history was made. She was there. She knew the men and women who made it. She almost married Napoleon himself.

No one really understood him. Not even Desiree. She hated his wars; but she never hated the man. “He has no heart,” she said. And she was sorry for him, because love and peace had no place in his life. In her own life she found true love, with Jean Bernadotte. But in those days a soldier?s wife had little peace, especially if her husband dared to quarrel with Napoleon.

Some people write their diaries every day. Others only write then when something important happens. Desiree?s diary is of the second kind. It only covers the most important times in her life.

The first half of her story is told in this book. The second half follows in Desiree, Queen of Sweden.

Chapter 1 March 1794: the Police Have Arrested My Brother

When a woman wants to please a man, she needs a good figure. I am too thin. So tomorrow I shall fill the frond of my dress with something. Then I shall look really grown up. Of course, I am grown up already; but nobody else seems to know that.

Last November I was fourteen. Papa gave me this diary then for a birthday present. “What shall I write in it?” I asked him. It?s a beautiful diary, but the pages are rather large. Papa smiled and kissed me. “Write the story of Mademoiselle Desiree Clary,” he said. Then a worried look came into his face. Since our great revolution he has often had that look.

A few days after my birthday. Papa suddenly died. So I haven?t been writing my diary; I?ve been too sad. But I?m starting it tonight because I?m too worried to sleep. The police arrested my brother Etienne today. Tomorrow I must go to the Town Hall with his wife, Suzanne. We must try to save him. If we fail, perhaps he?ll be guillotined. It?s a terrible thought.

The revolution began five years ago, and it hasn?t finished yet. The police often arrest people. They even take women and children. Some are guillotined every day outside the Town Hall. Most of them have done nothing wrong; they just belong to noble families. But Papa was only a silk merchant. So why have they arrested Etienne?

Papa?s father wasn?t rich. He had a little shop and he sold cheap cloth. So Papa had to work very hard. But he became the best silk merchant in Marseilles(马赛---法国第二大城市).He supplied some to Queen Marie Antoinette. But then the queen was guillotined. No one had paid us for her silk.

When the police arrested Etienne, Marie said to me: “Albitte is in town. Suzanne must ask him to free your brother.”

Marie is our cook. When anything happens here in Marseilles she always knows. I?ll tell the family during dinner, I replied.

At dinner we were all very quiet and sad. Etienne?s chair was empty. So was Papa?s, of course, Mama won?t allow anyone else to sit on it. I was thinking about Albitte. I made little balls with my bread while I was thinking.

My sister Julie watched me for a moment. Then she said: “Desiree, don?t play with your bread!” She?s only four years older than me, but she often talks like that. I get tired of her sometimes.

I put a bread ball in my soup. Then I said: “Albitte is in town.”

My family weren?t listening. They never listen when I say anything. So I said it again: “Albitte is in town.”

Mama said: “who is Albitte?”

“Monsieur Albitte, ” I told her, “is a member of parliament. He?s the member for Marseilles. He?ll be in his office tomorrow in the town Hall. Suzanne must ask him why they arrested Etienne. If it was a mistake, Albitte can free him.”

Suzanne was crying into her soup. “But perhaps this member of parliament won?t listen to me,” she said.

I turned to Mama. “If Suzanne is afraid, I?ll go myself,” I said.

“You will not!” Mama replied. “You?re only a child. Eat your dinner. We?ll talk this later. Perhaps a man ought to see Albitte.”

A man? What man? I was too angry to say any more. If Etienne?s life is in danger, his own family must try to save him.

After dinner they went to Suzanne?s room, but I had to sit with Monsieur Persson. I give him a French lesson every evening. He?s a quiet young man, and he comes from Sweden. His father is a silk merchant in Stockholm(斯德哥尔摩---瑞典首都).He came here so as to learn more about the silk business.

Mama came in. She was looking worried. She didn?t seem to notice Persson. “Listen, Desiree,” she said. “Suzanne has decided to see Albitte tomorrow. But she?s afraid to go alone, so you

shall go with her.”

Why me? Why not Julie? I was surprised. But I was excited too, so I didn?t say anything. “tomorrow will be a difficult day for us all,” Mama continued. “we must go to bed early.” And she picked up the lamp from the table and carried it out.

Persson and I were left alone in the firelight. “If you?re going to bed, I must say good night,” he said. But he didn?t get up, and his voice seemed strange. Then he added: “I wanted to tell you something. I?m going home soon. My father needs me in Stockholm.” “I?m sorry,” I said. “But you?ll be glad to see your home again.”

“Yes. Stockholm is the most beautiful city in the world. Especially in winter. Then there is green ice on the lake, and the city is covered in snow. Winter lasts a long time in Sweden”

That didn?t seem very beautiful; but I wasn?t really listening. I was thinking” I must look pretty tomorrow. Then perhaps they will free my brother.

Persson was still talking. “I want to ask you somrthing, Mademoiselle Desiree. Will you give me your father?s copy of the Rights of Man?”

Papa used to keep this document beside his bed. It contains all the important ideas of our revolution. Papa liked the ideas. But he didn?t like all the results; too many people have been arrested and guillotined.

When he died, I took the document for myself. Persson and I have read it together during his French lessons. The Swedes have had no revolution; they still have a king, and noble families. So they don?t know the Rights of Man.

“You may have the document, monsieur,” I said. “I want your friends in Sweden to read it.” At that moment the door opened again. Julie?s voice behind us cried: “When are you coming to bed, Desiree?” Then she noticed Persson. “Oh! I didn?t se you there in the dark, monsieur. The child must go to bed now. Come along, Desiree.”

Julie was angry with me again. She followed me into my bedroom. “You ought to be ashamed, ” she said, while I was undressing. “You must never sit in the dark with a young man. You?re Francois Clare?s daughter. And Persson can?t even speak proper French.”

Poor Julie! She needs a husband. If she had one, my life would easier. I shall have to find one for her. But she mustn?t see this diary, so I?m hiding it under my bed. (to be continued) Chapter 2 Next day: At The Town Hall

Today there has been a lot of trouble. After lunch, Mama said to me: “You must wear your grey dress. It has a high neck.”

I didn?t want to wear it. But Julie shouted: “You?re going to see our member of parliament.

You can?t wear a dress with a low neck. You would look like ---- like a sailor?s girl!”

So I went in. “Desiree ! Don?t touch my things on your lips. And take those handkerchiefs out of the front of your dress. You can?t go out like that.”

I didn?t answer. I was ready to leave, and Mama was waiting for me below. Mama didn?t seem to notice the handkerchiefs. She filled tow glasses with wine. Then she gave one to Suzanne and one to me.

“Drink it slowly,” she said. “It will give you courage.”

Mama has never given me wine before. She ahs always said: “wait till you?re grown up.” Now even Julie can?t say that I?m a child. Mama has given me wine.

Suzanne and I walked very fast through the streets. Inside the Town Hall, a man stopped us. “You want to see Albitte?” Write your name and your reasons on this piece of paper. If you can?t write, I?ll do it for you. That will cost --- He looked at our clothes. How much did he dare to ask?

“I can write.” Suzanne said quickly.

He took our piece of paper into an office. When he came back, he said: “You may wait in that room. Everyone there wants to see Albitte. Your name will be called.”

We waited for hours. Sometimes I shut my eyes. When I opened them, there were always fewer people in the room. At last I really went to sleep.

Then a vice broke through my dreams. “Wake up, mademoiselle! You can?t stay here all night.” I opened my eyes. I was in a dark room. A young man with a lamp was standing beside me. “Don?t be afraid,” this strange man said.

His voice was soft, but it had a foreign sound. It wasn?t a Frenchman?s voice. Was I still in a dream?

“I?m sorry,” he continued politely. “But I?m going home, and I?m shutting this office.” Office? What was I doing in an office? Suddenly I remembered. I was in the Town Hall. But why was I alone with this man?

“Who are you? ” I asked. “And where is Suzanne?”

“My name is Joesph Bonaparte. I?m helping Monsieur Albitte with his work. I don?t know Suzanne, but she isn?t here. Albitte?s last visitor went two hours ago. And now I?m going too. Come along, young lady.”

“But I must wait fir Suzanne,” I said. “If I go home without her, there?ll be terrible trouble. She?s my brother Etienne?s wife, Etienne Clare. The police arrested him yesterday. We wanted Albitte to free him. People say that Albitte is a kind man. He won?t allow Etienne to be guillotined. Etienne isn?t a nobleman, you know.”

He looked at me strangely. “Perhaps Albitte is too kind. Monsieur Robespierre sent me with him for that reason. Come into the office. I?ll look at the documents on his desk.”

Oh, dear! One of Robespierre?s men! And Robespierre is the curellest man in France. He even arrests his own friends. Perhaps he has never read the Rights of Man.

“Here it is. Etienne Clare, a silk merchant.” He smiled. “Yes. Albitte has freed your brother. Perhaps Suzanne was so happy that she forgot you. But what?s the matter, mademoiselle?” I was crying. I couldn?t stop. The tears ran down my face. Then I remembered the handkerchiefs, and I put my hand inside my dress. Two, three, four little handkerchiefs came out and dried my tears. The young man couldn?t hide his surprise.

“I wanted to look grown up,” I explained. I was feeling rather ashamed. “My family think that

I?m still a child.”

“You aren?t a child. You?re a young lady now,” said Monsieur Bonaparte. “And I?m going to take you home. A young lady mustn?t walk alone in the dark. It isn?t safe.”

It was true. And I liked him. But what would you my family say? “You?re very kind,” I began, “but I can?t -----”

He laughed. “You can?t refuse an offer from a friend of Robespierre, can you?” So of course I had to agree.

(to be continued)

Chapter 3 The Same Evening:A Young Man Brought Me Home

On our way he told me about himself.He's a Corsican,and he only came to France last year.His

mother and his brothers and sisters came with him.Their new home is in Marseilles.

'Our real name is Buonaparte,' he said .'It's an Italian name and the French don't pronounce it

properly.So we've changed it to Bonaparte.'

'Corsica belongs to Italy,doesn't it?'I asked.I know very little about these things.Papa taught me to read,but I never went to school.

'It does not!It has belonged to France for twenty-five years.We speak Italian;that's true.But we are French now.One of my brothers was trained at a French army school.He is a general.'

I said'Oh!'I had to say something,because a general is an important person.

'And you are the daughter of Francois Clary, a sile merchant. He supplied silk to the noble families,

the enemies of the people. And he once wrote an unwise letter to the Queen who was guillotined.

Robespierre's police found it. They didn't like it. And they decided to arrest him.'

'But Papa is dead!'I cried.

'Yes.So your brotherwas arrested by mistake. But I don't want to talk about him. Tell me about yourself. What is your name?'

'My name is Desiree,'I said.Then a sudden thought came to me.'And my sister's name is Julie.She

is eighteen.'

'Is she pretty?'

'Very pretty,'I answered quickly.It isn't quite true;but she has nice brown eyes,and I like the curve of her lips.'You must visit us tomorrow evening .Then I can introduce you to her.If it is warm enough,

we can sit in the garden.That's our house,where the lights are.'

When he saw the big white house,his voice changed.'Will your mother be glad to see me?'he asked.

It was a difficult question.But I had to introduce him to Julie,and this was my only chance.'Of course

my mother will be glad,' I lied.'Please bring your brother, the general,with you.Is he much older than you?'

'Older?No,he's a year younger. He's only twenty—four.But he's a very good general. And his head is full of exciting ideas. His name is Napoleon.'

We said good night,and I went in. My family were having dinner. They were very angry with me.

Nobody blamed Suzanne, of course. Why did she come home without me? But my family always blame me for everything.

Mama said:'Where have you been?You must never walk alone through the streets at night.Anything could happen.'

'I wasn't alone,'I replied.'One of Albitte's men came with me.Hi's a very nice young man.He knows

Robespierre. And I've—' Etienne interrupted me.'What's his name?'

'It's Bonaparte,Joseph Bonaparte.He's a Corsican.And I've—'

Now Mama interrupted.'You're forgetting your dinner,Desiree.Your soup is getting cold.'

I picked up my spoon, but I still had to finish my sentence.'His brother is a general.And I've invited

them both to visit us tomorrow evening.' I said it in a rush, before anyone else could interrupt. Then I quickly started my soup.

'They can't come here!'Etienne shouted angrily. And Julie added:' You ought to be ashamed of yourself, Desiree.'

Mama said:'She is only a child.She doesn't understand.'

She was trying to be kind, of course. But now I was angry too. I'm not a child, I told her.' You gave me some wine today, so I must be grown up. Please remember that.' Then I terned to Julie: 'And I'm not ashamed of myself either.'

For a moment they were all too surprised to speak. Then Mama said:' Go to your room at once,


'But I'm hungry , Mama. I've only just begun my dinner.'

'Marie will bring it to your room,' she replied. Then she added more gently: 'You've given us all a lot of trouble. Think about it.Good night, my child.'

Marie brought me my dinner .Then she sat down on my bed. When we are alone, she's my friend; she's not only a servant.

'What is the matter?'she asked,'You've been crying. Dry your tears, and tell me about it.'

'I've only invited two young men to visit us tomorrow.'

Marie smiled.She may be a servant;but she understands me, and my family don't.'You're quite right,'

she said.'Your sister needs to meet some young men.'

Later Julie came in.'Mama says that your two gentlemen may come.But you must never invite them

again.'She looked at herself in the mirror.Then she added:'Is he good-looking?'

Poor Julie! She 's quite excited. But she's trying not to show it.

'Very good-looking by moonlight,'I told her.'And by lamplight too. But I haven't yet seen him by dayling.'

She went out, and I opened my diary. I've had an exciting day. But tomorrow is going to be even more exciting. 05

Chapter 4 A Day Later: I Have Met Napoleon

This afternoon I went into the garden. There was a smell of spring in the air. I thought: \-house(凉亭). Julie may want to go there.\

Later I found Julie by the kitchen fire. She had made a special cake for our guests. Her face was red, and her hair looked terrible.

\on. Marie will take care of the cake for you.\

She went up to her bedroom. I sat by the sitting room window and watched the road. Then suddenly I saw them coming.

I recognized Joseph at once. But this other man --- was he really a general? He was even shorter than Joseph; and Joseph isn?t tall. I was hoping to see a gay uniform, but his uniform was just dark green. How could a general look so ordinary?

Maire led them into the sitting room, and they introduced themselves to Mama. Julie and I had to sit between Mama and Etienne. Our guests sat opposite us. The poor general had the most uncomfortable chair in the house.

Mama gave the gentemen some wine, and she cut Julie?s special cake. She and Julie were talking to Joseph. Etienne was talking to the general. No one spoke to me; so I was able to watch the general?s face.

It wasn?t a good-looking face. It wasn?t ordinary either. It was a strong face--- a soldier?s face. But when he laughed, he looked just like a boy.

\army have no proper uniforms,\was saying to Etienne. \wood. Their guns are too old. But I have an answer to all these problems.\ \

\shall drive the Austrians out of Italy,\told him. \will be easy. Then our men will supply themselves in Italy. It?s a rich country. Next month----\

\want to conquer their country?\

\conquer each country, we shall give it the Rights of Man.\

He smiled at Etienne, and there was a mystery in that smile. My brother is a quiet businessman. He hates the thought of war. But now, suddenly, he was excited as a schoolboy. \

Joseph was looking through the window. \a beautiful garden,\\

Two minutes later we were in the garden. Without Etienne, and without Mama.

Joseph was walling with Julie. Napoleon was walking with me. He walked so slowly that the others were soon out of sight. Suddenly he said; \sister? I think that they?ll be very happy together. You think so too.\

I felt my face going red. \only just met.\

Napoleon looked straight into my eyes. \

Mademoiselle Desirre. I can see inside the hearts of young ladies. You promised to introduce Joseph to your sister. You told him that she was very pretty. That is not true. You lied to him because you want a husband for Julie!\

He gently took my arm, and we walked on. \servant,\shall look after all my family. I shall take good care of them.\

Julie had taken Joseph to the summer-house. I took Napoleon to my favourite seat under the apple trees. The moon was full. Above us, a bird sang softly. Everything else was quiet.

I thought: \Napoleon?s arm around me.\ is no God. But I always think ?Dear God? when I?m very sad or very happy.

When I came up to bed, I looked in the mirror. My eyes were shining, and my face was full of colour. I?m too excited to sleep. Joseph will certainly ask Julie to marry him. That is one reason. The other is this: My heart is burning with love.

(to be coninued) Chapter 5

August 1974: Napoleon Is In Prison

My Napoleon had been arrested!

I cried all night. But everyone else in Marseille is wildly happy. They are dancing in front of the Town Hall, and the bands are playing. They are dancing because Robespierre is dead.

At first nobody dared to believe the news. The whole country was afraid of Robespierre and his secret police. But then the newspapers arrived from Paris ---- and the news was true. His fellow leaders arrested him a few days ago. And now the cruelest man in France has been guillotined himself. Those who worked for him are in danger too. Ninety of them have already been killed in Paris. The newspaper gave some of their names.

We had invited Napoleon to dinner. When he came, he was very worried.

\Robespierre helped me to become a general. So I shall have to leave the army.\

At that moment we heard heavy footsteps outside. Napoleon stood up and folded his arms across his chest. Then Marie and a soldier came into the room. I could see two other soldiers outside the door.

The soldier had a document in his hand. He said: \

Napoleon read the document. Then he folded his arms across his chest again. What was the thinking? His face gave no sign.

At last he turned to Mama and said: %uble to your house, Madame, Please forgive me.\

Then he followed the soldiers out of the house, and we heard them march away.

After dinner I went out secretly, through the back door. I had never been to the Bonaparte?s home before. It?s in the poorest part of the town, behind the fish market. They all live together in three or four rooms.

Here are six other children. Lucien is nineteen. Elisa is seventeen. Louis is almost sixteen. Paulette is a year younger than me. Caroline is twelve, and Jerome is only nine. Paulete is quite pretty. None of the others is really good-looking. Letitia, but she didn?t invite us to visit them in return.

It was dark in the streets, and I was afraid. So I ran as fast as I could. At last I reached the fish market. Someone showed me the house, and I went down some steps to an open door.

It was the Bonapartes? kitchen and sitting room. It had no windows. The only light came from one little candle. The heat and the smell were so bad that I felt quite sick.

Joseph was reading a newspaper beside the candle. Lucien was writing something. Madame Lettia was washing clothes in a corner. Jerome and Caroline were fighting like cats, on the floor.


He and Lucien stood up. \s the matter?\


Madame Letitia cried out: \Then she hit Jerome on the head and shouted at Caroline in Italian.

I sat down and told my story. They listened quietly. Then Joseph asked: \Napoleon? Were they really soldiers? Not police?\


\may have him guillotined the next day. But the army don?t act like that. They?ll hold him in an army prison and they?ll question him fairly.\



\see this colonel tomorrow,\I said. \Letitia, please put some clean

underclothes in a parcel. And something to eat. Napoleon may be hungry in prison. Send the parcel to me in the morning.\

\troubles are his own fault. He wants to conquer the world; and he won?t listen to my advice.\

After breakfast, Paulette came to our back door. She had brought the parcel. She guided me to the colonel?s office. I put the parcel on his desk. Then I stood and looked at him. And I folded my arms across my chest, as Napoleon does.


\colonel,\I said. \and a cake. And my name is Desiree Clare. My Papa was Francois Clary, the silk merchant.\

He looked at me closely, \with your Papa, mademoiselle. Your Papa was an honest man. Why do you bring me a parcel of underclothes?\

\where he is. But you, colonel, must know.\

The colonel still didn?t understand, so I had to add: \sister wants to marry his brother Joseph. But Joseph was afraid to come here. And now my big brother doesn?t want them to marry, because you have arrested Napoleon. And Julie is crying. So will you free him, please?\

\Bonaparte isn?t here. He?s in an army prison near Nice(尼斯----法国东南部城市和港口). And I can?t free him.\

Tears began to roll down my face. The colonel saw them and looked uncomfortable.



He took two steps towards me. \


\he shouted again. Then his voice changed. \said more kindly. \send the parcel to his prison. Now will you stop?\

I smiled at him. \.

\head off. And a Bonaparte isn?t good enough for a daughter of Francis Clary. Goodbye, mademoiselle.\

(to be continued) 第六章 1794 年 9 月 朱丽的结婚庆典

Chapter 6

September 1794: Julie?s Marriage Feast

Julie was married today. It has been an exciting time for us both. But last night was even more exciting for me.

It followed a busy day. In the morning I Helped Mama and Marie to get ready for the marriage feast. And in the afternoon we said goodbye to Persson. Etienne and I went with him to the Paris coach.


\ever saw. Your father got it for Queen Marie Antoinette. But then she was guillotined.\

\queen. I hope that Monsieur Persson will be able to supply it to her.\

As the coach drove away, I thought: \ the Rights of Man with him to Sweden.\The thought brought tears to my eyes. Then I remembered the marriage feast, and I felt happy again.

At dinner Mama said: \

We have baths quite often, because Papa had modern ideas. In fact I have one almost every month.

I watched Julie having her bath. Then I went to bed, but I couldn?t sleep. Suddenly I heard a noise outside. Somebody was whistling \法语:光荣的时刻已到来!)\

I sat up. It was the second line of our town?s own song ---- the song of the revolution,

the Marseillaise(马赛曲) .It was also Napoleon?s secret signal. He always whistled that signal when he was arriving at our house.

I jumped out of bed and opened the window. It was a warm night, but storm clouds were flying across the moon.

Most young ladies can?t whistle. Mama says that it?s not polite. But I can do it.


\the path.

I forgot to shut the window. I forgot to put on my shoes. I forgot that I was wearing only a nightdress. I didn?t even light a candle. I ran down the stairs and opened the big front door. And I rushed out into the garden.

He held me tightly and whispered: \


He lifted me up and carried me to the steps outside the front door. We sat there, on the cold stone. Then he put his cloak around my shoulders.


\home yet, I?m still on my way. I wanted to thank you for that parcel, my darling girl.\kissed the top of my head. \

We sat and talked. The storm was coming nearer. When it started to rain, I pulled his cloak more tightly round my shoulders. Then a strange wild cry came from under the trees.

\my horse,\Napoleon said. \it?s afraid of the storm.\And he shouted something to it.

A moment later a window opened above us. Etienne?s voice called: \

Napoleon stood up. I jumped up too and stood beside him.


\And who are you talking to?\


The moon shone between the clouds and showed us the angry face at the window. Napoleon put his arm round my shoulders. Then he shouted:

\. Have I your permission?\

Etienne?s only reply was: \


I heard him whistling our song as he rode away. I was still wearing his army cloak. I ran up to my bedroom and put it across my bed. I thought: \wonderful dreams.\

That was last night. A lot had happened since then. Julie was almost late at the marriage office. She couldn?t find her new shoes. At last I found them under her bed.

When Mama was young, everyone was married in church. The revolution changed that. Now you have to go to an office. You can still wear a beautiful dress; Julie?s was white, and she carried red flowers. But they don?t give you beautiful music in a marriage office.

After the ceremony, all the Bonapartes came to the marriage feast. Madame Letitia had tied her hair in a knot, like a farmer?s wife. Elisa had thick paint on her face. Paulette looked pretty. Caroline?s face was unusually clean, and her hair was combed. Jerome started to fill himself with food as soon as he arrived. Lucien and Louis just looked uncomfortable in their best clothes.

Suzanne and I gave a glass of champagne to our guests. Etienne raised his glass and said: \all raised their glasses too, and drank their champagne.

After that, we sat down and enjoyed the feast. Napoleon sat next to me. When we had almost finished, he whispered into my ear. Then he stood up and said, in a loud voice:

\tell you. Medemoiselle Desiree and I are going to be married. I asked Monsieur Etienne for his permission last night.\

The Bonapartes cheered, and Madame Letitia gave me a kiss. But it was a terrible for Mama, She was not at all glad. She turned to Etienne; but he just looked angry.

Napoleon went up to Etienne and put one hand on his shoulder. Then he raised his glass,

and he smiled. That smile has a strange power over people. Etienne?s thin lips slowly smiled in return. He too raised his glass, and they drank together.

The Bonapartes were too busy to notice Jerome. He was trying to finish all the food on the table. Suddenly Madame Letitia gave a cry. Jerome?s face was green. She dragged him into the garden just in time.

When the other guests had gone, Napoleon remaind. There were tears in Mama?s yes when she spoke to him. \Will you promise not to marry Desiree till she is sixteen? \

\e Clary,\he replied, \cannot choose the date for our marriage. You and Monsieur Etienne must do that. It?s the usual custom.\

\it is, General Bonaparete. And you?re very young. But I notice ---\She stopped and gave him a sad smile. \people don?t refuse your desire. They always agree with you. Your family does, and my family does too. So I beg you. Desiree is still very young. Perhaps wait till she is sixteen!\

Napoleon gently lifted Mama?s hand to his lips. I knew that that was a promise.


Chapter 7 September 1795: I Have Run Away From Home

Paris! I?m in Paris! I?ve run away from home. I?ve spent four days in a coach, but at last I?m here. There?s a lot to write in my diary. First I must explain why I have come.

I came because Napoleon is here. I haven?t seen him for a year. The day after Julie?s marriage he said to me:

\me an army unless I see the War Minister. They haven?t even paid me since I was arrested. So I need money. Can you help me? A hundred francs would be enough.\

I had ninety-eight francs in a hidden place in my bedroom. Iwas hoping to buy him a better uniform. But he needed the money, so I gave it to him. \I said. \e back soon.\

He counted it. \eight francs. I?ll pay it back one day.\give me an army, I shan?t come back very soon. I shall conquer Italy first. But you must write to me often. The War Minister?s office will be my address. They?ll send me your letters. And don?t worry

about me, Desiree. \eyes, and it filled my heart with a sudden fear. \will be the wife of the greatest man in France! Goodbye, my darling. \

Then he climbed on to his horse and rode away.

But the men at the War Minister?s office didn?t like him. They gave him some unimportant duties in Italy. Then he got ill, and he had to leave the army. He was in Paris again, without work and without money. His coat was full of holes, and his only trousers were torn.

\went to Madame Tellien,\wrote to Joseph. \men in the government. She holds parties for him and his fellow ministers. The most important men and the most beautiful women in Paris go to her house. So she has a lot of power. She likes generals, and she seems to like me. She and her friend Josephine have given me new clothes. They may even ask the government to give me an army. They can?t promise anything yet. But I visit them every afternoon. \

Josephine! Even in distant Marseilles, people talk about the woman. They say that she?s the most beautiful woman in Paris. Her husband was a nobleman, and he was guillotined. But her pretty face saved her life.


\special friend of Monsieur Barras. He and Tallien and Forche have led the government since they had Robespierre guillotined. Fouche is the most dangerous. He was one of Robespierre?s friends, and I know him myself. He?s a real snake.\

I didn?t ask any more questions. I had heard enough. My Napoleon was visiting an unmarried woman every afternoon. And she had given him some new clothes.

Next day all my family went away for a holiday. I didn?t want to go, so I was left alone with Marie. As soon as they had gone, I said to her:

\to Pairs quickly. If I don?t, there won?t be any marriage. He sees too many beautiful women there . He must see my face again.\

Marie understood. \address. And your mother left three hundred francs with me when she went away. That will pay for your needs.\Desiree. And come back safely!\

So here I am, in her sister?s home. Tomorrow I shall find Napoleon. I shall meet him in Madame Tallien?s house, and I shall take him away from those beautiful women!


Chapter 8 Next Day: I always Jumped Off The Bridge…

Today had been like a bad dream. Am I really alive? I ought to be dead. I ought to be lying at the bottom of the River Sine(塞纳河).A few hours ago. I looked over the cold stone side of a bridge. And I was ready to jump.

But someone stopped me. Who was it? I must try to remember everything that has happened.

It has been raining all day. That?s certain. This morning I put on my blue silk dress, since I wanted to look beautiful. But it soon got terribly wet. And everyone seemed to stare at me. The women of Paris don?t wear proper dresses now; they wear an open shirt, with a skirt below. So I looked different.

A lot of people were standing outside Madame Tallien?s house. They were staring at the bright lights in the windows. Some of them were whispering angrily. I?m not surprised. The poor people can?t get enough to eat, but the leaders of the revolution live like kings.

I opened the gate and went in. then a servant stopped me at the door. He wore a red uniform with silver buttons. The noble families used to dress their servants like this. Now our leaders are copying them. Of course, Tallien himself used to be a servant.

\want, young lady?\Tallien invite you?\

I shook my head. \

\inless a gentleman is with her. Those are Madame Tallien?s orders.\into the street.

Other people arrived in carriages, and went into the house. I stood outside the gate. I was wet and cold. I thought: \

Then a carriage brought a very tall man. He wore an army officer?s clock, like Napoleon?s. I walked straight up to him.

\,\with you into the house. The servant won?t allow me to pass unless I go with a gentleman.\

The officer stared at me in surprise. At first he shook his head. He didn?t seem to like the idea. Then he suddenly offered me his arm and said:


The servant recognized me at once. He looked angry. But he bowed deeply to my officer, and took his clock.

I saw myself in a mirror. Wet hair was hanging over my face. I tried to push it quickly into place, but my officer was waiting.

\be ashamed. What is your name?\



I shook my head. \

The servant opened a pair of big white doors. My officer gave our names to another servant. And this man called out in a loud voice:


A young woman with dark hair came towards us. \general,\

\e Tallien,\

I bowed politely, but she didn?t seem to notice me. \she went on. \

I stood in a corner and looked around the big room. I couldn?t see Napoleon. There were a few officers in uniform. The rest of the men wore beautiful clothes, like noblemen before the revolution.

The ladies were gaily dressed, but their clothes didn?t cover them properly. Even their shoes had no tops, and showed their pink feet. And their toenails were painted with pink or silver paint. I thought: \


Servants in red uniforms were offering drinks to everyone. I took a glass of champagne, but I was too excited to enjoy it.

Two gentlemen were talking near me. One of them said: \Paris are getting angry at the price of food. If is gets worse, there?ll be another revolution.\

\The government must tell its soldiers to shoot. I?ve just seen general Bernadotte here. The War Minister could talk to him about it.\

\said Fouche. \would never shoot at the people. But perhaps Josephine?s new friend would do it.\

At that moment, a servant called: \please, ladies and gentlemen.\Then Madame Tallien?s voice said: \ come into the library, everybody. We have a surprise for you.\

I followed the other guests. The library was so full of people that at first I could see nothing. Servants brought a fresh glass of champagne to each other. A big ugly man pushed past me, and his coat was covered with gold. Someone whispered: \that was Barras, Josephine?s special friend.

Everyone was talking excitedly. The servant asked for silence again, and Madame Tallien said:


Then at last I saw Napoleon. Where? On the little sofa. With a beautiful fair-haired woman in a pink silk dress.

The torn trousers had gone. He was wearing a new uniform, and he was looking white and ill. I knew at once who the fair-haired woman was. She was Josephine. Her eyes were half shut, but they were looking straight at Barras. And there was a strange smile on her lips.

Napoleon himself was sitting up straight, on the edge of the sofa. He wasn?t looking at Josephine. He was watching Madame Tallien.

\everyone a glass?\Madame Tallien asked. \and gentlemen, I have something important to tell you.\

Napoleon stood up. His face had gone red. Madame Tallien was looking at Barras. The great man made a sign with his hand, and she went on:

\bravest officers --- general Napoleon Bonaparte.\


The wild cry filled the room. A terrible silence followed. Suddenly I recognized the voice ---- it was my own. And everyone was staring at me.

I took two steps forward and looked into Napoleon?s eyes. They were like glass. They didn?t seem to see me.

Then I looked at the woman. I saw the silver paint round her eyes, and the red paint on her lips. I hated her. I threw my glass at her feet, and the wine went over her dress. She screamed with fear.

A moment later I was running down a dark wet street. I don?t know how I escaped from that house. Perhaps the servants were too surprised to stop me. I ran and ran till I reached a river.


I walked slowly on to the bridge and looked over the side. Thousands of lights were dancing on the water. How gay it looked! And how lonely I felt!

Then I thought: \Joseph that he?s going to marry this woman.\

The thought was too cruel. I started to climb up the side of the bridge. But a strong hand held my shoulder, and it pulled me back. 贝道纳特将军救了她,并向她求婚......

Chapter 9 The Same Evening: …But someone Stopped Me

I tried hard to free myself from that hand. I pulled and kicked and screamed. But a quiet voice was saying: \ Desiree. Come with me. Here is my carriage.\

He was much stronger than me.. He pushed me into the carriage. Then he said to the driver.


I was cold and wet and afraid. I was crying. My body was shaking. But a big warm hand came towards me and held my hand.


The voice answered: \desirre. You asked me to take you into Madame Tallien?s house. Now you must stay with me till we reach your home.\



I remembered another went night, when another general had put his cloak around me. But now I was too tired to worry any more. He pulled me closer to him, and my head rested on his arm.

\behaved very badly at Madame Tallien?s house,\I said. \forgive me. But General Bonaparte had promised to marry me.\

\going to marry you. He was going to marry a rich girl in Marseilles. Madame Tallien told me so. The rich girl could only offer him money. But Bonaparte wants power; and Barras?s woman can help him to get it. You couldn?t do that.\


\aren?t like that fair-haired woman on the sofa, that Josephine. You?re honest and sweet. I like you, and --- \

\as cruel as Napoleon,\.? And I shouted: \r! Stop!\

But the general shouted even louder: \on at once!\and said: \girls like you. I?ve never asked anyone else to be my wife, and I really would like to marry you. Please listen, and don?t cry.\

His voice was so gentle that I had to listen. \joined the army when I was only fifteen. I was an ordinary soldier then. After the revolution I become an officer. Now I?m a general. But perhaps I?m too old for you? I?m thirty-one.\



I gave him the address, and he told the driver. We weren?t far from the place.

\always wanted a wife and a child. But a soldier?s life hasn?t given me the chance. I can?t follow the usual customs before I ask you to marry me. I have to decide very quickly. And now I?ve decided.\

\What can I say?\

We had reached the house. He opened the carriage door, and he helped me to get out.

\back to the river.\

\after tomorrow?\

I shook my head. \reason? I?m not too young for you, but I?m much too small.\

I rushed into the house and shut the door behind me. But I couldn?t sleep. I shall never sleep again. So I?m sitting at the kitchen table and I?m writing my diary. The day after tomorrow this man Bernadotte will come. I don?t know where I shall be. But I shan?t be here.

Chapter 10 April 1798: I Have Met Napoleon Again

Two and a half years have passed, and I?ve written nothing in my diary. But now I?m back in Paris, and I?ve met Napoleon again. What has happened since that terrible day in September 1975?

When I got home, I was ill. I remember that. Mama had to come back early from her holiday. But she never discovered my secret. My family still don?t know that I went to Paris.

A few days later we had news of Napoleon. A business friend wrote to Etienne:

\of Parliament. Barras quickly put Napoleon in charge of the national guard; and parliament told him to shoot at the crowd it this was necessary. He did shoot at them. Just once. With a heavy gun. And they ran away. Then parliament thanked him, of course. They said that he had saved France from another revolution. And they gave him a new job--- he?s Governor of Paris!\

I remembered Fouche?s words: \would never shoot at the people. But perhaps Josephine?s new friend would do it.\

Now I knew why Barras had given his favourite woman to Napoleon. Barras was afraid of the people. He needed a general for his National Guard. He needed a general who would dare to shoot at angry crowds.

But who were these crowds? They were poor. They were cold and hungry. They couldn?t afford the price of bread. They were ordinary people like Napoleon?s own poor mother.

Joseph and Julie brought Madame Letitia to our house. Napoleon had told her about Josephine. He had also sent a message for me. He hoped that he and I would always be friends.

Mama cried: \

Madame Letitia said angrily: \has two children. And he dares to tell me that he?s going to marry her.\

Yes. She was angry. But her hand was full of bank notes. The new Governor of Paris had not been too busy to remember his mother?s needs.

And I? I quickly dried my tears. They all thought that I was very brave.

Napoleon was married in the spring. Two days later, he became commander of the French army in Italy. He won six battles against the Austrians and drove them out of the country. The he gave the Italians the Rights of Man. In return they had to give him their most beautiful works of art, and a lot of money. He sent some of the money to Paris; but first he paid his soldiers. These soldiers were never paid before. So of course they loved their new commander.

The French people loved him too. Shops were selling special cups; they had Napoleon?s head on one side, and the French flag on the other side. Foreign newspapers said that he was \as and his fellow ministers didn?t like this at all.

At last Napoleon had power. And he didn?t forget his family. He invited Joseph and Julie to Paris. Then Joseph got a good job. He became an ambassador in Italy.

Julie begged me to go with them. We lived first in Parma, then in Genoa, then in Rome. But ambassadors have live in big uncomfortable houses. Julie hates them. So do I.

I went with her so as to forget Napoleon. But Napoleon didn?t allow me to forget him. Three times he sent good-looking young generals to Rome. They asked me to marry them.

When I refused, they said: \

I got angry and said to Joseph: \in France.\

Joseph smiled. \always trouble here. Napoleon can give me a comfortable job in Paris. Will you go there with us?\

Julie?s eyes shone with surprise and pleasure. \Desirre, you must come. We?ll have a wonderful time together. Or course, you?ve never been there. So you don?t know how beautiful it is. Those shop windows! And the lights on the Seine at night!\

So we came back. And today Napoleon invited us to lunch. I was very excited. \still love him when I see him again?\

Yesterday I bought a new dress. It has a low front.

The house was full of Bonapartes when we arrived. Madame Letitia and all her children live in Paris now. She kissed me. Then a fair-haired boy introduced himself to me. He was Josephine?s son, Eugene. He looked too young to wear an officer?s uniform.

\said. He pointed to a thin girl across the room. She too had fair hair, like their mother. \tomorrow with General Bonaparte.\

This was the reason for the party. Napoleon wanted to say goodbye before he sailed to Egypt with his army. Why Egypt? I don?t understand these things. Joseph says: \take India from the English. And Egypt is on the way.\

Napoleon came into the room, and saw me. \he cried. \We haven?t met for a long time, have we? Then he laughed very loud and called: \You must meet Julie?s sister Desiree. I?ve told you about her.\

She came and stood beside him. Did she recognize me? I wasn?t sure. \you could come. Mademoiselle,\

During lunch he talked about Egypt. When we had finished our soup, he hadn?t started his. Josephine tried to interrupt him. He didn?t listen to her. At last Madame Letitia?s deep voice called across the table:


While he drank it, Hortense was watching him. \

Later I noticed that Josephine was watching me. Our eyes met. She smiled and raised her glass. Then she slowly closed and opened one eye. Yes. She had recognized me.

We went to another room for coffee. A lot of people were there. They all wanted to say goodbye to napoleon. I recognized Barras at once, and Fouche. Joseph and Napoleon sat down with them.

Then another man came up to them. He had a bag leg, and he walked with difficulty. Fouche jumped up and said: \won?t you join us on this sofa? There?s room for three.\

Alleyrand? Joseph has told me about him. He?s our foreign Minister. Like Fouche, he?s clever; but there?s a difference between them. Talleyrand is not only clever. He is also wise. Most people trust him, and nobody trusts Fouche.

Now they were talking about Napoleon?s fellow generals. Barras said:

\ral. Don?t you think so Bonaparte? When your army in Italy needed help quickly, Berbadotte supplied it. He crossed the Alps(阿尔卑斯山) with ten thousand men in the middle of winter. He did it in ten hours; six hours up, and four hours down. Even you were surprised.\

Napoleon didn?t look pleased. But he said nothing.

\维也纳),\Austrians tore out flag down, he left Vienna at once. Now their government are ashamed. They?re begging us to send him back.\

\Bernadotte. He is ready to destroy the republic?s enemies--- either outside France or inside it! His next job, I think, ought to be War Minister.\

When the other guests had gone, I said to Napoleon: \moment?\

He looked at me strangely. Then he led me into the garden. \What is it?\he asked.



\I?d like to throw this flowerpot at you,\

He smiled at me. \ree?\you hear what Barras said? ?The republic?s enemies---outside France or inside it.? He was talking about me, Desiree. He was talking about me.\

There was silence for a moment. Then he spoke like someone who talks in a dream: \these ministers wouldn?t last for a week. They cut the King?s head off, and his crown rolled into the med. I could easily pick it up.\

What was he really thinking? He has strange ideas, this general. He once told me that I?d be the wife of France?s greatest man. Those words brought fear to my heart. But this dream is worse. A crown rolled into the mud--- and he wants to pick it up!


Chapter 11 A Month Later: The Happiest Day Of My Life

I was getting ready for diner when Julie came into my room. \dress this evening, Desiree,\

Joseph often has an ?important guest?: an ambassador or a general or a member of parliament. They talk about wars or government business. I?m tired of it all. I told Julie so. \don?t really want to meet Joseph?s guest,\

\he?s at Malmaison(马尔梅松---拿破仑的别墅), her new house in the country. But she?s coming into Paris especially for this dinner party. So you needn?t listen to the men. You can talk to her and me.\

Julie went down and welcomed her guests. I followed later. I could hear Josephine?s high voice through the door. I opened it--- and then I just stood there. I couldn?t go in.

A man was standing near the door. A very tall man in a dark blue cloak. I could only see his back, but I recognized that back at once. I wanted to run away. I couldn?t. My legs wouldn?t move.

The rest of the family were looking at me. They were wondering why I didn?t walk in. then the tall man noticed their look. He turned round; and his eyes grew wide with surprise. My heart jumped. I couldn?t breathe.

Julie said: \

At the same time Joseph took my arm and introduced me: \my wife?s little sister, mademoiselle Desiree Clary.\

I was afraid to look at his face when he politely kissed my hand. And I didn?t trust my voice, so I didn?t say anything. Then I heard Joseph say:


\I?m afraid I don?t remember, Monsieur Bonaparte.\

Julie said: \

But General Bernadotte didn?t move.

\down?\she repeated. She went up to him and touched his arm. His thoughts were are away. Then he suddenly noticed her, and we took our seats at the dinner table.

He still didn?t speak. I could see that he was trying to remember something. What had madame Tallien told him about Napoleon?s first love? A rich merchant?s daughter in Marseilles? Napoleon had promised to marry her, and he had broken his promise. Yes. That was it.

He returned to Julie and asked: \family home is in Marseilles, isn?t it?\

The question surprised Julie. \first visit to Paris. You like it, don?t you, Desiree?\



Julie corrected him. \tery of Paris.\

\e,\it rains.\

Joseph didn?t understand this at all. He wanted to talk about Napoleon?s war, not about the weather. Several times he tried to change the conversation; but the general didn?t seem to hear him.

Then Josephine spoke. She had watched Bernadotte and me for several minutes. She?s

a clever woman. She can feel the secret forces that are drawing a man and a woman together. And this isn?t my first visit to Paris; she knows that very well.

She gave him a strange little smile and said: \arried. Didn?t you miss the help of a wife when you were our ambassador in Vienna?\

Bernadotte put down his knife and fork. \to be married. But what can I do ?\

Before Josephine could answer, Julie said: \you found the right girl yet, general?\

\. But then I lost her. And now ---\to help him. What could I say?

\must ask her to marry you.\

Her advice seemed to give him courage. \marry me.\

He stood up. He pushed his chair back. And he turned to Joseph, and said:

\, Medemoiselle Desiree Clary. Have I your permission?\

A sudden silence filled the room. Or could everyone hear the sound of my heart? I stared at the white table cloth. I didn?t dare to look up.

At last Joseph spoke. \quite understand, General Bernadotte. Do you really want to marry Desiree?\


Again there was silence.

%u?re only just met her,\

I looked up. \

Was that my voice? Everyone was staring at me. I jumped up and ran to the door. A moment later I was sitting on my bed. And I was crying like a child.

Julie came in and put her arms around me. \

Please don?t cry.\


When we went down, they had left the dinner table. They had taken the fruit and the wine to the sitting room. I sat on the sofa with Jean (I can?t say ?Jean-Baptiste? ---- it?s too long) and he filled my glass. Then he raised his own, and we drank together. And at last I dared to look into his eyes.

Before he went home, he and I went into the garden. The fresh smell of spring filled the evening air, and the sky was full of stars. I can?t put love?s mystery into words. 结婚了......

Chapter 12 Autumn 1798: Now I am A Soldier?s Wife

I was married to General Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte on the seventeenth day of August 1798. The ceremony was held in a marriage office, at seven o?clock in the evening.

After the ceremony we had a party at Joseph?s house. Mama wasn?t well enough to travel to Paris. Etienne couldn?t leave his business. And Jean didn?t invite any of his own family. But the Bonapartes filled the house.

The party lasted for several hours. I didn?t enjoy it very much. Everyone was talking about Napoleon?s war in Egypt.

“In one battle our army killed twenty thousand men. And we only lost fifty. Aren?t you proud of that?” Joseph asked Jean.

Jean looked at him coldly. “Proud?” he said. “Our guns killed twenty thousand Egyptians who had no heavy guns. Must I be proud of that? And why did we kill them?”

Jucien started to say something. Then he stopped. At last he said in a sad voice: “We killed them for the Rights of Man.”

“It was necessary,” Joseph said. “Egypt is on the way to India, where Napoleon will destroy the English. He has taken Cairo and Alexandria, so he controls all Egypt.”

“That won?t worry the English,” said Jean. “Egypt doesn?t belong to them. Their warships control the sea. They?ll destroy the ships that took our men to Egypt. Then your brother and his wonderful army will be left in the desert without supplies.”

I was getting tired of this conversation. Jean noticed it and said:

“It?s late, Desiree. We must go home now.”

Home? Yes. At last I have my own home. It?s in a little village, just outside Paris. We drove through the arm summer night in an open carriage. A round yellow moon was shining down on us. I seemed so close that I could almost touch it.

Tall candles were burning in our sitting room. A bottle of champagne was on the table, and a dish of fruit, and some little cakes.

“That?s Marie?s work,” I said with a smile.

“No,” Jean corrected me. “Fernand did it, I?m sure.” Jean and Fernand were schoolfriends, and they joined the army together. Now Fernand is his army servant.

“But I know Marie?s cakes, ” I said. And I ate one.

Jean looked at the champagne. “If we drink any more tonight, we shall have terrible heads in the morning,” he said.

I agreed. So we blew the candles out and went up to our bedroom. No candle was burning there, but soft moonlight shone in through the window. Jean left the room for a moment; I quickly undressed and got into bed. Then I screamed.

He rushed into the room. “what?s the matter, Desiree?”

“I don?t know. Something---Ow! Ow! There?s something in the bed.”

He lit a candle. I sat up and pulled the bedclothes back. The bed was full of sharp little points.

“That must be Fernand?s work,” I said. “He wanted to give us a surprise.”

But Jean didn?t agree. “Of course it wasn?t Fernand. It was Marie. Who else would put roses in a soldier?s bed?”

He put then into a basket. Then he blew the candle out again.

The first days of our marriage passed very happily. I love our little house. Like Julie, I hate palaces. One evening I said to Jean:

“Promise me something. Promise that we shall never, never live in a palace.”

He answered slowly : “we must keep together, Desiree. In Vienna I lived in a palace.

Tomorrow I may have only a camp bed in a German field. Or I may move to a castle with my officers; we may stay there for the winter. If I ask you to join me there, will you refuse?”

“I shn?t refuse,” I replied. “But I shan?t be happy in a castle. I shall always want to come back here. This is our home.”

The next day trouble began. News came from Egypt. The English have destroyed our ships, and napoleon?s army can?t get supplies. So Jean was right! He had to ride into Paris ant once. The government needed his advice.

He rode there every day, for a month. And every afternoon I waited in the garden. As soon as I heard his horse, I ran to the gate. Then we sat and drank coffee under the apple trees. He told me all the public news and all his secrets too.

“when the English destroyed our ships, they woke our other enemies,” he said. “Russia is getting ready for war. The Italians have forgotten the Rights of Man that Napoleon proudly gave them. They and the Austrians together are driving our army out of Italy.”

Yesterday he came home at lunch time. I ran out to the gate and said: “Maire and I are putting fruit into bottles for the winter. Come and see.”

But he answered: “I shan?t be able to eat your fruit, Desiree. I shan?t be here.” Then he shouted to Fernand: “Pack my camp things. We shall leave at seven o?clock tomorrow morning.”

After dinner we sat in the garden and talked. Jean said: “You have married a soldier, Desiree, and you must be brave.”

“I don?t want to be brave,” I told him.

“Listen, my dear. I have to cross the Rhine with a weak little army. Why? Because Napoleon don?t see that. Someone said to me this morning: ?If Bonaparte was here, no one would dare to attack us.? ”

I remembered Napoleon?s last words to me. I had never told Jean. I did so now. “And someone else said: ?The King?s crown rolled into the mud. I could easily pick it up?”

“who said that?” Jean demanded loudly.

“Napoleon said it.”

“To you?”

“To himself. We were alone together. But he was thinking aloud.”

After that we sat in silence till we heard Marie?s angry voice: “You can?t clean those guns on my kitchen table, Fernand. Take then away at once!”

That was last night. This morning Fernand woke us at six o?clock. We had a hurried breakfast. Then a lot of officers arrived.

“Goodbye, my darling girl,” Jean said. “write to me often. Goodbye, Maier. Take care of my wife.”

A moment later he had gone. Now I?m alone. I?m writing my diary for the first time since we were married. I?ve been too busy to write it before. I?ve been too happy. Now I?m neither happy nor busy, and I miss my husband terribly. But I?m trying hard to control my fears. I?m trying to be brave.


Chapter 13 July 1799: Oscar Is Born

On New Year?s Day I was feeling ill. Maier brought me some chicken soup in the middle of the morning. \said. \won?t feel strong unless you eat well. And you must be strong now.\

\my yellow silk dress. And I?m tired of soup.\

Marie took the plate away. At the door she turned. \reason very well,\

I shouted at her: \--- I know it isn?t! \bedroom and threw myself on to the bed.

Of course it was true. But I didn?t want to accept the fact. \said to myself. \must teach then the difference between right and wrong; and I?m not always sure about that myself.\

\. He?ll be a soldier like his father; they take boys of fifteen into the army. Then he?ll be killed in battle. And if he isn?t killed, he?ll kill other people?s boys. \

I turned over, and lay on my back. \there really a new little child inside me?\

wondered. %understand my mother? I was often angry with her, and I often told her lies. Will my son tell me lies? Will he be angry with me? If so, do I really want him? \

Marie knocked on the door and came in. \warmed the soup for you again, \she said. Then she sat on the edge of my bed, and added: \ou?ve drunk it, you must write to the general. Tell him the happy news.\

I shook my head. \

And he did come home. He was with me when my baby arrived on July 4. He gave me courage. And after the birth the said to me:

\he?s very small.\


When Julie showed me the baby, I couldn?t see his eyes. They were shut. His face was red. And he didn?t look pleased. \

Then the doctor said: \rest.\

I looked up at Jean. \

\said. \before. You?ve been to busy with Oscar.\

Oscar! The name was Napoleon?s idea. He wrote to Joseph from Egypt: \a son, his name must be Oscar. It isn?t a French name. But I?ve been reading some ancient songs about a great king. He lived in the far north, and Oscar was his name.\

Jean saw the letter and said: \pleases your old friend Napoleon, our son shall be Oscar.\

I was surprised, because Jean doesn?t usually like Napoleon?s ideas.

He doesn?t like Joseph?s ideas, either. He told him this evening, in my room:

\called me back to Paris because the republic is in danger. Its enemies are French. They come from two sides. On one side there were the Royalists; they want a king again. On the other side there are the Jacobines(雅各宾派); they are Robespierre?s old friends, the friends of the guillotine. Most French people want neither Royalists nor Jacobines.\

\a strong man in charge of the government. A general would be best. With the army?s help you could be a dictator tomorrow, Bernadotte.\

\ly. \. I?m a true republican. Monsieur Bonaparte. You forget that the people chose our members of parliament. They can change our government, if they wish. But the army cannot do so. Nor can its generals. Not even your brother.\

Joseph said: \France. He?s unhappy in Egypt. He has nothing to do----\

\enough!\and say: ?My brother wants to come back to France so that he can be a dictator.?\

Joseph looked uncomfortable. \says that he can?t come back without the War Minister?s permission. What would happen if he did come without that permission?\

There was a moment of silence. Then Jean said quickly: \who leaves his place of duty without permission is usually shot. That?s the law--- even for generals.\

This time there a longer silence.

When Joseph had gone, I asked Jean: \

He laughed. \worry,\answered. \was only telling Joseph the law. Now it?s late, and you must go to sleep. Good night, my darling Desiree! Good night, little Oscar!\

Worry? Of course I worry. Poor little Oscar, you?ve come into a terrible world. And next week you?ll lose your home. Your Papa has to live near his work. He has bought a new home in the center of Paris.

拿破仑入住了法国。因为贝道纳特将军是拿破仑政见的主要反对者,德希蕾以为他们会面临危险 -- 而实际上,因为她和拿破仑的特殊关系,贝道纳特被提供了在新政府的一个很好的职位......

Chapter 14 November 9, 1799: Napoleon Governs France

Napoleon did come back, without permission. He went straight to his house in Paris. Joseph and Lucien joined him there.

When Josephine appeared, he looked at her coldly. \e,\you tomorrow. Please leave this house at once, and go to Malmaison.\

She was crying like a child when Lucien lad her out of the room. Then Talleyrand arrived, and the four men talked all night. At last Napoleon went to his bedroom; and Josephine was still there.

Julie told me that. And she added: \e: ?If I divorce her, all Paris will laugh at me. So I won?t divorce her.? He has strange ideas, hasn?t he, Desiree?\

Next day we had a surprise. Jean and I were upstairs with Oscar. I heard Marie open the front door. Then a familiar voice said: \

It was Napoleon, and Josephine was with him. I ran down and welcomed them. Napoleon was looking well. His face was brown and his hair was short; long hair had been too hot in the desert.

Jean appeared, with Oscar in his arms. I ran into the kitchen and asked Marie for coffee. When I returned, Napoleon was making baby noises. Oscar didn?t like them. He started to scream. So I took him upstairs again.

Then Josephine told me about her rose garden while Napoleon talked to Jean. Thee was an unusual smile on his face. Suddenly I heard him say:

\, you would have me shot. Joseph told me so. I?m glad that you?ve left the government. But why do you blame me?\

Before Jean could reply, he went on: \weak. All honest French leaders think so. They want someone to form a strong new government. If all honest leaders ask me to accept this duty, I must do so. But will you help me, Bernadotte? Will you save France with me?\

A strange light was burning in Napoleon?s eyes. What wild dreams of power lay behind that look?

\were enjoying the Egyptian sun, all your ?honest leaders? came to me. They came three or four times, in different groups. They wanted me to become a dictator. I refused. You can persuade parliament to make changes, if you like. But it isn?t a general?s business. And I won?t help you to do it.\

The light in Napoleon?s eyes went out. His smile remained, but it was cold and hard. He stood up, and he held his hands together behind his back.

\guns will persuade them, if words will not do so. What will you do then, Bernadotte?\

There was silence while we waited for Jean?s reply. Then he put a heavy hand on

Napoleon?s shoulder. \if----\

Napoleon looked up: \



When they had gone, I asked Jean: \And Jean said: \

And he did. It has happened. All Paris knew that it would. For several days, groups of young men have been shouting \Bonaparte!\Fermand says that Fouche pays them for it.

Last night, Jean went for a walk. He saw soldiers round all the government offices. \recognized some of them,\army in Italy. He paid them, and they haven?t forgotten it.\

I couldn?t sleep at all. Jean had a lot of visitors, and he never came to bed. His visitors wanted him to stop Napoleon, but the government sent him no orders. So he could do nothing; he could only wait.

This morning, messages were arriving all the time. At last a young captain rode up in a terrible hurry. He rushed into the house and shouted:


the captain had seen everything happen. He gave us the full story.

Napoleon?s brother Lucien is the leader of parliament. When Napoleon speared. Lucien invited him to speak. Everyone knew what he was going to say: the republic was in danger--- he wanted to save it--- he could do so if parliament gave him power.

His friends cheered. His enemies shouted angrily. Soon no one could hear; so he had to stop. Then his enemies tried to leave, but they couldn?t. Soldiers stood in their way. Soldiers filled every corner of the building.

A voice cried \of his friends. When the rest of the members could see nothing except guns and uniforms, they too shouted \

The Fouche came in, with some secret police. He invited napoleon?s enemies to go out with him. They went, and they left many empty seats.

Lucien got up and said: \ent. Three consults will control it. And general Bonaparte will be the chief one---he will be our first Consul. Do all members agree?\

And nobody dared to say no.

I didn?t know what a \ the men who governed the republic of ancient Rome. And the last Roman consul became the first emperor---the Emperor Caesar Augustus (凯撒.奥古斯都--- 罗马第一任皇帝).

What will Napoleon become? He is going to live in the Tuileries Palace. Tonight, perhaps, he will sleep in the bed of the guillotined king.

I?m writing everything in my diary tonight. Tomorrow I shall take it to Julie. If the police searched our house, they would take it. Then Napoleon and Fouche would read all my secret thoughts. They would laugh till they cried. But they won?t search Julie?s house. It will be safe there.

It?s the middle of the night, but there are a lot of people outside. Fernand says: \think that our general will be arrested. Some other generals have been arrested already.\

I was writing that sentence when we heard a carriage outside.


Someone knocked. Jean went to the front door and opened it. Then I heard a woman?s voice. Thank god! It was Julie. My knees felt suddenly weak, and I fell into the nearest chair.

Julie was wearing her best evening dress. She had drunk too much champagne, and she couldn?t speak very clearly. She and Joseph had come from the Tuileris Palace, where the Bonapartes were having a party.

\isn?t it?\\govern France. Joseph and Lucien will be ministers. We were passing your house, so I had to come in and tell you.\

Then I heard Joseph say: \government.\

So we are safe at present. The police won?t come tonight. Perhaps they will never come.

But I cannot be sure. So now I?m finishing my diary, and in the morning I shall take it Julie.

Chapter 15 March 1804: The Noble Families Have Returned

A few days ago, Julie brought me my diary.

\found your diary in one of them. It has been there for four years. You have a lot to write in it now.\

A lot. Yes. But where shall I start? And what do I want to remember? Many things have happened. Some seemed important at the time but are almost forgotten now. for example, there were Oscar?s first words, and his first little walk across the room; but now Oscar is four years old.

I must write one thing first. Mama died last summer, Julie and I were sitting in the garden when Joseph brought us Etienne?s letter. Mama had died suddenly, in her sleep.



He didn?t understand. Men often don?t. she and I belong to our husbands. But Papa and Mama loves us first; and in the bottom of our hearts we are still the Clary girls.

Mama never met my Jean. I don?t see him enough myself. He is often away in the wars. And when he isn?t fighting, he?s governing conquered lands. Our armies seem to control half Europe now.

I miss him, but I enjoy my life in Paris. It has become the gayest city in the world. Its ancient noble families are here again. Many of them escaped to England when the revolution came. Napoleon invited them to return. He gave everything that the revolution had taken from them.

These noblemen--- these dukes and counts--- show great respect for our first Consul. The gentlemen bow and the ladies curtsey when they meet Napoleon and Josephine. And they receive respect in return. These dukes and counts are welcomed at the Tuileris Palace.

Indeed, we all have to bow and curtsey when we go there. Napoleon?s own brothers and sisters have to do it too. And they aren?t even allowed to choose their own husbands and wives.

Napoleon ordered Paulette to marry Prince Camillo Borghese, the head of the noblest family in Italy. So she is the Princess Paulette.

He ordered Lucien to marry a nobleman?s daughter. But Lucien refused. He married a fat little woman with bright red hair; her father worked in a bank. Napoleon was terribly angry when he heard this. \at once,\back!\go.

Then he ordered his faourite brother, fat Louis, to marry Josephine?s daughter Hortense. Louis didn?t like her, and she hated him. Poor Hortense! She went to her bedroom, and she screamed all the afternoon.

Julie went in and asked her: \

Hortense nodded. She stopped her tears. She took a deep breath. And she said, very quietly: \

\a moment. Then she asked: \

Hortense nodded again. \him everyone?s secrets.\

Yes. Fouche knows too much. The noblemen hate him, of course. Many members of their families lost their lives because they were on fouche?s list. But they trust Napoleon; so they have come back.

Napoleon, in fact, loves all noblemen except the Bourbons. They are the old royal family of France. The most important member of their family was living quietly in a German village. Napoleon sent three hundred soldiers there. They arrested the royal duke, and took him to France by force.

The French noblemen begged Napoleon to free him. So did the foreign ambassadors. He read their messages; but he refused to see anyone. And then, one night, Madame Lutitia came to my house.

\she said. \duke, all France will be ashamed. You must stop him. He won?t listen to anyone else; but you still have a special place in his heart. Please go at once. They?re going to shoot the duke tomorrow.\

I went straight to the Tuileries. It was eleven o?clock, but Napoleon was still in his office. Someone took my name and asked me to wait. A few minutes later I was standing in front of his desk.


to sit down. \

I did, and his fingers ran lightly over my hair. \

For a moment, the Tuillieries Palace was forgotten. Napoleon?s soft voice took me back to a dark wet night in a Marseilles garden. Then he asked: \hour?\

I told him the reason. His voice changed immediately. He was the Consul again, the proudest man in France. But he listened to me. And at last he said:

\behind his back. That?s his custom now. And, while he was speaking, his eyes seemed to look straight through me. \e to be their Emperor. I can?t allow these Bourbons to cause trouble. Tomorrow I shall show the world that they cannot be kings of France again.\

When I got home, I said to Jean: \France?\



Jean stared at me in silence. When I went to bed, he didn?t follow. He was walking up and down for the rest of the night.

And this morning the duke was shot.

Chapter 16 May 1804: France Has An Emperor

Napoleon?s dream had become a fact. He?s Napoleon the first, the Emperor of France!

It happened three days ago. It was cleverly done. He was hunting deer in the forest outside Paris. While he was away, parliament met. And parliament decided to invite him to be Emperor.

\was a complete surprise to our noble Consul, the news papers said. \honour proudly; not for himself, but for France.\

An Emperor of course, needs an imperial family. They must have a higher rank than ordinary dukes and counts. So Napoleon?s brothers (except Lucien) became imperial princes,

and their wives became imperial princesses. Hortense and Eugene received the same honour; they are prince Eugene and Prince Hortense now.

But Napoleon?s sisters received no imperial rank. Nor did his mother. She isn?t in France. She went to Italy as soon as the royal duke was shot. She has been living there with Lucien.

An emperor also needs an imperial army. So he gave the special rank of \Jean and to seventeen other generals. Since ancient times, French kings have given this rank to their greatest soldiers.

This morning there was a ceremony in the army?s own church, the Dome des Invalides(法语:荣军院). A special place was kept for the Empress and the princesses and the marshals? wives. It was up above the ordinary seats. So we had a good view.

The church was full of army officers. The marshals sat in front in their blue and gold uniforms. Beyond them, a gold throne stood in a raised place. And an archbishop in a red Robe was ready to welcome the Emperor.

I recognized the archbishop. It was Napoleon?s uncle Fesch. I first met him at Julie?s marriage, but he had no work then. Now he?s one of the heads of the Church in France, and he is getting very fat.

When Napoleon came in with his ministers, he gave us a surprise. He was wearing a dark green uniform, with no marks of rank at all. Everyone stood, and he walked slowly up to his throne.

The archbishop opened the ceremony. Then it was the Emperor?s turn. He was standing all on our knees. Even the archbishop was on his knees in front of the throne. Napoleon spoke clearly and well, and his last words demanded a reply: \with all your power! Promise that you will never forget the Rights of Man!\

And everyone answered with one voice: \

I couldn?t talk to Julie at the ceremony. She was sitting beside the Empress; my own seat was at the end of the line. But she visited me later, and she was looking rather unhappy.


I bowed. \\

Princess Julie was almost in tears. \dies without a son, my Joseph becomes the next emperor. Think of that! We already have to leave our house. We have to live in that uncomfortable Luxembourg Palace(卢森堡宫). But if Joseph becomes an emperor ----. \ \

only a silk merchant?s daughter. I can?t be an empress!\

\worth a dozen empresses.\

We talked for an hour and she gave me all Napoleon?s news. I went with her to her carriage. Jean-Baptistc?s carriage arrived at the same moment. Some strange young men in the street began to shout: \

He looked at them coldly. Then he answered: \house.

At lunch he said: \are Fouche?s men outside. The Emperor has told his Minister of Police to watch his marshals. Our lives are watched, and our letters too. Remember that.\

I thought about it. Then I told him Julie?s news. \winter. In the church of Notre dame(巴黎圣母院).\

Jean laughed. \

\rchbishop isn?t important enough for our Emperor. He wants the Pope to crown him.\

Jean almost dropped his glass of wine. \---\\


\said slowly, \of the church of Rome. I?m a soldier of the revolution. But I would never bring the old gentleman here in winter. It?s a long way from Rome to Paris. There will be snow. And the roads are terrible.\

\help with the ceremony. What will be my part in it, I wonder?\

Chapter 17 December 1, 1804: The Imperial Princesses

Julie was right. The Pope has come. Tomorrow he will crown the Emperor, and the Empress too.

The imperial family have been practicing the ceremony for several days. Yesterday the marshals? wives had to join them. As soon as we arrived, a quarrel started.

Joseph said: \majesty the Emperor wants five ladies to carry the ends of the Empress?s robe. He has given this honour to the Princesses Julie and Hortense, and to his three sisters.\

\But I?m not going to carry her robe.\


Joseph tried to persuade them, but he didn?t choose his words wisely. \and Hortense are imperial princesses, \?t refuse.\

\at him. \are the Emperor?s sisters. Why aren?t we imperial princesses? Are we less important than Julie, the silk merchant?s daughter, and Hortense, the daughter of this--- of this---\line couldn?t find a word that was rude enough for Her Majesty the Empress Josephine.


Then a soft voice behind him said: \

The Empress Josephine had come in quickly. We all curtseyed to her. She was wearing a long white table cloth. Because her robe wasn?t ready yet.


Yes. Her majesty was ready. But Elisa wasn?t. \tand on her head, if she likes. But I?m not going to carry her robe,\

There was a sudden silence. The emperor himself had come in. we curtseyed again. Then Caroline began:


But he interrupted her. \ho asked you to speak?\speak to the emperor without this permission. Then he turned to Joseph. \difficulties,\


Joseph was enjoying this trouble. His voice and his face told me that. He really hates Napoleon now. He has become the Emperor?s servant, like everyone else. He?s angry and ashamed because he has to accept his younger brother?s orders. He doesn?t dare to refuse

the,. But when his sisters dare, he is pleased.

Now Elisa said: \want the same honour as Julie and Hortense. If we don?t get it, we shan?t accept the same duties.\

\your tongue!\Napoleon. Then he turned to Paulette, his faourite sister. \

\Julie and Hortense.


There was a short silence. Then Josephine said sweetly: \give your sisters the rank of imperial princesses.\wants them to her friends. And I know the reason.

Napoleon laughed. \

\Elisa and Caroline in surprise. And Paulette added softly in Italian: \(意大利语:=Many thanks, Napoleon!)\

The Emperor then turned to Joseph, and asked: \do? Most of them can walk in front of the Empress. But one of them must carry her crown on a velvet cushion. Another must carry her ring. And another----\but I knew that he was looking at me. \es. Another can carry one of the Empress?s handkerchiefs. A white handkerchief on a red velvet cushion. Madame Bernadotte can do that. And she can wear a dress of light blue silk. You?ll look very pretty in light blue silk, won?t you, Madame?\

\doesn?t look well on me,\other ladies will all wear pink dresses.\

But Napoleon repeated: \that I once wore in Madame Tuilien?s house. The idea was cruel, but it amused him.

He wanted to see us practise the procession. So the five imperial princesses held up the ends of the table cloth; and we walked round the room till the Emperor went out.

Then the other ladies went home. But the Empress asked Julie and me to sit with her. A servant brought champagne, and she drank hers very quickly. A moment later Joseph came in. There was an ugly smile on his face.

\weren?t married in church. You were only married in an office. So he refused to crown your


\to that problem,\she replied. \Fesch can marry us secretly in church tonight. I?ll tell the Emperor now.\

She went out. Joseph hurried her. He didn?t want to miss her conversation with Napoleon.

Julie looked at me and said: \didn?t shoe much surprise. Perhaps she told the Pope herself. Napoleon wants to divorce her because she can?t have any more children. If she is married in church, she will feel safer. \

\his Empress, so he must marry her in church. But it won?t make any difference. When he decides to divorce her, nothing will stop him.\

At dinner I told Jean about the blue dress. He was angry. \everyone to think that you still love him,\

\加冕典礼).I?ll be ill in bed. Then he can?t laugh at us.\

Jean agreed. So this morning I stayed in bed. But after lunch I was tired of it. I dressed and went to Oscar?s room. We were playing on the floor when Fernand opened the door.


I was going to say: \into bed.\room.

The doctor put his bad in Oscar?s toy horse. Then he bowed politely and said:


\, I?m still weak,\

He gave me a hard look. %u?ll be strong enough to carry the empress?s handkerchief, madame.\Then he bowed again, and added: \advise you very strongly to go to the coronation.\

So I must go. But shan?t wear a blue dress. It?s too late to have one made; and the old one is much too small for me now.

Chapter 18 December 2, 1804: The coronation

The sound of heavy guns woke me at six o?clock. I got up and went into Oscar?s room.


Oscar looked up at my face. \like Papa. And Fernand is going to take me to the coronation.\

\,\seat for you.\

\see the procession outside; the empress, and aunt Julie, and the Emperor with his crown. Fernand promised me that.\

\. It has been snowing all night. You can?t stand in the street for hours. You haven?t been well this week. And you didn?t drink your medicine last night.\

He put his little arms round my neck, and he gave me a wet kiss. \please! If I drink all the medicine, may I go?\


Jean came in at that moment. \

Whose? I had no idea. It was only an excuse. So I said: \it, Oscar. I promise you.\

During breakfast Marie came in with a small parcel. \Tuileries,\

I tore the paper off the parcel. There was a red leather case inside it. And inside the case there was a little gold box.

Jean said: \was shaking. He had to open it for me. \he cried angrily. \

Jean is jealous because I once loved Napoleon. But a girl can?t forget her first love; and Napoleon has never forgotten his. He too is jealous. He is jealous because Jean and are happy together. His own marriage has not been happy.

I was wondering why he had sent me the gold coins. Then I saw a piece of paper among


\e Bernadotte,\so that I could visit Paris. That visit was the first step on the road to my coronation. Today I want to pay back those ninety-eight francs. I want to thank you. Napoleon.\

I looked at my jealous husband. Did he understand? Yes, his smile told so.

We drove to the archbishop?s palace beside Notre Dame. The other marshals joined us there with their wives. From its windows we could watch the crowns. Long lines of soldiers were keeping them out of the way. The snow had stopped, but it was still very cold.

The Pope?s procession appeared. Hundreds of soldiers rode in front. Eight grey horses drew his coach, and his own Swiss officers rode behind. He went into th4 church through the great west door. Then we waited for Napoleon. We waited for an hour. The Pope, the foreign guests, the people of Paris---- they all had to wait.

At last his procession came: hundreds of soldiers again, and a dozen coaches. The Emperor?s own gold coach came last. On this cold grey day it shone like the sun.

The Emperor was dressed like a Spanish nobleman. He didn?t look very comfortable in those tight clothes. \Rome. All his palace officers are wearing purple cloaks.\

Now Josephine too got out the coach. She was looking truly beautiful in a white silk dress, and she was smiling happily. She is properly married now. So she feels safe. Poor Josephine!

They came into our palace and put on their coronation robes. At last they were ready. We formed our procession. But we didn?t start.

The Emperor called: \

\Majesty?s mother ought to lead the procession. She isn?t here,\Joseph was secretly pleased again. Napoleon had specially invited his mother. But she hadn?t arrived from Italy.

\,\nothing at all.

We moved slowly forward. The palace officers went first in their gold and purple uniforms. Then the palace boys in green velvet, and the marshals? wives in pink silk. Then the Empress and the imperial princesses, all in white. Then the ministers of the government, and the marshals in their blue and gold uniforms. And behind them all, the Emperor himself.

We went through the west door and up the middle of the church. Hundreds of important guests stood on each side. At the top of some steps there were three gold thrones. An old gentleman was sitting on one of them. He was dressed in a white robe. Pope Pius VII (罗马教皇庇佑七世)had been there for almost two hours.

As Napoleon reached his throne, the band played the Marseillaise. This was our song --- Napoleon?s and mine. I remembered the night in Marseilles when he had asked me to marry him. He had whistled \oday his \

The ceremony began. I followed the ancient customs of the kings of France, and it was very long.

At last, Napoleon?s moment came. He left his throne and stood in front of the Pope. The Pope took the heavy crown from its cushion and he raised it with his weak old arms. Napoleon only had to bend his head. Then the Pope could crown him.

But Napoleon didn?t bend his head. He suddenly took the crown from the Pope?s hands and put it on his own head. Loud sounds of surprise came form the guests. Napoleon had broken the ancient customs --- he had crowned himself!

The Pope turned to Josephine. He made the sign of the cross and he kissed one side of her face. He was ready to pick up her crown. But his hands never reached it. Napoleon himself picked it up, and put it gently on Josephine?s head.

For the rest of the ceremony, Napoleon?s eyes were half shut. But once they met mine, and he smiled like a boy.

At last it ended. I was glad to get home for a rest. But Oscar was waiting for me, and his head was full of questions.




\\edicine. And we must go to aunt Julie?s party.\

Poor Julie! She and Joseph had to invite all the Emperor?s guests to a dance at the Luxembourg Palace. But the Emperor himself didn?t come, nor did Josephine. When the last guests had gone, Julie told me:

