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备课容:A night the earth didn’t sleep
[教学时数] 1课时。
[教学过程]Step 1 Leading-in 导入
Show some pictures to the students.
Teacher: First let’s get to know the man, who is called Mr. Nature. He is very emotional. When he is happy, he stays calm and shows us beautiful natural scenery. But when he gets angry, he becomes a troublemaker and causes many natural disasters. Can you name the following natural disasters?
Suggested answers: Flood, drought, fire, volcano, typhoon, tornado, rock-mud flow, snowslide, earthquake
Teacher: As we all know, an earthquake is a kind of common disasters. It can cause great damage to people. Have you ever experienced an earthquake? (Students’ answers)
Teacher: Can you describe your feelings at that time?
(Students’ answers)
Teacher: Why does an earthquake happen?
Suggested answers: Scientists believe that the surface of the earth is covered by a number of moving plates such as the Pacific plate, the Indian plate, the Eurasian plate, and so on. Sometimes two plates move towards and push against each other. Sometimes they stop for years but at other times they jump and an earthquake is felt. An earthquake is the result of the movement of these plates. Teacher: We know China is a country where many earthquakes happen. Why does China have a lot of earthquakes?
Suggested answers: Because the Pacific plate is pushing China from the east and the Indian plate is pushing China from the southwest. The power of this movement created the Himalayas and Mount Qomolongma. It now causes earthquakes in China. Take the Wenchuan earthquake for example, the Indian plate moved northwards and put pressure on the Eurasian plate. It led to the rise of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Then the risen Qinghai-Tibet Plateau moved eastwards and put pressure on Sichuan Basin. At last, the Wenchuan earthquake happened. Wenchuan is located on solid rock of the active earthquake belt, which makes the quake spread very far. It was felt in many provinces in China, including Shaanxi Province.
Teacher: Usually we can see dark clods in the sky before rain. Dark clouds are a sign 专业WORD.
of rain. Similarly, something unusual often happens before an earthquake. What do you think will happen before an earthquake?
Suggested answers: There are bright lights in the sky. Chickens are flying and dogs are barking, and pigs and cows are too nervous to eat. Fish jump out of the pond, and mice ran widely out of the fields. The well has deep cracks in it and the water in it rises and falls.
Teacher: If we can read these signs from nature, it’s very useful for us to make good preparations for the coming disaster. Ok. 34 years ago, a strong earthquake hit Tangshan city and destroyed everything. Now let’s learn about the terrible earthquake. Turn to page 26. Look at the reading passage—A Night the Earth Didn’t Sleep. What information does the writer try to give us through the title? / What does the title mean?
Suggested answers: “The earth didn’t sleep” means the earth was active or the earth shook. “A Night the Earth Didn’t Sleep” is a poet ic way of saying that an earthquake happened at night. The title attracts people’s attention.
③让学生讨论地震前可能出现的征兆,使学生明白如果我们能够了解并认识地震前的预兆,就能提前做好准备,让更多的人获得求生的机会,减少或避免不必要的损失。最后引出本文A Night the Ear th Didn’t Sleep,并让学生对文章标题进行理解。
Step 2 Fast reading 泛读
Read the text quickly and try to finish the following exercises.
A. New words or phrases
burst: break open because of pressure from inside
at an end: finished
nation: all the people in the country
steam: gas that hot water gives out
in ruins: destroyed
extreme: very great in degree
useless: of no use
shocked: surprised very much
rescue: save somebody or something from danger
shelter: a place that protects you from the weather or danger
B. Questions
1. When did the Tangshan earthquake happen?
Suggested answers: The earthquake happened at 3:42 am on July 28, 1976.
2. How many people were killed or injured in the earthquake?
Suggested answers: More than 400, 000 people were killed or injured in the earthquake.
3. Was all hope lost? How did the army help the people there after the earthquake?
Suggested answers: No, all hope was not lost. The army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tangshan to help the rescue workers. The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.
C. Structure of the text
1. Match the paragraphs in the right column with their headings in the left column. There is one extra heading which you do not need.
2. Divide the text into 3 parts and find out the time of each part.
Step 3 Careful reading 精读
Listen to the tape and do the following tasks.
1. True or false
① People in Tangshan were warned of the earthquake and didn’t go to bed that night. (F)
② People in Beijing also felt the earthquake. (T)
③ One-third of the nation died or were injured during the earthquake. (F)
④ Two dams fell and a few bridges also fell or were not safe for travelling. (F)
⑤ Later that afternoon, another big earthquake which was much stronger than the first one shook Tangshan. (F)
⑥ Soon after the quakes, many soldiers were sent to Tangshan to help the rescue workers. (T)
⑦ Slowly, the city of Tangshan began to recover from the earthquake. (T)
2. Fill in blanks of the form according to the text.
Time Events Result
Before the Tangshan earthquake
3 days before the earthquake well water: rose and fell
well walls: had deep cracks
a smelly gas: came out of the cracks
Animals’ unusual behaviors
chickens and pigs: too nervous to eat
mice: ran out of the fields
fish: jumped out of their bowls and ponds
People of the city thought little of these events and were asleep as usual that night.
at about 3 am on July 28, 1976 saw: bright lights in the sky heard: the sound of planes
water pipes: cracked and burst
During the Tangshan earthquake
at 3:42 am on July 28, 1976 Felt:
Everything began to shake
It was felt in Beijing more than 200km away.
One-third of the nation felt it.
a huge crack which was 8 km long and 30m wide
Steam burst from holes in the ground.
hard hills of rock: became rivers of dirt
the large city: lay in ruins in 15 seconds
bricks: covered the ground
two dams and most of the bridges: fell
railway tracks: useless Great damages
Everything was destroyed.
All the hospitals, 75% of its factories and buildings and 90% of its homes were gone.
More than 400,000 people were killed or injured.
later that afternoon another earthquake happened
some rescue workers and doctors
were trapped under the ruins
more buildings: fell
water, food and electricity: were hard to get
After the Tangshan earthquake all hope: was not lost
the army: sent 15,000 soldiers to help
workers: built shelters for survivors
fresh water: was also taken to the city Slowly, the city began to breathe again.
3. Retell the text according to the form.
Step 4 Post-reading 读后
1. Is it difficult or easy to predict earthquakes? Can we stop earthquakes?
2. What shall we do or not do if an earthquake happens?
Give students some statements and ask them decide which is safe and which is dangerous.
Stay in a small room, such as kitchen or bathroom.
Stay on the balcony.
Jump out of the tall buildings.
If you haven’t enough time to escape, you may stand close to the inside wall with something covering on the head.
Use the life.
If you stay in the open air, keep off the tall building, and go to the fields without trees.
Stand close to the windows.
Hide under a piece of heavy furniture.
3. What will you do if you hear the news that big earthquakes happen in other places?
B. Interview
Work in pairs. Suppose you are a newspaper reporter, and the other is a survivor from the Tangshan earthquake. Now the newspaper reporter is interviewing the survivor. Please act the interview out.
Step 5 Assignment 作业
1. Write a summary of the text.
2. If you want to know more about earthquakes, you can search the Internet.
3. 小组课堂评价表(课后完成)
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