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作者:王进 周慧 罗国峰 顾翔 来源:《计算机时代》2017年第08期

摘 要: 图书阅读难度自动分级系统能够帮助儿童读者快速找到适合自己认知水平的图书。文章基于图书句子难度和字难度两个维度,建立了一个图书难度分级模型,并开发出对应的图书阅读难度自动分级系统。利用该系统对常见的儿童图书进行了测试,初步实验表明:从图书中随机选取字数达到2500-3000字时,图书阅读难度分级算法测试结果误差较小,综合使用字难度和句子难度的分级算法比单纯字难度分级算法和单纯句子难度分级算法的效果更好。该系统目前仅限于白话文图书应用。

关键词: 分级阅读; 句子难度; 字难度; 汉字常用字词库

中图分类号:TP391 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-8228(2017)08-01-05

Abstract: The automatic grading system of reading difficulty degree can help children find books that are suitable for their own cognitive level. Based on the two dimensions of sentence difficulty and word difficulty, this paper establishes a hierarchical model of reading difficulty degree, and develops an automatic grading system of reading difficulty degree. The common children's books are tested by this system, preliminary experiments show that when the randomly selected books with words up to 2500-3000, the grading algorithm of reading difficulty degree results in less errors, and the grading algorithm using both sentence difficulty and word difficulty has a better result than that only using sentence difficulty or word difficulty. The system is currently limited to the books of using vernacular.

Key words: graded reading; the sentence difficulty; the word difficulty; Chinese characters commonly used thesaurus 0 引言

2011年8月国务院制定的《中国儿童发展纲要(2011-2020)》[1]首次明确提出“推广面向儿童的图书分级制”,为不同年龄儿童提供适合其年龄特点的图书。图书分级阅读[2]是指从少儿的年龄特征、思维特征、社会化特征出发,根据阅读者不同年龄段的智力和心理发育程度,有针对性地为不同阅读能力的孩子提供合适的图书,为读者提供科学的阅读计划。 孩子的阅读热情可能因不能阅读到合适的图书而降低[3]。儿童在不同成长期的阅读兴趣和阅读发展有很大的变化,如何实现图书分级阅读以满足孩子不同的阅读需求已经成为一个亟待解决的问题[4]。

