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Unit 1 Organization


1. Grasp the main idea (the essence of writing is to write what one enjoys writing) and

structure of the text (narration in chronological sequence); 2. Listening strategy and methods.

2. Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;

3. Conduct a series of listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the



1. the main idea of the reading A, and reading B etc. 2.Grasp the main idea;

3.Appreciate the narrative skills demonstrated in the text;

4. Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text; Outlines:

Pre-reading tasks: Warming -up

Task 1 Look at the following logos and give the names of the countries in which the companies are headquartered.

While-reading tasks:

1. Grasping the structure of the text (15 m)

2. Cultural background – the study of Reading A ___Google and the study of Reading B

___TAF Profile (45m')

3. T explains language points and gives Ss practice. (60 m) 4. Grammatical structures (25 m)

5. T draws Ss attention to Writing Strategy in Theme-related Language Learning Tasks(12 m) 6. T will show Ss the importance of envelope in writing. (5 m) 7. Exercises of the unit Post-reading tasks:

1.Think alone: How to give an introduction for a company? (5 m)

Then T invites several Ss to give their opinions. T may sum up by this sentence – The essence of good essays is to write what one enjoys writing about.

2. T checks if Ss have done the rest of the after-text exercises in their spare time, and discuss some common errors that crop up. (15 m)

3. Do Self-study Room exercise s page 16 task 1 and task 2: Time allotment: 1st period 2nd period 3rd period 4th period 5th period 6th period Pre-reading ; While-reading (text structure; cultural notes; language points) While-reading (language points, listening, grammars etc) While-reading (language points; grammatical structures) While-reading (grammatical structures; details; synonyms; coherence) Post-reading (main idea; exercises) While-reading (listening and speaking, exercises etc.) Post-reading (theme-related language learning tasks) Pre-reading tasks: 1. What is a logo?

A logo is a graphical element that, together with its logo type, forms a trademark or commercial brand. Typically, a logo’s design is for immediate recognition. The logo is one aspect of a company’s 2. Metro AG, established in 1964, is a diversified retail and wholesale group based in Germany. It is the largest in its home market, and one of the most globalized retail and wholesale corporations.

3. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., founded in 1962, is an American public corporation that runs a chain of large, discount department stores. It is the world’s largest public corporation by revenue, according to the ―2008 Fortune Global 500‖.


Carrefour SA is a French international hypermarket chain, with a global network of outlets. It is the second largest retail group in the world in terms of revenue after Wal-Mart.

Samsung Group is the largest company of the Republic of Korea. It is composed of Samsung Electronics, Samsung Heavy Industries and Samsung Engineering & Construction.

Lenovo Group Limited is China’s largest and the world’s fourth largest personal computer manufacturer. Lenovo mainly produces desktops, laptops, servers, handheld computers, imaging equipment and mobile phone handsets (听筒).

Nokia Corporation is a Finnish multinational communications corporation. Nokia is focused on wireless and wired telecommunications. It is the world’s largest manufacturer of mobile telephones. While-reading tasks:

1 Grasping the structure of the text (15 m):

(1)Ss circle the key words, phrases and clauses in Text A and B

For example: It all began in January 1996 as a research project at Stanford University by Ph.D. student Larry Page. Trying to find a better way for web users to search for relevant pages, Page had an idea that this could be achieved by examining the relationships between web pages. He thought that web pages which had the most links to them from other web pages must be the most popular. The technique appeared to be successful. (2) T draws Ss attention to Text Organization Exercise 2 , reads its instructions, and asks them these two questions:

(3) In this way Ss will be able to divide the text into 3 parts and sum up the main ideas. (4) Several Ss report the main ideas they have summed up to the class 2. Cultural background –

Making a Company Introduction: A company introduction usually contains the following information: ● History;

● Number of employees;

● Management structure & company culture; ● Products or services. 3. For reading B:

make the Ss to decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the TAF profile.

( ) 1. TAF’s main markets are in the American continent and Southeast Asia.

( ) 2. TAF is one of the leading producers of skincare and haircare products.

( ) 3. The company is working to reach more international customers.

( ) 4. R&D is responsible only for developing new products.

( ) 5. Administrative Department gives orders to the other departments. 4. For Writing Strategy:

A. Read Sample 1 and answer the questions below. 1)To which city is the letter going? 2) Who wrote this letter?

3) Who is the recipient of the letter? 4) What is the recipient’s address?

5 )What’s the business title of the recipient? 6) What is the sender’s address?

B: Read Sample 2 and complete the following sentences. 1)“c/o” on the envelope stands for 2)________________ will receive this letter.

3)___________________ will open and read this letter.

C:Task 4 Write an envelope for your letter to Tom Jones, who works for Green Technologies as Sales Manager. The company is in New York, at No. 135 on West 20th Street. The zip code is 10011. 5. Mini-project


Work in groups;

● Refer to Business Know-how for company introduction;

● Include name, logo, profile, management, products/services, etc.; ● Good time management and cooperation; ● In-class presentation. Steps:

Grouping. Divide the class into groups. There are several ways: Ss pick up their own partners; teachers group fast learners with slow learners; Ss find their partners by drawing lots Defining the project. Timing and cooperation. Presentation.

Notes: the project should be done as homework The following websites are for your reference.

http:// www.pg.com/ company/who we are/index.jhtml http://cn.siemens.com/cms/cn/English/about us/ who we are/Pages/Default.aspx 6. Grammatical structures (25 m)

(1) T asks Ss to form pairs and ask each other questions based on Para. 15 using the structure . Basic Sentence Patterns

T may offer the following model: S+Vi Times flies.

Birds sing beautifully. They went on holiday She'll go swimming. S+Vt+O We like English

She wants to help him. I don't know what to do. I think he is right. S+Lv+P

The compass is mine. The secretary is efficient. The power is off.

He looks in good health. He gets excited. S+Vt+Io+Do I sent him a fax

I bought a book for Marry? 7. Words and language Points

1.What experience do you have that is relevant to this position? 2. After 10 years of hard work, he finally achieved success in his business. 3. Britain has achieved the highest rate of economic growth in Europe this year. 4. Since there are now billions of web pages, it is important to know how to search effectively for information on the web. Fortunately, some powerful online tools are there to help us

______with______ this task. The simplest way to find information on the web is to visit a special site called a ______search engine______. It is quite easy to use—you simply go to the homepage of the search engine, type a few key words ______into______ a form, click on a Search button, and then wait a few seconds for your results. The results are provided on your computer screen as a long list of ____links________ to web pages. Then you will have to look through the list to see if the links are ______relevant______ to your search. 8: Some words or expressions to drill:

1) 这一切不是一朝一夕可以实现的。(achieve) All this cannot be achieved overnight.


2) 下午六点钟左右体育馆通常很忙。(tend to)

The gym tends to get very busy at around 6 o’clock in the afternoon. 3) 这个地区现在不安全,还是远离它为好。(stay away from)

This area is not safe at the moment, so it’s better to stay away from it. 4) 就销售而言,他们是该地区五大超市之一。(in terms of)

They are one of the top five supermarkets in the area in terms of sales. Post-reading tasks:

1. Think alone: How to give an introduction for a company? (5 m)

Then T invites several Ss to give their opinions. T may sum up by this sentence – The essence of good essays is to write what one enjoys writing about.

2. T checks if Ss have done the rest of the after-text exercises in their spare time, and discuss some common errors that crop up. (15 m)

3. Do Self-study Room exercise s page 16 task 1 and task 2:

Unit Two Office

I. Reading A

1. Warming-up

①Task: Ask Ss to read Mr. Thomson’s schedule for Tuesday. Then write their schedules for today. Objective: Ss can organize their activities in one day and make a time schedule. Steps : 1> Ss read Warming-up Task.

2> Go through Mr. Thomson’s schedule with Ss 3> Allow three mins for Ss to do the task. 4> Ask some Ss to present their work.

②Task: Ask Ss to answer the following questions in group.

Table 1

What are duties for a typical secretary? √Handling correspondence √Managing a filing system √Keeping track of schedules Operating and maintaining office equipment √Dealing with phone calls Handling orders, budgeting or bookkeeping Managing training or other personnel work Table 2

Which skills are required in a good secretary? √Being skillful in managing time Understanding staff needs and solving their problems Handling customers’ complaints effectively √Being good at interpersonal relations √Being able to settle office chaos √Being skillful in handling paperwork Knowing how to deal with other companies 2. Language points Paragraph 1

A variety of: a lot of things of the same type that are different from each other in some way


E.g. The girls come from a variety of different backgrounds.

Reflect: v. to show or bw a sign of a particular situation or feeling

e.g. The low value of the dollar reflects growing concern about the us economy. Paragraph 2

Depend on: be decided by

e. g The price depends on the quality.

It depends (on) whether you want to do it or not.

Minimum: n. the smallest amount of something or number of things that is possible or necessary e.g lLooking after a cat costs a minimum of$2000a year. handle: v .to do the things that are necessary to complete a job. e.g Computers can handle huge amounts of data. My secretary will handle all the details.

Keep track of: to pay attention to someone or something so that you know what is happening to them e.g It’s difficult to keep track of all the new discoveries in medicine. Operate: v. to use and control a machine or equipment; to run e.g Mary was experienced in operating the computers. The company operates five factories.

Appropriate: adj. correct or suitable for a particular time, situation or purpose

e.g I didn’t feel that this was an appropriate tine to mention the subject of money. Deal with : to take the necessary action, especially in order to solve a problem e.g They should deal properly and fairly with any complaint. Paragraph 3

Efficient: adj. working well and effectively without wasting money or energy e.g. All staff think Maria is a very efficient secretary.

Anticipate: v. to expect that something wall happen and be ready for it e.g. It is anticipated that next year the workers, wage will increase.

Confidential: adj. spoken or written in secret and intended to be kept secret e.g. Doctors are required to keep patients, records completely confidential. Paragraph 4

Prospect. a person ,job ,plan, etc, that has good chance of success in the future; a possibility that something you hope for will happen

e.g. The manager held out bright prospects for me if I would accept of his recovery. Individual. n. one person, considered separately from the rest of the group or society e.g. It is important to know that the virus can be passed from individual.

adj. considered separately from other people or things in the same group

e.g. Each individual leaf on the tree is different .

pursue: v. to continue doing an activity or trying to achieve something over a long period of time e.g. Christine pursued her acting career with great determination. Challenging: adj. difficult in an interesting or enjoyable way e.g. teaching young children is a challenging and rewarding job. 3. Check the answers of Task 1 & Task 2 II. Reading B

In this section, T should ask Ss to learn the new words and expressions by themselves as well as the text, and then let some of Ss answer the exercises in class. According to their performance, T gives


them a score related to the total mark.. III. Listening & Speaking

In this section, Ss are asked to listen twice. After they listen to from Task1 to Task5 for the first time, they should give the answers to each of the questions. Next, T gives them the correct answers, and Ss themselves give a score of Task1 to Task 5. Finally, Ss listen to the tape intensively for the second time, and T explains the key points for some difficult statements. IV. Writing

1. Make a introduction of an Agenda.

2. Ask Ss to finish Task1 and Task2 in class and check the answers. V. Mini Project

1. This project asks Ss to design a travel route and make an itinerary (旅行计划).it helps to train Ss to be competent in travel planning .Ss compare different airlines, hotels and places of interest to decide which is the most suitable. its concept comes from real life, hence it’s authentic.

In order to complete it successfully, Ss should use the knowledge and skills they’ve learned from other activities in the unit. The sample on ss book provides an authentic travel itinerary for a three-day trip to Beijing. ss can refer to it and make their work presented in a similar form. Steps:

①Grouping. Divide the class into groups. There are several ways: ss pick up their own partners; teachers group fast learners with slow learners; ss find their partners by drawing lots.

②Defining the project. Go through the project with the class and clarify requirements. You are advised to do it after ss study Reading B.

③Timing &cooperation. Give ss the deadline for completion and guidelines on working together. Appropriate time management and job division are likely to be serious problems at the beginning, where basic instructions from the teacher should come in. as ss get used to the mini-project, they will become more experienced. Remind them that different ss have different work but everybody contributes to the project. They discuss first and then decide who will do what.

④Presentation. Ss present their evidence for completion. In this project, they need to show a written travel itinerary and explain it orally in class. Ask them to do that after they study the whole unit.

Notes: Since it takes time and efforts to complete a project, you can ask only two or three groups to do each time. Then demonstrate their work in class and give your feedback. In this way ,ss cerulean from each other.

The following websites are for your reference:

http://www.greatwalltravel.net/old/travel/travel.htm http://www.tour-beijing.com/familu/ 2. Check the answers of Language Lab VI. Self-study Room



过去 一般 **wrote 进行 *was/were writing 完成 *had written 完成进行 had been writing 6

现在 将来 **write / writes **will/shall/be going to write would/should/be going to write **am /is/are writing will/shall/be going to be writing would/should/be going to be writing **have/has written will/shall/be going to have written would/should/be going to have written *have / has been writing will/shall/be going to have been writing would/should/be going to have been writing 过去将来 In the part, T makes an analysis of each tense and gives some examples for them.( pay attention to each tense on some special conditions).

VII. Check Language Lab in class. (Notes: T ask some Ss to finish some exercises orally, and the translation exercises should be handed in and checked by T)

Homework: 1.Review the new words and expressions in Unit Two.

2.Finish Language Lab (P29-30). 3. Preview the third unit.

Unit 3 Business Meals


1. Grasp the main idea (the essence of writing is to write what one enjoys writing) and

structure of the text (narration in chronological sequence);

2. Listening strategy and methods.

2. Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;

3. Conduct a series of listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the



1. the main idea of the reading A, and readingB etc.

2.Grasp the main idea;

3.Appreciate the narrative skills demonstrated in the text;

4. Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text; Outlines:

Pre-reading tasks: Warming -up

Task 1 Complete the following table seating arrangement. Task 2: Principles of Seating Arrangement

1.Seat people who have common interests together. 2.Pair male and female guests.

3.Seat guests of honor in order. The most important person should be seated at the right hand of the host.

While-reading tasks:

1. Grasping the structure of the text (15 m)

2. Cultural background – the study of Reading A ___Deals Over Meals and the study of Reading B ___Friendship Lunch Menu(45m') 3. T explains language points and gives Ss practice. (60 m) 4. Grammatical structures (25 m)

5. T draws Ss attention to Writing Strategy in Theme-related Language Learning Tasks(12 m) 6. Synonymous words or phrases in this text (15 m)

7. T will show Ss the importance of Formal Invitation in writing. (5 m) Post-reading tasks:

1. Decide which of the following behaviors are Do’s or Don’ts for business meals according to the passage (5 m) get nervous talk too much show style and grace choose the correct silverware be a good listener talk with confidence


interrupt other people start with the nearest dinnerware 2. Business Know-how

● Give gifts during special holidays, or as ―thank-yous‖ for special invitations; ● Do not give expensive gifts;

● A small cultural gift from your country is usually appropriate; ● Package your gift nicely, with a card attached to it.

3. Do Self-study Room exercise s page 47 to page 48 : Passive Voice Time allotment: 1st period 2nd period 3rd period 4th period 5th period Pre-reading ; While-reading (text structure; cultural notes; language points) While-reading (language points, listening, grammars etc) While-reading (language points; grammatical structures) While-reading (grammatical structures; details; synonyms; coherence) Post-reading (main idea; exercises) While-reading (listening and speaking, exercises etc.) 6th period Post-reading (theme-related language learning tasks) Pre-reading tasks: Henry is retiring on Monday. Mr. Nelson, Chairman of your company, asks you to arrange the table seats for Henry’s farewell dinner. Here are some principles for arranging seats at a dinner table and the information about the guests. Principles of Seating Arrangement

1.Seat people who have common interests together. 2.Pair male and female guests.

3.Seat guests of honor in order. The most important person should be seated at the right hand of the host.

Who would you put in seats A throught E? Guest Information Henry

male, former HR Manager. Susan

female, CEO. She loves traveling. George

male, Sales Manager. David

male, Production Manager. He loves traveling. Mary

female, Customer Service Manager, a good friend of George. While-reading tasks:

1 Grasping the structure and the language points of Reading A ---Deals Over Meals (15 m): e.g. 1. I’ll entertain my friends over the weekend. 2. The child was entertaining himself with his toys. e.g. 1. They have built up a good reputation. 2. The noise built up until she couldn’t stand it any longer. e.g. 1. I only wear this suit for formal dinners.


2. Our boss is very formal; she doesn’t call anyone by their first name. e.g. I do not imply that you are wrong. e.g. Well, take it easy! It isn’t a matter of urgency. e.g. Rita’s husband is away for the week, so I think I’d better go over and keep her company.

e.g. 1. That man we met turned out to be Maria’s second cousin. 2. Don’t worry. I’m sure it will all turn out fine. e.g. It usually pays to tell the truth. e.g. I want you to be on your best behavior at Granddad’s. e.g. Dick is very knowledgeable about wines. e.g. 1. This overcoat has seen me through many severe winters. 2. He saw me through all the hard times. e.g. All teachers regard Jimmy as an intelligent student. e.g. I’ll put these bottles in the cupboard—they might come in handy someday. e.g. 1. Public figures have a duty to conduct themselves responsibly.

2.The company conducted a survey to find out what their customers think about the new product.

e.g. She was concentrating on her book and didn’t know what had happened. e.g. She was concentrating on her book and didn’t know what had happened. e.g. Doctors are the most sought-after people in the area. 3. For reading B: Friendship Lunch Menu

Task 1 Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the menu. ( ) 1. In the menu tuna fish is served as a main course.

( ) 2. Grilled steak is dressed with garlic sauce. ( ) 3. There are cakes and pies for dessert.

( ) 4. You can choose two main courses for each set lunch.

( ) 5. You can have your lunch in Coral Room or Harbor Room. Task 2: Fill in the blanks in the following menu with the given dishes. A. French Onion Soup B. Banana Pudding C. Chocolate Ice Cream D. Roast Turkey E. Strawberry Cake F. Mixed Salad G. French Steak

4. For Writing Strategy: Task1:

1. On what occasions do people send and receive invitations?

-------On many occasions people will send and receive invitations, such as a celebration, a banquet, a reception, a party, a dinner, a concert or just a football match.

2: On many occasions people will send and receive invitations, such as a celebration, a banquet, a reception, a party, a dinner, a concert or just a football match.

-------An invitation usually includes the event, date, time and place. If necessary, indicate the appropriate dress, or ask for a response by a specific date.

Task 2 Read the invitations below and complete the following statements. The dinner for ________________________ will be held at Grand Hotel.


2. Sarah invites her friends to ___________________.

3. ―RSVP‖ means ___________________________________________________. 5. Bob invites Lisa to _______________. Task3 :Formal and informal Invitations 5: Mini-project

Work in groups. Search online for the rule of table setting for a western dinner. Then set the following tableware and explain to the class. ● Work in groups;

● Search the Internet for rules of table setting;

● Pay attention to the functions of different pieces of tableware; ● Good time management and cooperation; ● In-class oral presentation.

6. Grammatical study_____Passive Voice page 47 (25 m) 7: Exercises : Task 5: Language for Lab

Translate the following into English using the given words or phrases. 1. 在工作中谨慎小心会大有裨益。(pay) It pays a lot to be careful in work.

2. 我的钱仅够在美国用一年。(see through)

I have just enough money to see me through a year in the US. 3. 结果表明他从未在那个公司工作过。(turn out)

It turned out that he had never worked in that company. 4. 瞪着眼睛看人是不礼貌的。(manners) It’s bad manners to stare at people.

5. 外面太吵,我没办法集中精神干活儿。(concentrate on) It’s too noisy outside for me to concentrate on my work. 6. 董事会选他为公司总经理。(select)

The Board of Directors selected him to be the General Manager of the company. 7. 烤鸡是这家泰国餐厅里我最喜欢的菜。(favorite)

Roast chicken is my favorite dish in this Thai restaurant. 8. 我们主菜后吃的甜点是冰淇淋。(course)

We had ice cream for dessert after the main course. 8. Post-reading tasks:

1. Decide which of the following behaviors are Do’s or Don’ts for business meals according to the passage (5 m) get nervous talk too much show style and grace choose the correct silverware be a good listener talk with confidence interrupt other people start with the nearest dinnerware 2. Business Know-how

● Give gifts during special holidays, or as ―thank-yous‖ for special invitations; ● Do not give expensive gifts;

● A small cultural gift from your country is usually appropriate; ● Package your gift nicely, with a card attached to it.

3. Think alone: How to write an formal invitation card for a company? (5 m)

Then T invites several Ss to give their opinions. T may sum up by this sentence – The essence of good essays is to write what one enjoys writing about.

4. Do Self-study Room exercises on page 48 task 1 ,task 2 and task 3


Unit Four Product


1. the main idea of the reading A, and reading B etc. 2.Grasp the main idea;

3.Appreciate the narrative skills demonstrated in the text;

4. Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text; Warming-up

Task 1 Work in pairs and discuss the following questions.

What factors do you need to consider before you buy a product? Which one is the most important for you? Why?

Before you make purchase of any product, there are some factors you should consider. ? Necessity: Do I really need this?

? Property: Do I really like this? Am I really satisfied with the quality, color, shape, packaging, etc? ? Price: Do I have any spare money right now? Is it a bargain or is it too much money? ? Brand: What brand is the best choice for my purchase? ? After-sales service: Does it come with a warranty? ? Shipment: How can it be sent to my house?

Task 2 The following sentences are often used for product introduction. Read aloud and try to memorize some.

1. This model of typewriter is efficient and endurable, economical and practical for middle school students.

2. The computer we produced is characterized by its high quality, compact-sized, energy-saving and it’s also easy-to-learn and easy-to-operate.

3. They are not only as low-priced as other makers, but they are distinctly superior in the following respects.

4. You will get a 30% increasing production upon using this machine and also it allows one person to perform the task of three persons.

5. This product will pay its own way in a year.

6. This machine will pay back your investment in 6 month.

7. The new type of suitcase card designed by our engineers is very ingenious and practical.

8. This kind of bicycle can be folded in half and handy to carry around, especially useful during traveling and traffic jams.

9. The maximum speed of this kind of variable speed bicycle is 30 K/H .

10. These machines have few breakdowns and easy to maintain because of their simple mechanical structure.

11.Compared with other brands, this kind of tire costs less per mile and wears much longer due to its topnotch rubber.

12. This kind of tire is characteristic of nonskid stop on wet road.

13. As our products have all the feature you need and 20% cheaper compared with that Japanese made, I strongly recommended to you.

14. Vacuum cleaners of this brand are competitive in the international market and are the best- selling products of their kind.

15. ―Forever‖ multiple speed racing bicycles are sure to be sellable in your market.


16. Owning to its superior quality and reasonable price our silk has met with warm reception and quick sale in most European countries.

Reading A Industrial Design

target: n. an aim; objective e.g. I’ve set myself a target of saving $200 a month. v. to make something have an effect on a particular limited group or area e.g. The advertisement was designed to target a mass audience. locate: v. to find the exact position of something

e.g. We couldn’t locate the source of the radio signal. attempt: n. an act of trying to do something

e.g. He made one last attempt at the world record.

v. to try to do something that is difficult, dangerous, etc. e.g. The book attempts to explain the origins of the war.

mass-produce: v. to produce in large numbers using machinery

e.g. Mass-produced furniture is cheaper than furniture made by hand.

vision: n. 1) imagination e.g. Have you ever had visions of great success? 2) idea e.g. She had the same vision of him as I had. 3) sight e.g. With my new glasses my vision is perfect!

a chunk of: a large piece of something that does not have an even shape; a large part or amount of something

e.g. 1. a chunk of cheese

2. A huge chunk of the audience got up and left before the show. brand-new: a. new and not yet used

e.g. She bought a brand-new car for her brother as the wedding gift. a pain in the neck: a person or thing that is very annoying

e.g. What’s wrong with Dave? He’s becoming a total pain in the neck.

enhance: v. to increase or further improve the good quality, value or status of something e.g. This is an opportunity to enhance the good reputation of the company. outweigh: v. to be more important or valuable than something else e.g. The advantages of the plan far outweigh the disadvantages.

remote: a. far away from places where other people live; far away in time e.g. 1. The farmhouse is remote from any other buildings. 2. remote database/remote access/remote control

… remote controls that look like maps of Manhattan: remote controls that are full of hard-to-find buttons, so that they are as confusing as maps of Manhattan


Product catalogs are one of the oldest forms of sales material in business. Over hundreds of years they have changed very little: basically a list of products breaks down into different categories; then for each product there is a product name, some relevant specifications or options, perhaps a description and then the price of the product.

With Internet access becoming universally available, online catalogs play an ever bigger role in today’s business. In comparison to traditional printed catalogs an online catalog is inexpensive. Also, a printed catalog can sometimes be out of date before it is even in the customer’ s hand whereas an


online catalog can be updated at any time, so that customers can always have access to the latest information.


● Work in groups;

● Refer to the sample on P59;

● Good time management and cooperation; ● In-class presentation.

Unit Five Trade

Warming-up Task 1

Objective: Ss can identify the slogans of some famous companies. Steps:

1. Ss read warming-up task 1. 2. Go through slogans a-h with Ss.

3. Ask Ss to match the slogans with the pictures. 4. Give the key.

5. Time permitting, encourage ss to brainstorm more slogans.

Background information

1. What is a slogan?

A slogan is a memorable motto or phrase used in a political , commercial , religious and other context as a repetitive expression of an idea or purpose . slogans in advertising are claimed to be the most effective means of drawing attention to one or more aspects of a product 2. Company introduction

Nike Inc. is a major publicly-traded sportswear and equipment supplier based in the United States. it is the world’s leading supplier of athletic shoes and apparel(服装) and a major manufacturer of sports equipment .

3. Apple Inc., is an American multinational corporation with a focus on designing and manufacturing consumer electronics and software products.

4. Panasonic is an international brand name for Japanese electric products manufacturer

5. Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. Under this brand Matsushita sells plasma(等离子)and LCD(Liquid Crystal Display)panels, DVD recorders and players, telephones, microwave ovens, shavers, projectors, digital cameras, batteries, laptop computers, etc. all of these are marketed under their slogan ―Ideas for Life‖.

6. Maxwell house is a brand of coffee manufactured by a like-named division of Kraft Foods. 7. Seven-- up is the brand of a soft drink.

8. Nissan Motor Co., Ltd, shortened to Nissan, is a multinational automaker headquartered in Japan. Currently it is the third largest Japanese car manufacturer.

9. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V., usually known as Philips, is one of the largest electronics companies in the world, founded and headquartered in the Netherlands. The products include consumer electronics, domestic appliances, lighting and medical systems.


Suggested Answers

A-7 B-2 C-1 D-4 E-5 F-8 G-3 H-6

Task 2

Objective: Ss can identify several kinds of advertisement media . Steps :

1. Ss read warming-up Task 2

2. Ask Ss to work in pairs and list places where they have seen or heard the slogans in Task 1 3. Get some Ss to give their answers . 4. Ask the class to add more if necessary.

5. Summarize the various media used for advertising .

Suggested Answers:Poster , newspaper , TV commercial , outdoor signs , etc .

Language Points

Paragraph 1

Regardless of: paying no attention to

e.g. The law requires equal treatment for all ,regardless of race , religion or sex . better off :in a better situation , especially in financial terms

e.g. since my husband was made the manager , we are better off .

alternative: n. something you can choose to do or use instead of something else e.g. is there an alternative to what you propose?

Make sense : to have a clear meaning and be easy to understand e.g. read this and tell me if it makes sense. Paragraph 2

Process :n. a series of actions that are done in order to achieve a particular result e.g. getting fit again has been a long slow process .

specialize(in):v. to limit all or most of your study, business, etc . to a particular subject or activity e.g. Finally Alice decided to specialize in contract law .

Consumer: n. someone who buys and uses products and services

e.g. There are a wider choice of goods for the consumers in big cities . Paragraph 3

benefit :n. something that gives you advantages or improves your life in some way e.g. This aid program will bring lasting benefits to the region.

Absolute: a. unlimited: complete: true , correct and not changing in any situation : not in comparison with other things

e.g. An absolute ruler need not ask anyone for permission to do anything. A child usually has absolute trust in his mother.

You have an absolute right to refuse medical treatment.

In absolute terms wages have risen, but not in comparison with the cost of living. Comparative: a. measured or judged by comparing

e.g. After a lifetime of poverty, his last few years were spent in comparative comfort. Legal : a. connected with or in accordance with the law e.g. Mr. Smith is my legal advisor

be inclined to : to have a tendency or wish to do something e.g. I am inclined to start at once.


Paragraph 4

Party : n. one of the people or groups involved in an argument, agreement, etc . e.g. The two parties are having difficulty agreeing with each other. Paragraph 5

Exchange: v. to give something to someone and at the same time receive the same type of thing from them

e.g. I shook hands and exchanged a few words with the manager.

n. an act of giving something to someone and receiving something else from them e.g. Would you like my old TV in exchange for this camera? Likewise: ad. The same: in a similar way

e.g. Nanny put up a hat and told the girls to do likewise.

Participate (in):v. to take part in or become involved in an activity

e.g. Everyone in the class is expected to participate actively in these discussions.


This project asks Ss to sell something directly to others. It helps Ss develop promotion strategies and persuasion competence. They should use various methods to promote a particular product and adopt different strategies to persuade people to buy it. It is actually a simulation of person-to-person sale. In order to complete it successfully, Ss should use the knowledge and skills they’ve learned from other activities in the unit. The sample on Ss, books provides a simplified promotion plan. Ss can refer to it and perform their promotion activity in a similar way. Steps:

1. Grouping. Divide the class into groups.

2. Defining the project. Go through the project with the class and clarify requirements. You are advised to do it after Ss study Reading A. Get Ss to study the points listed in Business Know-how. 3. Timing & cooperation. Give Ss the deadline for completion and guidelines on working together. Encourage them to decide first which product to sell and then assign different members different jobs.

4. Presentation. Ss present their evidence for completion. In this project, they need to perform a promotion activity in class and their classmates can take the roles of passers-by. Ask them to do it after they study the whole unit. Notes:

? Ss can put up a sign with slogans on the classroom wall and bring in the products they want to


? Ss need to introduce the products orally in class and then try to persuade their classmates to


Self—study Room Noun Clauses






它在复合句中能担任主语、宾语、表语、同位语、介词宾语等成分。依据其语法功能,名词性从句又可分为主语从句、宾语从句、同位语从句和表语从句。 教师: 同学们,今天我们学习语法——名词性从句 学生甲:老师,名词性从句是不是充当名词使用?

教师:不完全是。在英语中,能担任主语、宾语、表语、同位语的从句被称为名词性从句。名词性从句含主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。 学生乙:老师,这些语法术语原来也听到过,可从来不十分清楚。

教师:这个很自然,原来我们没有系统学习这项语法,今天我们正式学习,只要认真听讲,一定会掌握的。你们知道,火车要有火车头来引领,名词性从句也要有引领的东西;语法上叫连接词。没有火车头,火车跑不起来;同样没有连接词,名词性从句就不能存在于复合句中。学生丙: 老师, 快告诉我们哪些词可以当名词性从句中的连接词。

教师:根据名词性从句所表达意义的不同,可将名词性从句分成代表三种意义的从句,分别由不同的连接词引导,请看表。 学生丁: 老师,我看过一些语法书,在讲解名词性从句时好像没有陈述、是否、疑问这些概念。 教师:不,一般语法书没有从名词性从句表达的含义出发引出连接词,结果,造成学生们不能真正理解名词性从句的意义。我通过多年教学实践,探索出这个易于你们掌握名词性从句的途径。这样分类,既有道理又符合你们的认知水平。请看下面的三个分别表陈述、是否和疑问的从句:that he was saved;whether or not he was saved;who saved him我把上面的句子分别放到主语、宾语、表语和同位语的位置,这些句子自然就充当该成分,即生成主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句。请看具体做法:放到主语的位置(生成主语从句): That he was saved/Whether or not he was saved / Who saved him is clear. 放到宾语的位置(生成宾语从句):

I don’t know/that he was saved /whether or not he was saved /who saved him 放到表语的位置(生成表语从句):

The fact/The question is that he was saved. / whether or not he was saved. /who saved him 放到同位语的位置(生成同位语从句):

that he was saved.

We have no doubt whether or not he was save

who saved him

学生甲:老师,经您这样一讲,名词性从句一点都不困难了。可是,我们以前做的习题中,涉及到 it作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的主语从句。什么时候用it作形式主语呀? 学生乙:还有,作宾语从句的连接词that不是可以省略吗? 您怎么没有讲呀?

学生丙: 老师,那天您给我解答问题时说,同位语从句解释说明前面那个词的内容,您不是说


教师:你们说的非常好,说明你们平时学习很留心。我刚才讲的是名词性从句大的框架。你们不是都明白了吗?最基本的大框架理解了,枝节性的小问题还不好解决吗? 下面,我们就


Unit 6 Transportation


Express Mail Service (EMS) (全球邮政特快专递业务) is an international express postal service offered by postal-administration members of the Universal Postal Union (UPU), a specialized agency of the UN, which created the EMS Cooperative in 1998 to promote the harmonization and development of postal services worldwide.


FedEx Corporation (联邦国际快递) is a logistics services company based in the United States. Its current slogan is ―The World on Time‖.

China Railway Express Co., Ltd. (中铁快运) is a logistics services company in China.

United Parcel Service, Inc. (国际联合包裹运输公司), commonly referred to as UPS, is one of the world’s largest package delivery companies.

Reading A How Do We Transport Our Goods?

be characterized by: to have the character or qualities of

e.g. Your work is characterized by lack of attention to details. lie in: (of ideas, qualities, problems, etc.) to exist or be found e.g. The problem lies in deciding when to expand the business.

compare favorably with: to be better in nature or quality in relation to another e.g. She was pleased that her work compared favorably with her sister’s. bulky: a. large and difficult to move or carry e.g. Bulky items will be collected separately.

in relation to: connected with or compared with something e.g. Women’s earnings are still low in relation to men’s. what matters the most: what matters the most

e.g. What matters the most is the way you look at your life. advantageous: a. good or useful in a particular situation

e.g. A free trade agreement would be advantageous to both countries.

delivery: n. the act of taking goods, letters, etc. to a particular person or place e.g. Please pay for goods on delivery.

economical: a. not spending more money than necessary e.g. 1. A small car is more economical to run.

2. He was economical in all areas of his life.

c.f. economic: a. of or relating to the production, development and management of material wealth, as of a country, household or business enterprise; of or relating to an economy volume: n. the amount of something; the amount of space that an object takes

e.g. 1. The volume of traffic on the roads has increased dramatically in recent years. 2. The volume of the container measures 10,000 cubic meters.

maintenance: n. the act of keeping something in good condition by checking or repairing it regularly; the act of making a state or situation continue

e.g. 1. The school pays a lot of money every year for heating and the maintenance of the buildings. 2. All countries are responsible for the maintenance of international peace. give way to: to be replaced by

e.g. Excitement gave way to fear as she stepped on the stage.

spare part: a new part that one buys to replace an old or broken part of a machine, etc.

the key to...: the vital, crucial element that makes one able to understand or achieve something e.g. Working well as a team is the key to success.


Work in groups. You need to send a very urgent document to a teacher in London University. Search online for companies that offer this service. Compare their services and make a choice. Then report


the details to your class. ● Work in groups;

● Refer to the sample on Page 91;

● Compare different services and decide which offers the best value; ● In-class presentation.

Unit 7 Custormer Service


Reading A: I Really Want to Know go off: to stop

e.g. He went off driving after the accident.

deserve: v. to have earned something by good or bad actions or behavior e.g. You’ve been working all the morning—I think you deserve a rest. gain: v. to increase in weight, speed, height or value e.g. Last week I gained another five pounds.

admirable :a. having many good qualities that people respect and admire e.g. This essay is admirable in all respects.

measure: v. to judge the importance or value of something

e.g. Education shouldn’t be measured only by examination results. entire : a. whole; complete

e.g. It was the worst day in my entire life. implement: v. to take action or put into practice

e.g. We have decided to implement the president’s suggestion in full. establish: v. to start; to set up

e.g. 1. My grandfather established the family business in 1938.

2. The relationships between the two companies were established two years ago. obtain: v. to get something especially by means of effort e.g. We wish to obtain first-hand information. particular: particular

e.g. They have conducted a research in this particular field.

survey: n. a general examination or study (of conditions, opinions, etc.), especially carried out by asking people questions

e.g. A recent survey shows that many teenagers spend three hours a day playing computer games. comment: n. opinion given briefly in speech or writing about something or someone e.g. Do you have any comments to make upon my story?

fill out: to complete (a form) by answering the questions in the spaces provided e.g. Could you fill out this application form quickly?

deposit: v. to put something down in a particular place; to put money or something valuable in a bank or other places where it will be safe e.g. 1. She deposited her case in the corner.

2. You are advised to deposit your valuables in the hotel safe. think twice: to think very carefully about something

e.g. The teacher advised him to think twice before deciding to quit school. in place: in existence and ready to be used


e.g. The new regulations are now in place.

hand out: to give something to each member of a group

e.g. Could you start handing these books out, please? urge: v. to strongly advise someone to do something

e.g. Brown urged her to reconsider his decision.

distribution: n. the act of sharing things among a large group of people in a planned way e.g. The distribution of the food supplies in the earthquake area began two days ago. Conducting a Survey

● Establish the goals of the project—what to learn;

● Determine what people are targeted and how many are to be interviewed; ● Choose how to interview (face to face, telephone, etc.); ● Design the questionnaire;

● Pretest the questionnaire, if practical; ● Conduct interviews and collect data; ● Analyze the data—produce the findings. Mini-project

Work in groups. Each group asks ten students to fill in the questionnaire below about their use of mobile phones and then draft a summary of the survey results. ● Work in groups;

● Refer to the sample on Page 106;

● To do a research and then analyze the data collected; ● In-class presentation.

Unit 8 Career


1. Students learn the basic parts of a job advertisement. 2. Students can identify their preferences for future career. 3. To master new words and expressions of text A. 4. To get to know the form of writing. Warming-up Task 1

Objective: Students learn the basic parts of a job advertisement. Steps:

.Students read Warming-up Task 1

.Go through the job offer with students and ask them to match descriptions A-E with their corresponding parts 1-5 in the advertisement. .Give the key. Task 2

Objective: Students can identify their preferences for future career. Steps:

.Students read warming-up 2.

.Get students to work in pairs and discuss the question. .Ask some pairs to persent their work.


.Comment briefly on their work. Procedures: Language Points Paragraph 1

decade:n.a period of ten years

e.g.That was the first meeting between the two companies in more than a decade. Paragraph 2

relate to:to be connected with

e.g.This relate to something I mentioned earlier.

ensure:v.to make it certain that something will happen

e.g.All the necessary steps have been taken to ensure the safety of the children. His wife ensured that he took his pills every day. Paragraph 3

guarantee:v.to promise that something will certainly happen pr be done. e.g.Take this opportunity,and I guarantee you won’t regret it. Attributable to:likely to have been cased by something e.g.His death was attribtable to gunshot wounds. in demand:greatly desired

e.g.Skilled workers are in great demand in this city. Paragraph 4

expand:v.to become larger in size,number or amount,or to make something become larger e.g.The population of the town expanded rapidly in the 1990s. conscious:a.noticing or realizing something;aware

e.g.I was very conscious of the fact that I had to make a good impression. Are you conscious how people will regard such behavior? in the face of:before;in the presence of

e.g.What could he do in the face of all these diffeculties? open out:to become wider;to develop

e.g.The path opens out into a courtyard behind the houses. Business has been opening out recently Paragraph 5

Identification:n.the act or process of recognizing something

e.g.Correct indentification of consumers’ needs is important to the success of business. primarily:ad.mainly

e.g.This research is concerned primarily with prevention of the disease. assessment:n.a process of making a judgment about a person or situation e.g.What’s the CEO’s assessment of the situation?

The investigation was reopened after careful assessment of the new evidence.

Positive:a.believing that good things will happen or that a situation will get better;good,useful e.g.You’ve got to be more positive about your work.

At least something positive has come out of the satuation.

…all the education and training in the world will not get you very far …all the education and training in the world will not help you much.

e.g.With housing prices at this high level,$50,000won’t get you very far.


Business know-how

What Are Employers Looking for? Desired skills

.Interpersonal Skills .Teamwork Skills .Analytical Skills

.Oral and Written Skills .Leadership Skills .Work Experience Personal Qualities .Honesty .Motivation .Self-confidence .Enthusiasm

Reading B (Notes)

job at:A job advertisement helps employers find the kind of employees they need.It usually includes the information about the job,suchastitle,location,responsibilities,salary range and other benefits,and the minimum experience,skills and other qualifications required of the applicant. Listening & Speaking Task 1

Key: 1.B 2.C 3.D Task 2

Key: 1.F moving his career in another direction 2.F She’s glad to do so 3.T 4.T Task 3

Key :selling furniture

have to be physically strong working on weekdays

need to have driver’s license

Task 6 Key:

Interviewee Information

Name Sally Huang University(M.A) UBC

M.A. Major Education Management Current Employer Express English Current Job Secretary Task 5 ( Omitted ) Task 6 ( Omitted ) Writing

Task 1 Suggested Answers



1.A resume is a sunmary of one’s qualifications,which describes him/her and shows what he/she can do.It should make a good first impression to a potential employer.The employer will decide whether he/she is qualified or not for their position according to the resume.Also,the employer will use the resume to determine whether to bring him/her into the office for an interview.Therefore,a good resume is important in job-seeking.

2.Appearance is important,but content is even more crcial.The information in one’s resume needs to be well organized,easy to read and results-oriented.It should address the employer’s needs and show the employer how he/she will benefit.It should focus on his /her achievements and career goals…

3.A resume usually includes one’s personal information,objective,education details,work experience,skills,interest,personality,and so on. Mini-project

Work in groups,each group performs a job interview.Then the interviewers report which applicant is best qualified for the job with the help of the Observation sheet.

Tips :1.Two group members act as interviewers and the rest as interviewees.

2.Interviewees should prepare resumes and present them at the beginning of the interview. 3.Interviewers need to observe and put questions to the interviewees and fill in the observation sheet during the interview. Mini-project

This project asks students to simulate a job interview and helps them develop interview skills,The interview simulation demands students to play the roles of interviewers and interviewees’ performance and then decide who to hire with sound reasons.Interviewees need to prepare resume before participating in interviews.The whole process corresponds with what happens in the real world.So it is authentic and applicable.In order to complete it successfully,students should use the knowledge and skills they’ve learned from other activities in the unit. Self –study Room: Nonfinite Verb

一. 教学内容:

初步掌握非谓语的基本结构及用法 二. 教学重难点



非谓语分为不定式,动名词,现在分词和过去分词。(动名词和现在分词形式相同) 以下表格表示的是它们各自所能充当的成分: 成分 类别 不定式 动名词 现在分词 过去分词 主语 √ √ 宾语 √ √ 表语 √ √ √ √ 定语 √ √ √ √ 状语 √ √ √ 补语 √ √ √ 现在分词:(doing,having done,being done,having been done) 1. 现在分词在句子中做表语。(即进行时态)

如:He is playing football on the playground. I was studying English from 1991 to 1999.


2. 现在分词在句子中做定语。

如:Do you know the man speaking to my teacher?

I saw a sleeping cat when I entered the room.

3. 现在分词在句子中做状语。现在分词在句子中做状语表示在主句动作发生的同时,主语又发生的事情。

如:The boy sat there thinking about his plan. The man looked at his broken car, wondering how much it will cost to get it repaired. Having finished his breakfast, Tom went to school.

Being highly praised, he thought of another great adventure.


如:Having examined him, the doctor told him OK. Having been examined, he was told OK. 特例:不需与主句主语一致的现在分词状语有:judging from/by, generally speaking,considering,talking of,supposing,beginning等)

4. 在句子中做宾补。(以现在分词做宾补的动词主要有:mind,suggest, imagine,see, hear,feel,smell,taste,keep等)

如:Can you imagine him waiting here for another 2 hours? He suggested us going home and coming here tomorrow.

She smelt something burning. She just kept her students cleaning the classroom every day. We were suggested going home. He was seen playing the violin wonderfully. 过去分词:

1. 过去分词在句子中做表语。(即被动语态) 如:His job has been finished. She is highly praised. 2. 过去分词在句子中做定语。

如:Do you know the difference between written and spoken English?

The house with a broken window is his.

The window broken by him is being repaired now.

3. 过去分词在句子中做宾补。(接过去分词做宾补的动词主要有:get,make,have, see,hear等)

He has had/made/got his hair cut.

She saw her husband killed in the war. His hair was made cut.

She was heard awarded the Oscar award. 4. 过去分词做状语。


Permitted, he would have succeeded in doing that. 讨论:此句为什么不用having been permitted?

本句的句意是―如果当时他被允许(做这件事)的话,他本会成功的‖ 过去分词做状语可以表示条件,与if + done可以互换。


而且只有非谓语与谓语是很鲜明的先后关系时才可以用(平时很少用到) 如:Having been finished, his homework was sent to his teacher to be corrected. 如果非谓语与谓语是一般的先后关系的话,直接用过去分词即可

如:Guided by the guide, he found the place easily. Scolded by the teacher, he felt very depressed. 英语中用主动表示被动的情况


1. 在不定式做定语时,如果不定式的真正主语(未必是本句的主语)出现了的话,要 用主动语态代替被动语态。

如:I have some homework to do. I have some homework for you to do. I have some homework to be done. There is some homework to do/to be done. There is some homework for us to do. The building to be built is our new library. The building for them to build is our new library.

2. 出现在表示主语性质的形容词后面的不定式,要用主动语态代替被动语态。 如:This book is easy to read. This TV is cheap to buy.

3. 谓语动词在表示主语性质的时候,要用主动语态代替被动语态。 如:This kind of books sell well. This pen writes well.

Don’t drop the ink over your clothes. It doesn’t wash out.

4. 一些词组中的动名词的用法。(be worth doing,need/want/require/deserve) 如:The car needs/wants/requires repairing. This book deserves/is worth reading.


