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1、 It’s going to be strange and new to him for a while, so I wish you would sort of treat him gently.在一段时间里,他会感到陌生和新鲜。我希望你能对他温柔一些。

2、 You see, up to now, he’s been king of the roost and the boss of the backyard.你知道,直到现在,他还一直都是家里的小皇帝,后院的霸主。

3、 It takes faith, love, and courage to live his life in the world he has to live in.要在他必须生存的世界里生活,需要信念、爱和勇气。

4、 So, I wish you would take him by his young hand and teach him the things he needs to know.因此,世界,我希望你能牵着他的小手,教给他必须知道的事情。

5、 Teach him that for every bad man, there is a hero; that for every irresponsible politician, there is a devoted leader; that for every enemy, there is a friend.教他知道,世界上有一个恶棍,就有一个英雄;有一个奸诈的政客,就有一个富于奉献精神的领袖;有一个敌人,就有一个朋友

6、 Teach him that it is far more honorable to fail than to cheat.教他知道失败远比欺骗值得尊重。

7、 Teach him gently, World, but don’t spoil him, because only the test of fire makes fine steel.请温柔地教导他吧,世界,但不要放纵他,因为只有烈火才能炼出真金。

8、 It was rush hour and thousands of people went through the station, most of them on their way to work. 此时正值上班高峰期,上千人从地铁站穿梭,他们大多是在上班途中。

9、 Finally the mother pushed hard and the child continued to walk, turning his head all the time.后来妈妈用力推他快走,他这才继续迈步前行,并一直转身往后看。

10、During the 45 minutes the violinist played, only seven people stopped and stayed for a while. 小提琴手演奏了45分钟,期间只有七人驻足停留片刻。 11、When he finished playing and silence took over, no one noticed.演奏结束,一片寂静,没有人注意到这些。

12、No one applauded, nor was there any recognition. 没有人鼓掌,也没有任何赞赏。

13、No one knew that the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the best musicians in the world.没有人知道这个小提琴手就是世界最优秀的音乐家之一——约书亚·贝尔。

14、If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing some of the best music ever written, how many other beautiful things are we missing?

假如我们连驻足倾听世界顶级音乐家演奏最美妙乐曲的空闲都没有,我们又会错过多少美好的事物呢? 50、I asked him why he helped me.我问他为什么要帮助我。

15、The doctors at the hospital did many tests on me and discovered that part of my legs had to be cut off. 医生给我做了很多检查,认为我的腿有一部分必须截掉。 16、Afterward, I wanted to do something to help other people with cancer, so I decided to join the marathon for cancer in my district. 后来,我想为其他癌症患者做点事情,于是我决定参加我所在的区为癌症病人举办的马拉松比赛。

17、I was so excited, but nervous too, since the first time I ran, one of the screws on my right prosthesis broke. 我很兴奋,也很紧张,因为在我第一次跑步时,我右假肢上的螺丝钉断了,我担心这种事再次发生。 18、I felt great knowing that a lot of people had bet on me and that all the money was going to help people like me who fight for their lives every single day.


19、I learned that cancer doesn’t have to stop you from doing what you love, and it surely doesn’t have to kill you.


47、“In the future, when I have a career, things will tie me down. 将来,当我找到工作,就会被各种事务牵绊。 20、It’s just another obstacle, another hurdle you have to jump over, another enemy you have to defeat in order to succeed in life. 它只是另一种障碍,另一个你必须跨越的跳栏,另一个为了生活中的成功你必须战胜的敌人。

21、At that time, it was said that Michael Jordan was a flying man on the basketball court. 当时,据说乔丹是篮球场上的飞人。 22、No one can take any game for granted. 没有人把任何比赛视为理所当然。

23、The NBA keeps manufacturing both stars and exciting games, which attract thousands of fans from all over the globe. NBA不停地造就着球星和令人兴奋的比赛,这些比赛吸引着成千上万来自世界各地的球迷。 24、NBA players are free to decide which team they want to join. NBA球员可以自由选择去哪支球队。 25、Because salaries are closely connected to performances, every player is pushed to practice his basketball skills so that he becomes stronger and better. 薪金和成绩紧密相关,所以它激励每个球员加紧训练篮球技能,从而使自己变得更强、更好。

26、This is why we find the NBA games so exciting and wonderful. 这就是为什么我们感到 NBA 的比赛激动人心、精影无比的原因。

27、When I come across a good essay in reading a newspaper, I would like to cut it out and keep it. 读报时遇到一篇好文章,我总想把它剪下来收藏。

55、Siddhartha, the founder of Buddhism, practiced yogic meditation, which is still a central part of Buddhism today.


56、There is baby yoga in which infants copy the stretching poses of their mothers.

在婴儿瑜珈里,小宝宝模仿母亲做伸展运动。 57、Whatever form it may take, people today are starting to look at yoga as a way to find peace of mind. 无论形式如何,人们今天正开始视瑜伽为一种找到心灵宁静的方式。

58、It’s obvious that yoga is as useful for solving the problems of today as it was for solving the problems of 5,000 years ago. 显然,无论是用来解决当今的问题还是解决五千年前的问题,瑜珈都一样管用。

59、When I was a junior in college, I took a course on D. H. Lawrence.


60、I know this sounds stupid, but I at first thought it was about Lawrence of Arabia, the great British desert fighter.


61、I’d seen the movie, and I wanted to be him. 我看过有关他的电影,并且幻想着能成为他那样的人。 62、I went to a used bookstore to get the required novels. 我到一个旧书店去买这门课程要求阅读的小说。 63、Like a lot of college students, I bought used books hoping someone would have already underlined the important stuff.


64、I figured that I’d call her, hoping for anything from a date to copies of the papers she might have written about Lawrence.

我想了很久,觉得应该给她打电话,说不定能和她约会或是获得几份她论述劳伦斯作品的文章副本。 65、I called her, introduced myself, and told her what I


66、She was not a college student, but a retired professor of English literature.

她根本不是大学生,而是一个已退休的英国文学教授。 67、A long time later, I told her that if she’d been 20 instead of 70, I’d have asked her to marry me. 很久之后,我对她说如果她不是70岁而是20岁,我会向她求婚。

68、I saw the classic Italian film Bicycle Thieves in the late 1950s, when I was in my late teens.

在20世纪50年代末,那个我的少年时代即将结束的时候,我观看了那部经典的意大利影片《偷自行车的人》。 69、At that time, I had left school and was heading towards an unsuccessful career as an actor and theatre director.


70、There were two other films that I saw later on in the mid-1960s that had just as much of an effect. 后来,在20世纪60年代中期,我还看了其他两部对我影响深远的电影。

71、It really endorsed everything that I was trying to achieve with my own work, but hadn’t managed to.这部电影认可了我正要通过自己的努力实现但尚未实现的一切。

72、The story is just about a man and his son looking for their stolen bicycle, without which the father will lose his job.

这个故事是关于一个男人和他的儿子寻找被偷的自行车的事,没有这辆自行车这位父亲就要丢掉工作。 75、The most unfortunate people in the world are those who have never discovered how satisfying it is to read books.世界上最不幸的人是那些从未发现读书多么令人满足的人。

73、If you get the story right and the characters right, the film will say everything about the wider world. Of course, that’s what I came to understand later on.


74、All the wisdom of the ages, all the stories that have delighted mankind for centuries, are available to all of us within the covers of books, but we must know how to make use of this treasure and how to get the most from it. 人类历史的智慧,世代为人们喜爱的故事,都能从书中获得,但我们必须懂得如何利用书籍这一珍宝,如何才能从中获益最多。

76、If I am interested in people, others are interested not so much in who as in how. 如果说我感兴趣的是人,别人感兴趣的则是事。

77、The who in the books includes everybody from science fiction superman 200 centuries in the future all the way back to the first figure in history.

书里的人物,从史书上记载的第一个重要人物到科幻小说里两万年后的超人,形形色色,应有尽有。 80、Although they are separate, together they all add up to something… 尽管它们相互独立,但结合起来后便产生了意义······

78、The how covers everything from the ingenious explanations of Sherlock Holmes to the discoveries of science and ways of teaching manners to children. 书中

的事,从福尔摩斯的神妙剖析,到科学的种种发现,直至教育孩子礼仪的各种方式,五花八门,无奇不有。 79、Reading is a pleasure of the mind, which means that it is a little like a sport: Your eagerness and knowledge and quickness make you a good reader.


81、… the human problems that repeat themselves in life repeat themselves in literature, but with different solutions according to different writings at different times.

一再困扰人类生活的问题也在文学作品里反复出现,只是不同时代的著作呈现了不同的锦囊妙计。 82、Reading can only be fun if you expect it to be. 只有你期待读书给你带来乐趣,它才能真的给你乐趣。 85、Since 2004, he has been turning two-dimensional surfaces into three-dimensional sculptures…

自2004 年以来,他一直凭借自己的才华和双手,用刀、胶水将二维的平面化成三维的纸雕艺术。

83、But if you put down a book you don’t like and try another till you find one that means something to you, and then relax with it, you will almost certainly have a good time—and if you become as a result of reading, better, wiser, kinder, or more gentle, you won’t have suffered during the process.

不如放下你手中不喜欢的书,另试一本,直到你找到一本有点看头的书,心情轻松地读下去,你必能乐在其中。通过博览群书,你变得愈加高尚、聪敏、和善、温雅,那时你就不会觉得读书是份苦差事了。 84、Paper helps us keep our treasured thoughts, record our fears, and hold dear our loves and successes. 纸帮助我们保存弥足珍贵的思想,记录我们的恐惧,珍视我们的爱和成功。

86、He was schooled in Denmark and London in the fields of art and architecture.

他在丹麦和伦敦受教育,学习艺术和建筑学。 87、… but still, I have always been quite taken by the stories they tell and the sheer beauty of his designs.但是,我还是总被他作品中的故事和他设计中纯粹的美丽吸引。

88、Although some of his pieces are highly complex while others appear rather simple in design, all are impressive and rich in meaning.虽然有一些作品极其复杂,另一些设计则很简单,但是其所有作品都令人难忘,意义深远。

89、It is in the confrontation of these two worlds that these works of art become alive.”

艺术作品的活力就体现在梦想与现实的对立之中。 90、Callesen’s large-scale works are truly impressive, but I kind of prefer his delicate works on A4 paper. 卡罗森的大型作品确实让人印象深刻,但我更钟情于他用A4 纸创作的精美纸雕。

91、“… This is why we rarely notice the actual value of the A4 paper, which, I feel, we are all able to relate to in one way or another.” 因此我们极少注意到它的实际价值。我认为我们都能够以某种方式来领略这一价值 92、I glanced his way for a moment but took him for a beggar and walked on along with the crowds of people hurrying to work. 我朝他的方向瞥了一下,以为他是个乞丐,就随着行色匆匆的上班族一起走开了。

93、On my way home that afternoon, I saw the same man in the same place, lying on the ground.


94、This sick, old man must have suffered from the coldness for the whole day while sitting on the hard, uncomfortable ground. 这位生病的老人一定整日都坐在这坚硬、冰冷的地上,在严寒中忍受着煎熬。 95、Caught up in the familiar flow of people, I barely glanced at him. 人群像往常一样川流不息,我几乎看不到他,

96、I knelt down to ask if he was OK and his kind eyes looked at me.


97、Looking into his eyes, I read the mind of a proud man who didn’t like what was happening to him. 我凝视着他的眼睛,明白这个充满自尊的男人内心不愿意这样的事发生在他身上。

98、He regained consciousness, though weakly, and told me he was diabetic and it might be a good idea to call an ambulance, which I did—it was only a few minutes away.


99、Fighting back tears, I asked him his name. 我强忍泪水,问他的名字。

100、Still, I felt my heart aching for the Winter Man and for the shame that I had almost walked past another person in need.


101、His friends and he go snowboarding every weekend. 他和他的朋友们每周末都进行单板滑雪运动。 101、And it’s not for the old or the easily frightened. 它不适合老年人和容易受到惊吓的人。

102、Its philosophy is to get as close to the edge as possible.


103、Today, they want risk and excitement—the closer to the edge, the better.


104、The new equipment is so much better now that people can take more risks with much less chance of getting hurt.


105、Once you go mountain biking or snowboarding, it’s impossible to go back to bike riding or skiing. 一旦你从事了山地自行车或单板滑雪运动,你不可能再回头参加传统自行车或双板滑雪运动了。 106、While some of the ancient Chinese cultural traditions have been forgotten or are no longer observed, many of them are still remembered and have an influence on people’s everyday life. 有些古老的文化传统已被遗忘,或者不再遵循,然而也有很多文化传统依然被铭记,且影响着人们的日常生活。

107、Jade is important in China not only because of its beauty, but also for its virtues and cultural meanings.


108、The Chinese character for jade, “ 玉”, is often used in names and sayings to reflect these qualities. 姓名取字和名言佳句中也常用汉字“玉”来指代这些美德。

109、Bamboo is one of the four popular plants in China, the so-called “Four Gentlemen”.


110、However, nobody really knows where the dragon comes from. 尽管无人知晓龙的真正来历。

111、Many believe that the dragon can be traced back to the Emperor Huang, who is considered the ancestor of the Chinese people.


112、During many Chinese festivals, activities related to the dragon are held, for example, dragon dancing and dragon boat racing. 在众多的中国节日中,也有不少与龙相关的庆祝活动,如舞龙和赛龙舟。

113、The more often people see a story represented a certain way in art, the more they expect to see it be represented that way in the future. 看到以某种艺术形式展示的故事的次数越多,人们就越觉得这个故事必须以那种方式来表达。

114、The fact that they are not ready to give up habits and prejudices is the greatest obstacle to the appreciation of great works of art. 这些人不愿意放弃习惯和偏见,这是鉴赏伟大艺术作品的最大障碍。

115、Caravaggio, who was a very creative young artist, thought hard about what it must have been like when an elderly poor working man suddenly had to sit down to write a book.


116、And he painted a picture of St. Matthew with a bald head and bare dusty feet, awkwardly holding a huge volume, anxiously wrinkling his brow under the strain of writing.


拙地抱着一大本书,并因写作而焦虑地皱着眉头。 117、By his side Caravaggio painted a young angel, who seems to have just arrived from on high, and who gently guides the old man’s hand as a teacher may do with a child.


118、When Caravaggio delivered this picture to the church where it was to be placed in respect for the saint, the painting was not accepted, and Caravaggio had to try again. 卡拉瓦乔把这幅画交给了教堂,原本要通过展示这幅画来表达对圣徒尊敬之情的教堂却没有接受,卡拉瓦乔不得不再次尝试。

1、既然有时间,我可以听一会儿音乐。(a while) Since I am free, I can enjoy music for a while 2、这样的人能被称作忠实的朋友吗? (devoted) Can such a manbe called a devoted friend? 3、我们无法给爱情定价。(put a price on) It’s impossible for us to put a price on love.

4、昨天,为了检测该药品,他们在一只老鼠身上做了实验。(experiment) In order to test the drug, they did

experiments on a rat yesterday.

5、随着时间的推移,情况会改善的。(go by) With time going by. things will improve.

6、让我吃惊的是,最后竟然是我错了。(turn out) To my surprise, it turned out that I was wrong. 7、医生不得不切除了他的一条腿。(cut off) The doctor had to cut off one of his legs。 8、艾拉想要就排球赛的结果打赌。(bet) Ella wants to bet on the result of volleyball match. 9、她的声音很轻,我几乎听不见。(barely) Her voice was so low that I can barely hear.

10、球迷们批评了这支队伍的不佳表现。(performance) The fans criticized this team’s poor performance 11、我们总是把母亲的爱视作理所当然。(take sth. for granted)We always take mother’s love for granted. 12、她以自己特有的方式表达了对父母的谢意。(in sb’s own way) She expressed her thanks to her parents in her own way.

13、食品价格的猛涨引起了许多问题。(give rise to) The jump in food prices gives rise to a lot of problems. 14、她面临着一次艰难的选择:要不要接受这个工作机会。(be faced with)She was faced with a difficult

choice:whether or not to accept this job offer. 15、火灾严重破坏了他家。(damage) The fire badly damaged his house.

16、你是否能成功主要取决于你做什么和怎样做。(depend upon / on) Whether you will be successful or not largely depends on what you do and how you do it. 17、事故是在中午前不久发生的。(shortly) The accident happened shortly before noon.

18、相比过去,人们打算在旅行方面花更多钱。(intend) People intend to spend more money on traveling than in the past.

19、他没有女朋友的原因是他不想要一段给他带来束缚的关系。 (tie sb. down)The reason why he doesn’t have a girlfriend is that he didn’t want to be tied down. 20、我们应尽我们最大的努力来实现我们的梦想。(make one’s dream come true / fulfill one’s dream) We must try our best to make our dreams come true. 21、他告诉我安娜喜欢在星期天打乒乓球。(be fond of ) He told me that Anna was fond of playing table tennis on Sunday.

22、他总是向他的老师寻求帮助。(turn to) He always turns to his teacher for advice.

23、每个人生来都有追求幸福和成功的权利。(pursue) Everyone is born with the right to pursue happiness and success.

24、彭妮在阅读方面跟不上班里其他同学。(keep up with)

Penny can’t keep up with the rest of the class in reading. 25、许多家长没有时间辅导孩子。(tutor) Many parents have no time to tutor their children. 26、你不要只是谈论这件事,为什么不做点什么呢?(instead of)Why don’t you do something instead of just talking about it?

27、我们必须意识到地球的资源是有限的。(wake up to) We must wake up to the fact that the Earth’s resources are limited.

28、警察正在观察他的举动。(observe) The police is observing his actions.

29、这本小说的主题是一个中国妇女和一个美国男子的婚姻。(theme)The theme of this novel is about the marriage between a Chinese woman and an American man.

30、搬家还是不搬,我们左右为难。(dilemma) We are in a dilemma of whether to move or not.

31、所有的比赛都要根据规则来进行。(according to) All games should be played according to the rules. 32、这本书能给你用时就会通知你。(available) You will be informed when this book is available. 33、与我的房间相比,苏珊的房间就像是宫殿一样。

(compared with)

Susan’s room seemed like a palace compared with mine. 34、他觉得很难把自己的想法表达出来。(give shape to) He found it difficult to give shape to his idea 35、讨论中出现了很多问题。(arise) Many problems arise in the discussion 36、他的发言和现存的问题无关。(relate to) His speech doesn’t relate much to the current matters 37、这些房子不像市里的房子那么古老。(as… as… ) These houses aren’t as old as those in the downtown area 38、我在一些旧报纸中偶然发现了这张照片。(come


I came across the photo among some old newspapers. 39、我觉得他的粗鲁简直无法忍受。(unbearable) I find his rudeness unbearable.

40、孩子们在马戏团将会玩得很愉快。(have fun) The kids will have much fun in the circus.

41、他这样做是在冒很大的险。(take a risk) He is taking a great risk by doing so. 42、那个小孩不再喜欢游泳了。(anymore) That kid doesn’t like swimming any more. 43、人们将鸽子看作和平的象征。 People see pigeons as a symbol of peace. 44、人们认为钻石代表爱情和忠贞。

People see diamonds as a symbol of love and loyalty. 45、人们把长城看作中国的象征。

People see the Great Wall as a symbol of China. 46、美国人很喜欢熊猫,并把熊猫看作是中美友谊的纽带(link)。Americans like pandas very much and see them as the link of friendship between China and the United States.

47、这个原则牢牢扎根于中国人的思想中。(be rooted in) This principle is deeply rooted in the minds of Chinese people.

48、中国的和平发展对全世界具有重要的影响。(have an influence on)The peaceful development of China will have an important influence on the world.


的影响。(trace sth. back to) They think the style of

these paintings could be traced back to early medieval influences.

50、不能当众演说是他未来发展的最大障碍。(obstacle to)

Not being able to speak in public is the greatest obstacle to his future development.

51、我非常敬重父亲的诚实。 (respect for) I have high respect for my father’s honesty.

52、只有遵循原计划,我们才能成功。 (keep to) We will succeed only when we keep to the original plan. waving gently、often comforts those who 、her an air (感觉) of mystery、He always cheats when we、 average intelligence can also、sort of tired.、Up to now、took me by the hand、faith in their、put a price on friendship、very knowledgeable person、her fashionable clothes、really enjoyable from、Britain is changeable so、explanation believable、plays the violin、the best violinists in、He was recognized as、popular recognition、Joe prior to、our priorities are、today is an exception、him except that、Without exception he got、crying all the time、earthquakes is taken over now、show were sold out in、during the rush hour、tell me the cost of the coat、find

