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Secret Exponent Attacks on RSA-type Schemes with Moduli N = p r q

Abstract. We consider RSA-type schemes with modulus N = p r q for r ≥ 2. We present two new attacks for small secret exponent d. Both approaches are a


Metal-insulator Transition in a Pyrochlore-type Ruthenium oxide, Hg2Ru2O7

A new pyrochlore ruthenium oxide, Hg2Ru2O7 was synthesized under a high pressure of 6 GPa. In contrast to the extensively studied Ru4+ oxides, this co


Metal-insulator Transition in a Pyrochlore-type Ruthenium oxide, Hg2Ru2O7

A new pyrochlore ruthenium oxide, Hg2Ru2O7 was synthesized under a high pressure of 6 GPa. In contrast to the extensively studied Ru4+ oxides, this co


USB Type-C接口全新进击 开博尔打造全新数据线

USB Type-C接口新进击 开博尔打造全新数据线说到Type-C,手机技术宅们一定不陌生。现在使用苹果、乐视、ZUK、一加等品牌手家的用户一定都有注意到,手机数据接口和以往不一样,它就是现在时下最火的USB Type C接口。不管你认为它是多么渺小和不值钱,但它的作用的确是无法小视的。采用USB


新冀教版七年级英语下册lesson 21:What Is Your Club - Type?教

Lesson 21: What Is Your Club Type?教学案 Teaching Analysis 1. Teaching Aims ? Knowledge Section: (1)Master the following words:which, circle, add, score


冀教版英语七年级下册《Lesson 21 What Is Your Club Type》参考

Unit4 Lesson21参考教案 Teaching Analysis 1. Teaching Aims Knowledge Section (1)Master the following words:which, circle, add, score, relax, free, mind, ac


USB3.1 Type C 认证规范 USB-Port Controller Specification R1.0 21051020(1) - 图文

Release 1.0 October 20, 2015 - 1 - USB Type-C Port Controller Interface Specification Universal Serial Bus TMType-C Port Controller Interface


新冀教版七年级英语下册lesson 21:What Is Your Club - Type?教

Lesson 21: What Is Your Club Type?教学案 Teaching Analysis 1. Teaching Aims ? Knowledge Section: (1)Master the following words:which, circle, add, score


冀教版英语七年级下册《Lesson 21 What Is Your Club Type》参考教案

Unit4 Lesson21参考教案 Teaching Analysis 1. Teaching Aims Knowledge Section (1)Master the following words:which, circle, add, score, relax, free, mind, ac


Completeness Assessments for Type II API DMFs Under GDUFA二类原料药DMF在GDUFA下首次完整性审核201602

Assessments for Type II API DMFs Under GDUFAGuidance for Industry U.S. Department of Health and Human ServicesFood and Drug AdministrationCenter for

